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Left 4 Dead: High Point [v0.91]

This map is based on Valve’s Left 4 Dead game, and is designed specially to give players an almost identical experience to the original game itself. Due to how Warcraft III is a RTS game itself, this map certainly brings a slight difference in the gameplay of L4D.

If you like this map, please visit my BLOG and leave a comment at the chatbox!
You can also get all my latest maps in my blog. There will be a Downloads page, accessible through the sidebar of the blog. Thank you!

|About The Map|
Gametype: Co-operative / Survival
Maximum Players: 4
Language: English
Main-Feature: L4D Zombie Apocolypse



Working alarmed cars as seen in L4D.


Shoot waves of Infected and go through challenging levels.


Might wanna camp in rooms just like in L4D so you won't get pwned from all directions.


Being pounced by a Hunter. All Special Infected work exactly like the ones in L4D.


Typical Boomer + Smoker combo.


Just wanted to show the Witch being startled.


Tank just incapped Francis. Shootin' it down.


If you want to find a map so identical to L4D, this is the one. Even the molotov burns just like in L4D.

Video Preview:

If it's too blurry, try watching in 480p.

- Designed to be almost identical to L4D itself.
- 5 Levels: 4 Levels of Travelling and 1 Rescue Finale.
- Has all Special Infected which are the Boomer, Smoker, Hunter, Tank and Witch.
- Contains Tier 1 & 2 Weapons and all items as seen in L4D itself.
- 3 difficulties to choose from which are Normal, Advanced and Expert.
- Openable and closeable doors and rooms for cover.
- Random spawn points for all items, weapons and even Special Infected (ambush spots)
- Working systems such as Incap System made very similar to L4D.
- AI support for Survivors.

- With a survivor team of 4, travel and reach safehouses at every level to win.
- If you are dead, you have to wait for the team to reach a safehouse to respawn.
- If all 4 survivors are dead, the game is over.
- Hotkeys should be used as controls which are simple to use and explained in game.
- When a survivor’s HP initially reaches 0, he/she will be incapacitated and needs a player to revive them.
- Incapacitated players cannot move and can only fire their pistol.
- If you are incapacitated more than 3 times, you will die instantly.
- Press W to Melee nearby Infected to knock them back and stun them a while.
- Meleeing can save survivors from Hunters and Smokers too.
- Flashlights give a very small bonus sight range, but attracts nearby Infected.
- Do not shoot or walk too close to alarmed cars as they will attract the horde.
- Hide in rooms so that the Infected will come in only one direction which makes them easier to deal with.
- Use molotovs and pipe bombs to quickly kill Common Infected.
- Explore rooms to find useful items!

What’s Different?:
1. No Dual Pistols
- This map does not include dual pistols as I did not think it was necessary yet. Maybe in future versions?

2. Perks System
- Due to how L4D is a FPS and accuracy is based on players’ skills and so on, I decided to add perks for the player to level in order to increase weapon accuracy. There are up to 11 perks to choose from and they all benefit the player slightly.

3. Tank No Rock Throw
- Due to how the map is not spacious enough, the Tank doesn’t have the ability to throw rocks. However, Tanks have a fairly good movement speed and will eventually catch up to the player. They also can hit cars!

4. Melee is Target-Based
- L4D is a FPS, and therefore you can aim and Melee wherever you want. In WC3, I just find it hard to angle the survivor and Melee someone I want to Melee! So Melee is a target-based skill, and not just a right-click spam-fest kind of skill.

Known Issues (Having Problems Fixing Them):
1. Smoker Pull Reaction
- Just like L4D, the player is given some time to react when they have been pulled by a Smoker. However, with a looping trigger that keeps moving the player, it seems that the player cannot do anything in that period of time! After several tests, it seems that the player can fire if…

a) They fire at the moment they’re being pulled. This will then allow them to freely fire after that.

b) They are facing in the same direction which they are being pulled. This is probably due to a turn rate problem.

Don’t know how to fix this, seems to be WC3’s nature.

