Left4Dead Versus 0.95e

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About map:
I was making this map long time, but now I relase it. I hope you will have fun with this map.
There are two teams. At the beginning the first team are the people and second the special infecteds. When people reach a saferoom or if all die is change of roles. The human team plays as a zombie and zombie team plays as a people. There are four Levels, each pass twice.
Point of game
It's very simple. Human: reach the end. Zombies: kill humans using your abbilities. Every team must work together to win.

Special infected
  • Hunter - This zombie can jump for long distances and pounce on survivors
  • Smoker - With his long tongue can pull the survivors and choke them
  • Boomer - Can vomit on the survivors or explode on them to lure lots of the infected zombies
  • Tank - Occurs only at certain times. Very powerfull infected. When it hit the survivols they flies away. Same thing when it throw stone to them.
  • Witch - You can't control this zombie. She sit down on the ground and cry. When someone attack her or come too close she become angry and attack you. She incapt in first hit, so becarefull.
  • Infected - Normal zombie. Run very fast. Is dangerous in hordes.
    (Spawn system like in l4d. you can't spawn too close to the survivors)
Tier 1:
  • Submachinegun - Ligh damages and fast attack
  • Shotgun - Good damage, but slow attack (can kill special infected in one hit)
Tier 2
  • Assault Rifle - Replace of smg with more dmgs
  • Auto Shotgun - Replace of shotgun with faster attack
  • Hunting rifle - The best damages with average speed attack
  • Coctail Molotova - Burn small place (good for hordes and tank)
  • Pipebomb - Lure zombies in the range. They will attack this to the explode. (good for hordes)
  • Medkit - Restore full hp
  • Pills - Restore hp




-fixed hunter attack
-fixed suicide skill
-fixed animations
-added text when unit is incapacitated
-added text when unit use help skill
-tank is sharing when controled by cpu
-all gates work properly
-added weather effects
-fixed player stuck after hunter pounce
-bots work now when player leave
-added zombeis bots (they will spawn and attack without your control)
-fixed smoker animation
(I have lost log for version 0.94 becouse format)
-pistols fixing
-fade in the end
-fixed two hunters in one survivor
-fixed bug when survivor cant help survivor downed by hunter
-added pistols when incapabled
-improved incapable
-added ghost teleportation
-improved shoving
-improved witch
-changed helping time to 4 sec (was 2 sec)
-reduced boomer horde
-terrain fixing
-removed bug when human finish lvl and one is incapacitated
-terrain fixing
-another bug with spawning fix
-changed vomit range
-fixed some bugs with spawning zombies.
-more ammo of autoshotgun
-house in lvl 2 is no more blocked
-now zombies can see where humans are
-boomer is faster now
-fixed bug with spawning
-fixed horde in lvl2
-upgraded terrain
-fixed barrel in lvl 2
-fixed witch in range
-zombies can't start hordes now
-smoker can't pull friendly units
-fixed bug with barrel
-fixed horde in final round (team 2)
-fixed barrel in lvl 2 (for team 2)
-fixed zombies starting to witches
-fixed zombie spamming in end of lvl 2
-fixed reloading when using medkits and unlimited mekits
-added information about wrong spawning
-fixed reloading when use items
-fixed ending
-fixed shoving
-upgraded molotova coctail
-fixed the witch
-changed hotkey of the shoving
-fixed some spelling
-added witch sounds
-fixed pipebomb 2
-better witch system
-fixed ending
-fixed one hunter which not pounce
More in game

Valve for sounds
Konstrukt for smg missile
Ana for zombie skins
Paladon for jump system
Illidan(Evil)X for jeep model
Zerox for tank model
Two screenshots from game:
(was taken in demo)

left 4 dead, left4dead, valve, zombie, undead, survivols, death

Left4Dead Versus 0.95e (Map)

14:49, 13th Aug 2010 ap0calypse: Approved
For all those screenshots, gather them into one and use the hidden tag otherwise it takes up too much space. Concerning the game, your description is fantatic! You have a map preview which is always welcomed and all the technical stuff is right. The gameplay was really cool, especially as the zombies! I played on b.net and I totally smashed the humans. Just suggestions but you could add more weapons for each tier and also fix up your spelling here and there.
Level 5
Feb 9, 2009
Stop has the same hotkey as push "S" so you can't use the push hotkey... fix this

And one time when my friend startled the witch he TURNED into the witch and bugged the game o-O

Manual firing with a key like Q or F would be awesome if possible as well as having the guns firing sound from L4D.
Level 5
Feb 9, 2009
The tanks running animation is ridiculous lol.

