This is a list of All (that i have remembered to record) the abilities, models, skins and icons that i have used from The Hive.
searing beam by Angel.of.Doom
Chaos Slam by Kiun
Kamehameha by Claudz
Angel by expresso
SkeletonLord by levigeorge1617
Ice Overlord by General Frank
Tigerian Slicer by General Frank
Skeleton Fire Warior Mage by HappyTauren
Spike explosion by MobKing
TornadoMissile by BurninRose
AirElemental by alfredx_sotn
CrushingWaveMissile by Callahan
ShadowInfernal by Necromancer_187
CrystalGolem by Mc !
EarthElemental by alfredx_sotn
Rock Elemental by Norinrad
Laser Beam by Don`t Arsk
Infernal by b17rider
DarkShockWave by The_Avenger's_Return
Circle of Frost by Squiggy
Hellfire Blast by Squiggy
Fire Ring by Dark_Demon_DK
Recipe Combine 1.3b by Dark_Dragon
Mortars call by Pippo
Radiation Grenage by Snaky
Magical Birds by Paladon
BTNHawkAspect by SkriK
Creep Respawn System by Dark Dragon
Illidan(Evil)X by Benny the Priestess
Spinning Masamune Missile by Kitabatake
Deadeye by JigraelE
xtremeSword by xXMephistoXx
Medic by Jigrael
Unbroken Sage by dickxunder
Carrington2k (AKA Escaper-Phoenix) -> Dins Fire06, FaroresWind
Goliath Missles , GH2 by Max666
IceBladeMissile by DonDustin
Rocket, Ancient Explosion SFX by WILLTHEALMIGHTY
Frozen Orb by Daelin
Power Orb by Kitabatake
BTNBTNColdoftheDamned by KelThuzad
Staff of Negation by Thrikodius
Fire Tornado by JetFangInferno
KeyTimers2 by Jesus4Lyf
Heat Cyclone by Daxtreme
Fire Bombs by OrkofMordor
Freezing Field 1.7b by Dark Dragon
WaterWaveingSplash v2.2 by Calex3
Water Explosion by BukiBuki
BTNSmite By KelThuzad
Dark Spellpack 1.1 by Asgard Ragna
BTNdemonicritual by LiOneSS
BTNXOverkill by X.e.r.e.X
BTNBloodSignet by KelThuzad
BTNSmite by KelThuzad
BTNArcaneBlast by KelThuzad
BTNInfection2 by KelThuzad
Big Shot v2.0 by shiggityshwa
CloudWolf - Diablo III Beta v1.17 HUD (interface look)
Cloud Wolf - Whirlwind Effects - Dragon Dance
Dan van Ohllus - White Tiger
Rmx - Fire Eruption Trap
calex3 - Water Splash v1.5
calex3 - Water Wave
Guild Wars - Guild wars icons
KelThuzad - BTNHoly
GooS - BTNMidnightGS
bigapple90 - BTNredsword4
Thanathos - Spinning Shards v0.3 (Senkimaru)
fagge - BTNLightningGlobe (Lightning Orb)
RMX - Fire Dash
CRAZYRUSSIAN - BTNBladestorm (Quick Blades)
Final credits go to the people who continuously helped with the map testing, and providing various map ideas and concepts: Snake, AssassinYK, XxTerror, Nogad, HolyShitterZ, Jaxextreme, PvP, SYUNIXT, Anom, Wario, Gannondorf and others from
If you see a spell/model/icon in this map which you beleive is your creation, and is not credited here, please contact me at
[email protected] or pm me on Hive.