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Library of good ORPG features

Level 6
Jan 26, 2009

Library of good ORPG features

-save code. A good ORPG have a fool-proof save/load code. http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/trigger-gui-editor-tutorials-279/save-load-compression-96568/
-loads of generic quests. E.g. Kill x monsters, collect x items, etc.
-nice abilities. E.g. Blizzard(FFORPG)http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/general-mapping-tutorials-278/creating-successful-spell-180478/
-even nicer bosses.http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/general-mapping-tutorials-278/creating-bossfight-94684/
-Nice but not overpowered items.
-Uniqueness to classes. E.g. A warrior does not DPS and a mage can't tank.
-Another genre in some major quests. E.g. a maze in a quest.
-Non-immune towns. E.g. A town can die from a raid.
-Items that Level up. http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/graveyard-209/good-way-make-orpg-135220/
-Not a copy.
-Maybe PVP?
-Unique races.
-Talent trees. Sadly, I only see this in wow and pwi.
-Quizzes in quests.
-Your imagination...:grin:
-more random stuff...
-cool cinematics.
-a nice story. Don't make it too generic...

If you have more tell me...

P.S. This is a library, a reference, something that people would like to refer when creating RPGs.
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