2. Boomer Vomit Lag
- Some players seem to face a lot of lag when Boomer vomits. This seems to be a very mysterious case because they do not face any lag when Boomer explodes. The thing is, the Boomer Vomit trigger and Boomer Explode trigger is like 95% identical. So if the vomit lags, the exploding should lag too. But this is not the case! I’ll post up the triggers some day and see if anyone knows what went wrong.

3. Weapon System Leak
- I am having troubles fixing Point leaks in the Weapon System. Please play my map and see how it works, then you can go to this link and reply to suggest a fix.


CREDITS to BlackStan, GoldWolf, Kofi_Banan, chilla_killa, PrinceOfFame, darkdeathknight, HappyTauren, Illidan(Evil)X, 3rgtyr54, Firelord213, BlackSebastian, SD_Ryoko, Mechanical Man, NuevoEvo, Huinipatchutli, iron_warrior, Aldane, KyosukeEXRuleZ, MGS4 and Valve.


- Fixed Boomer's Unlimited Horde
- Fixed Pill's Magical Heal bug.
- Added "/blood (on/off)" for Infected bloody death.
- Added "/noisymusic" to turn off the damn horde music. Use ONLY WHEN you face this problem where the music won't stop.

L4D, Left, Dead, Zoey, Bill, Francis, Louis, Zombie, Infected, Special, Witch, Finale, Horde, Fun, Epic

Left 4 Dead: High Point [v0.91] (Map)

09:20, 25th Jun 2011 -Kobas-: Status: Approved Comment
Level 4
Sep 19, 2008
I forgot to mention that it is best for you to CLOSE or OPEN the slot instead of putting a Computer player to fill the slots if you want AI. If it's Computer, then they will randomly heal themselves even if they're not that injured. If anyone knows a way to disable this kind of WC3 AI taking over the units, please let me know! =)
Level 4
Sep 19, 2008
Thanks for the swift reply. I've already ticked the Fixed Player Settings, Use Custom Forces and so on. These options only set the player's properties (controller, alliance and so on) but it doesn't seem to affect WC3'S AI in automatically using the Medkit =P

Is there any trigger command or anything I can set that would disable the default AI?
Level 2
Jan 9, 2009
This seems to be a great map, I've only seen the screenshots but the map description is complete!

I vote for approval :O
Level 7
Jan 9, 2010
VERY impressive.i liked just about everything about this map...you certainly succeeded in making this "an almost identical experience to the original game itself"

hey i just thought of something...could you make some blood and gore effects? like when u shoot a zombie it sprays blood...
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Level 3
Jul 22, 2010
There's a big giant problem in this game:

After the game starts, I pick my weapon and ok when its going to start everything, the game freezes my computer and i need to reboot it, fix it man please

My computer crashed 3x and i tried 3x

When i play alone when it starts it gives a GIANT lag and after it crashes my computer , I think it's because of this that is crashing my computer

Try to do something please =z
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Level 7
Jan 9, 2010
List of things that could make this map better (i think):

-a "checkpoint" system,so you dont have to restart the whole game when you die but load from last checkpoint
-blood,gore (i already mentioned)
-more custom models
-realistic inventory (when you pick up a gun you can see it on your hero)
-if i get incapacitated,and accidentally click on something other than my survivor i cant use pistol anymore
-more epic win! :D

thats all i can think of right now...keep up the good work
Level 5
Feb 9, 2009
Make it so when you get some one up it stops their health from degenerating like in the real left 4 dead.

Make the sniper have more range.

Make an achievement to make it through a stage without getting hit!

You sure the cars can kill you when the tank throws them? He doesn't seem very accurate with them sometimes.

Never seen pills yet and only molotov at the last level make them appear in rooms more maybe make them say pills here?

Make shotguns hurt more <.<

I've seen a tank skin before in a map called Left 4 Dead Versus you should use it.

More perks!

Make the zombies deal damage like they do in l4d as they seem to deal a lot more then they would normally also if u take damage from the behind u take half the damage in l4d its like 10 dmg normally on advanced 20 on expert I think.
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Level 4
Sep 19, 2008
@TheCloust: I seriously can't find anything in this game that causes the game to freeze or have a GIANT lag apart from Boomer's Vomit which has been mentioned here.