Also maybe try to randomize where the tank spawns as well as the witch.

PLEASE fix the tank when he punches u get stuck sometimes =/ also u can melee bash the rescue boat lol... pause the rescue boat timer when the tanks spawn so multiple tanks aren't out... and 2 tanks spawned once for me at the same time o-O
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Level 12
May 30, 2009
I love the game-play and the unique spells you placed but it needs more polish and eye-candy. Try requesting models for different Infected and Special Infected. It'd be nice for the survivors to have different models too.

The big turn-off is that sometimes players, infected or survivors, don't spawn correctly. That means we're stuck in one part of the map and I would have to remake the game. Have you checked your triggers?

Also, the game concept of shooting and shoving needs something extra!

No Rating at this time.
Level 5
Jul 20, 2008
The big turn-off is that sometimes players, infected or survivors, don't spawn correctly. That means we're stuck in one part of the map and I would have to remake the game. Have you checked your triggers?

hmmm. i think you talk about elevator part where zombies stuck> just use switch and enter elevator> you will tp (I must write this in game) Can you say something more about incorrect surviviol spawn? I never find a bug with human spawning.

edit: hmm.. I think now it is fixed. Also I've added information when someone is too close to survivor for spawn, so wooden brains can understand this ;D
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Level 9
Jan 17, 2009
I haven't played this yet but IF that tank model is ripped from L4D then this will get rejected. Even If it isn't it looks out of place and should be replaced with a reduced poly count model so it fits better in the game.

NOTE I will give more feedback on this post after I test it.

Good luck with your map!
Level 12
May 30, 2009
If you're not gonna at least check what I said, just ignore it then. :slp:

More Bug* Reports:
  • Survivor death animation plays randomly sometimes for random survivor after each round
  • You have some spelling and grammatical errors, such as spelling incapacitated incorrectly.
  • You should buff the witch's damage in my opinion... incapacitating doesn't really hurt as much as the tank does, you could just help the person up and easily gun down the Witch
Level 5
Feb 9, 2009
Molotov takes 1 hour to kill the tank.. in real left 4 dead it only takes about 40 seconds to burn him out..
BOOMER HORDES NEED TO BE WEAKENED... because theres way too many zombies for just a boomer horde it looks like a super horde o-o
Level 9
Jan 17, 2009
Well i just played version .93c of this map and here are my suggestions, i didnt find any bugs.

-reset fog for humans each round, it is very easy to see where zombies will attack from and your route is much more obvious
-add more abilities for zombies, even though this would stray from the actual left 4 dead game style it can get very dull, very quick when you are playing as the same zombie type every time you spawn.
-add an option for manual attack for humans and maybe for zombies, not sure if zombies would work as well.
-add AI for leaving players, all of the zombies left on the 2nd or 3rd (cant remember) round making the game very short

ALSO, moar custom models cant hurt ;D
Level 5
Jul 20, 2008
-add AI for leaving players, all of the zombies left on the 2nd or 3rd (cant remember) round making the game very short
ALSO, moar custom models cant hurt ;D

hmmm it is hard to make zombies AI. I must make them leave human > spawn > attack, use abbilities... In this version you can share leavers, but if everyone from one team leave game have no sense.

More models... Maybe I will add models but i want to keep map size.
Level 5
Feb 9, 2009
IDK if I mentioned this before or if you fixed it, but before molotovs used to deal so little damage over time!!!! in real left 4 dead they burned out after around 40-50 seconds in this map.. it takes an hour! I'm not sure if you upgraded its damage because that was a long time ago when I played this right after u made coctails do damage over time.
Level 5
Jul 20, 2008
IDK if I mentioned this before or if you fixed it, but before molotovs used to deal so little damage over time!!!! in real left 4 dead they burned out after around 40-50 seconds in this map.. it takes an hour! I'm not sure if you upgraded its damage because that was a long time ago when I played this right after u made coctails do damage over time.

I have changed damages of molotova from 10dmg/s to 15dmg/s. It will be to easy to kill tank if it will have more dmgs

EDIT: Next version I will change spawn system. Zombies will spawn in 15-25 seconds not "every" 30 second (when you can spawn after 1 second)" I mean will be 4 timers for spawn not 1
Level 31
May 3, 2008
I have changed damages of molotova from 10dmg/s to 15dmg/s. It will be to easy to kill tank if it will have more dmgs

In the left 4 dead, tank are easy to be killed. For your information, tank movement speed are reduce by 50% at versus mode when they get burn by molotov.

