You know what I'll just start with my world: Vorania, a world orbiting a red dwarf star, the planet is just a bit smaller than earth (0.9 the size of earth) and it has rings around it, the inhabitants are the Vorum's, a race that looks like humans but they have horns, they have a society that is based on their magic, but there are also some that don't have any magic, the magic sides are: Fire, Earth, Water, Air and darkness, and ofcourse the none magical group, every group has its own city and traditions, The Fire group has a city that is build in the inner wals of vulcanoes, they keep the vulcano's from erupting with their magic, the Earth people build their city's in the canyon's, the water people have their city under water, the air people have floating city's and the people of darkness live underground in the everdark forrests. They had war with the Krakira for millenia, but eventiualy they have conpuerred the krakira's and build a wall of all elements (exept darkness becouse they didnt have war with the Krakira's) wich kept them appart, now they have diveloped space travel and are enabled to create wormholes, wich they learned from ancient way gates that telleported them to their moon, where they found another race, A race wich lookd simmelar to them but they had cat ears and a tail.
More to come ^^