@frostloh: Checkpoint system is alright, will do it in the next version. This version did not include checkpoints because I figured this map is actually quite small. However, it took me and my friends about 30-40mins to complete it, which is almost like DotA and to me, that's long. So I'll probably do it. The inventory DOES have the guns and items shown when you pick it up. And if you get incapped, click on your unit again to shoot again...this one's kinda debatable because some players might wanna select other units to see their HP and stuff like that.

@supertoinks: Again, I seriously couldn't find anything that causes this lag for you. Me and my fellow testers did not face any other lag apart from Boomer's Vomit. The Smoker's spell is too simple to cause lag...it's just a lightning effect and a periodic move trigger.

@xzero: Ahh yes, good point. I'll do it in the next version. As for the sniper, further range can be achieved using the Bullet Projection perk. The reason why I'm doing this is because, me and my fellow testers used sniper, and with over 1000 range, we could just spam the area in front of us and the zombies will all die. So it wasn't a good idea after all.

Thanks for all criticism and replies, I appreciate all of your suggestions.

EDIT: If you're thinking that leaks are the cause of the lag...that's not the case. I tried to fix every possible leak I could find such as Point, Player Group, Unit Group and Special Effect leaks. The only leak which I had trouble fixing is the leak in the Weapon System. You can probably only feel the lag when you're around like... Level 4? I don't know, but it didn't seem pretty laggy to any of my testers besides the Boomer Vomit.
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Level 7
Jan 9, 2010
@frostloh: Checkpoint system is alright, will do it in the next version. This version did not include checkpoints because I figured this map is actually quite small. However, it took me and my friends about 30-40mins to complete it, which is almost like DotA and to me, that's long. So I'll probably do it. The inventory DOES have the guns and items shown when you pick it up. And if you get incapped, click on your unit again to shoot again...this one's kinda debatable because some players might wanna select other units to see their HP and stuff like that.

no,i mean when you equip the weapon it will actually appear on your survivor...
Level 4
Sep 19, 2008
Make it so when you get some one up it stops their health from degenerating like in the real left 4 dead.

Make the sniper have more range.

Make an achievement to make it through a stage without getting hit!

You sure the cars can kill you when the tank throws them? He doesn't seem very accurate with them sometimes.

Never seen pills yet and only molotov at the last level make them appear in rooms more maybe make them say pills here?

Make shotguns hurt more <.<

I've seen a tank skin before in a map called Left 4 Dead Versus you should use it.

More perks!

The cars can kill you, I've tested it before. Only a direct hit will incap you immediately, but I actually tried escaping that and grazed a little..which takes a little of my HP. It's better than completely being incapped with just a little contact...I think? Yeah, I didn't make the Tank to line himself up and hit cars directly at players, I just let him randomly hit cars he sees (like l4d AI) so he acts like a real angry Tank, rushing his way through everything...but the smile on his face (Mountain Giant) just takes away that feeling...so I'll try to use the tank skin you mentioned. Maybe I could add some camera shake for his footsteps too.

Lol items do spawn randomly in rooms, they have a small percent chance. Take note that you can Melee destructibles (Barrels, Crates) to find items as well! A little Warcraft feel in L4D gameplay ^_^ Try to look for every corner as well, they appear in corners and even in the middle of nowhere, not only in rooms!

Lastly, Shotguns are nerfed that way to be used in conjunction with Choke Point/Bullet Projection perk. Using shotgun without perks deal quite good damage as well, it can actually one hit kill Common Infected at point blank range. It kills alot of the zombies when they pile up on to you. With further testing along with my testers, the damage now seems to be the best.
Level 3
Jul 22, 2010
sorry man, i can't aprove this because i can't play, the guy up there said about lag in smoker and boomer.

Maybe this lag is caused by too many units or something in the same time, it would be better if when 10 zombies are killed create more 10 zombies and etc..