At cooperate mode, the movement speed was increase by 50%. Of course, the fire effect was gone if there is a rain or the tank walking around the water.

BOOMER HORDES NEED TO BE WEAKENED... because theres way too many zombies for just a boomer horde it looks like a super horde o-o

In some parts of the map, when boomer vomits is too many zombies. You are true. I wil fix this.

It is not true, valve have set the amount of zombies spawn by boomer in a limit. If you view the console command, you would have notice the limitation in it.

The limit of zombies spawn was the same all the way as far as it was concern regarding the boomer vomit.

Only thing such as trap like car alarm, they probably spawn 80-120 zombies. But they do not spawn all at once cause of the limit of zombies permitted in the map.

So, assume if the amount of zombie was limited to 40 zombies in the map at once. That's mean the trap would not spawn the rest of the 80 zombies till the rest of the 40 was dead.

Of course, once the first waves was dead. There is a delay of 5-10 seconds for the second waves to approach. If you play l4d quite frequent enough, you could notice it.

Assault Rifle - Replace of smg with more dmgs
Auto Shotgun - Replace of shotgun with faster attack
Hunting rifle - The best damages with average speed attack

This is not true. The hunting rifle have a firing speed as fast as auto shotgun does. The only difference is how the hunting rifle and auto shotgun assault the zombie.

P/S : Tank are piece of cake at versus mode if you know what to do. It usually took about 15 seconds to took down a tank.

At left 4 dead 2, 5-10 seconds could turn a tank into a paper shredder.
Level 1
Feb 8, 2010

Hi, i am creating a map that has some l4d units and i was wondering if you could get me the skins that you used and any other useful things you used (spells, etc...) plz let me know something.
Level 5
Aug 19, 2007
Few suggestions for the map. In l4d infected just dropped like flies in 1 hit and it was the amount and speed that made them deadly. I think a hunter in mid air should get some kind of invasion buff to imitate how hard they are to hit while in mid air. Weapons having varying range would be nice. Make it so the shove can detach tongues. I think items appear too infrequent more might make balance it more for the survivors. It would be cool if you added in some of the left4dead 2 special infected or possibly make your own?
Level 5
Feb 9, 2009
The tank is mean't to die fast like it does in l4d from the molotov dude, also make the common slow you so people don't rush the map.

Suggestions for the weapons.

• Sniper give you more range.

• Shotguns actually having a lot of splash instead of that shitty splash it has now.
Level 3
Aug 11, 2008
If im not wrong, i would like to kinda revive the topic here cause this game is very close to finishing. Althought the game state versus, i reckon the zombie ai is great enough so as to have only Real players vs AI Zombies, which seems to be the problem as whenever i want to play as friends vs AI we have to kill the "afking" humans to start the next round.
Another thing is the weapons seems kinda similar in attack, only damage and ammo difference, which is not that that nice either.
Lastly, if there would be difficulty added, such as hp of zombies and damage done to humans, it would gladly make this game perfect and done.
To satisfy me only thou, dunno about the rest :) But i think im reasonable XD Just fulfill the first 2 tasks. Rest is extra lol.
1)Add a mode where humans are allowed to play with AI and continue the next stage
2)Change weapon animation, like those in custom wc3 counter-strike maps. Especially the shotgun which ain't no different then the submachine gun, much less like a shotgun -.-
3) Add difficulty. Not really important thou since its really kinda difficult already. Me and my friends made a team and lost to AI, which we underestimated them XD.
3)Wouldn't hurt to change the human skins if you have the time. They look similar, but able to differentiate through the difference in colour. Im fine with the special zombie skins. Simple basic skins, but yet fits the picture. Execpt boomer thou, nids green skin, kinda obvious to spot. X_X
Level 5
Feb 9, 2009
I didn't play the new version but if you didn't give the common infected a slow when they punch you then the map is still too easy as survivors since u can just run nonstop especially past tanks in the real l4d common slow you for a little bit move speed wise by a lot. Molotov's need to kill tanks within like 30 seconds if you still didn't make them a lot more powerful as I suggested before. Make shotguns have more splash so they're like real shotguns as well as making the sniper penetrate through everything do all of this and the map will be just like left 4 dead!
Level 9
Apr 23, 2011
i have found a map with l4d sounds, check it out and ask permission from X-OOM to get the sounds and put it here.

oh and please make a seperate hero for each survivor for difference. :)) and make the survivors randomly picked for new chances(if u did this).