I could see that's a nice game but i still can't play it =\
Level 7
Jan 9, 2010
i found a bug or something that makes the "zombie horde" music loop over and over in part 2 right after you emerge from the sewers,go right then up on the street.at that point a horde of zombies comes out and after i kill them all the music kept looping and was hella noisy...and at the third part after i killed a boomer there was somehow an INFINITE spawn of zombies that kept coming at me and my team until we ran out of ammo and died
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Level 4
Sep 19, 2008
@TheCloust: I would really like to fix the lag as well, but I don't know the cause. One of my beta testers had a P4 processor, 256MB RAM and Nvidia FX5200 graphics card, but he had no lag except with the Boomer's Vomit. This is probably a hardware issue though, I have a friend who has an ATI Radeon HD5570 but crashes just like you said. Are you using an ATI card as well? Maybe there's a model/doodad in the map that ATI cards can't handle. Please understand that it is hard for me to troubleshoot because I simply don't experience this problem!

@frostloh: Alright sure, I'll look into it as soon as possible. Thanks! Oh, and...did you use cheats for the Boomer part? =P
Level 5
Feb 9, 2009
I never have a problem with lag, shotguns don't one shot like they should tho I had all the perks for the shotty and it didn't one shot at point blank brought them to 20 percent hp.

And what about adding the pills here sound whenever you spot pills or take them?
Level 4
Sep 19, 2008
@xzero: Yeah, Pump Action Shotguns are like that...its because of the spread, so I nerfed the damage. If you increase Choke Point, then you'll get smaller spread, but higher damage (you'll deal a maximum of 45-60 damage). The main reason for the wide spread is to cover a big bunch of Infected when they're close. So picture that if you have one more survivor with you that has Pump Action Shotgun, and a big bunch of Infected piles up in front of you guys. Both of you just have to shoot once and you'll kill like 10-15 infected.

Because WC3 is not FPS, when I set the damage higher, it basically becomes imba because you have 4 survivors. I also want to maintain the idea of having proper teamwork in L4D. So it's all for the sake of balancing and teamwork. If you need a one-shot kill shotgun, the Automatic is the one to go. It might spawn in Level 2 or 3, but on Level 4 onwards you're sure to have it.

And the Pills Here thing...alright, will do in the next version. Anyhow, the Pump Action SHOULD kill infected with one shot at point-blank because the damage is 15 per pellet, and it is triggered to do 3x damage in close range, which will be 45 like..for sure? and with Choke Point Level 3, +15 dmg to the trigger, it will be total of 60. I tested it and had no problems...maybe you should try again?

EDIT: I just tried it again just now. I could one-shot kill Infected with the Pump Action Shotgun at point blank range even without the perk.
Level 4
Sep 19, 2008
@mckill2009: Yeah, both computer and the map would be a factor, since my map works in different PCs without any lag at all, some lags when there's Boomer horde and a very small handful of PCs just crash when loading the map. I seriously don't know what's the cause of this, and it would be difficult to find the root of the problem.

I'll set Can Flee to False in the next version. ^_^

EDIT: I uploaded a video on the gameplay. It's for all to see how the game is like (especially for those who lag terribly/can't play)...just a little preview. It's a little bit blur if you don't view it on 480p, so...sorry 'bout that.

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Level 4
Sep 19, 2008
Ahh, I guess my map is still not too stable. It seems to work differently for different players for some reason.

If you're playing with bots, you can try "/warp" command while in the saferoom, even if they died.

You can try that, and if you still experience it, please tell me. Right now I'm quite busy with my other projects, so I won't be updating any time soon. If there is a bug that doesn't allow you to continue the game no matter what, then I will attend to that as soon as possible.
Level 22
Feb 3, 2009
Review by Ironside

Positive features:

- Good terrain
- Fun map
- Original idea with the abilities and weapons
- Sounds make this game far more fun to play than it would it without

Negative features:

Additional Information / Conclusion:

I didn't really find any bad points about the map. Good Luck.

Rating: 5/5
Vote for:

Level 4
Sep 9, 2007
Pretty good map. A few annoyances, though: was unable to revive Bill - even though no special infected were on him. Would just say "Unable to revive Bill". Also, cooldown on firing weapons = horrible idea. If you try to spam fire with a gun that has cooldown, you end up simply clicking on the enemy unit instead of firing. Really annoying. Made me and my friends lose on very last part when trying to kill a tank, as I accidentally picked up a Hunting rifle that had gigantic cooldown and ended up losing control of my unit and getting my face smashed in by the tank.