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Learn English!

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Level 11
Dec 2, 2007
Good day gentle users of the Hive Workshop.

I sit here, and I browse though the threads that interest me, and I see only a few posts in there that are written in good English. Most of it is pretty understandable, I admit, but only a few are good.

I fear that I will be severely flamed by people who come from countries where English is not the primary language, but mind that I myself live in Sweden.

Please, just learn smurfing English if you are going to post in international forums in English, so that you will not be an annoyance.
Level 14
Dec 9, 2006
Hm, this post somewhat confuses me. "I fear that I will be severely flamed by people that do not come from countries that in which English is not the most commonly spoken language". That was stated unnecessarily long, and tripped me up. You should have said “I fear that I will be severely flamed by people who come from countries where English is the primary language.” What you stated before was a tongue sore.

Actually, I think you worded it wrong, and it broadcasted something you didn’t mean to. I think you meant “I will be severely flamed by people who come from countries where English is not a commonly spoken language.”

I do not mind people who use a less than wanted level of grammar. The people who are an annoyance are those who over use computer chat and put a “Z” instead of an “S”.

“Lolz, canz I pl3ase beez in you Mapz0rs”

Bad, I hate it.

Level 35
Dec 10, 2007
-Something Else-

It is very rare for users who come from non-english speaking countries to speak english on a native level. imo, it's more than enough to speak english in a way everyone can undertand you.

btw, how do you want to check who speaks english? Should people scan their ID-card or Advanced Langauge exam?
Well, you can't fight it. It is internet retardation. While there are people who (really) know no better than leetspeak, there are also people who can talk fluent and good English, yet they just don't do that, like me, for example. However, I hate people who use leetspeak (noob ones). Because, being from a country where English isn't prime language is one thing, and going completely retarded, is another. Compare "Hello to users of site. I are new my english isnt very good." to "OMFG HAI DOODZ LIEK SRSLY DIS SITE IS AWZUMNZ AND LIEK MY ELGISH R BAD SRY 4 DAT :INFERNAL SMILEY SPAM:". Well, rant ends here.
Level 11
Dec 2, 2007
I listened to your advice, Asomath, and spoke of primary language instead of "most commonly spoken", but I think that people will be upset, and say that learning English is difficult when you don't learn it from a very young age, and go on about how ignorant and intolerant I am.
Level 9
Oct 7, 2007
We're not asking for people to speak perfect English; we're asking them to type it. That's much easier, in my opinion. Basic command of English is needed on a site's forums which have English as the primary language. If you know how to speak correctly, why are you typing like you don't?
Level 21
Aug 9, 2006
I, for example got english not as native, My english is understandable, but not at the level of a native speaker, but you can't say that those people like shouldn't enter this site or something, it is dependant on their schoolish knowledge. I know that my english is shitty, but whatever, I can code good, I love to map, why should I listen to a prick like YOU that i shouldn't enter a international modding site?

Damn, thats kind of dumb, seriously, because, INTERNATIONAL means, ALL NATIONS can be here...
Level 11
Dec 2, 2007
It is not like I am some kind of spelling fascist, everyone makes mistakes. But sometimes, I get really annoyed by posts that are barely understandable, from people I think could learn the language better, if they put a little effort in it. And redscores, your English looks perfectly fine to me. If everyone typed like redscores, the Internet would be a much better place, IMO. But people who type like a four-year old should put at least a little effort in learning it a bit better.
Level 21
Aug 21, 2005
Level 14
Dec 9, 2006
I re-read my posts three times before I post it. However, I do not mind those who come in from other countries, since this is an international site. I just want them to comprehend a basic level of English before posting. Though, I do not tolerate the form of English that is occasionally posted in a degenerative form.

1= an “L” or an Exclamation Point
3= an “E”
7= a “T”
0= an “O”
D= a “T”
Z= an “S”, and must come after every other word.
N= is a silent sound that must be in every other word.
E= is an unnecessary vowel, that must be taken out of every other word.

This language is not permitted by me. The ONLY way this is permitted by me is if it used to make fun of that very language (Happy Tauren’s fun). No other exceptions!


P.S. Redscores, I did not know you were in a country which did not speak English as their primary language until you told me.
Level 35
May 22, 2007
Elenai said:
My skill with the Anglo-Saxon language known as "English", is indeed a paragon example of one who has a firm grasp of its grammar, sentence structure, and vocabulary.

I am also a highly praised linguist, when I am studiously labouring in the arts of English oratory presentation, and the lore of writing poetry or prose.

lol, I makez s3ntenz
Last edited:
Level 14
Dec 9, 2006
My skill with the Anglo-Saxon language known as "English" is indeed a paragon example of one who has a firm grasp of its grammar, sentence structure, and vocabulary.

I am also a highly praised linguist, when I am studiously laboring in the arts of English oratory presentation and the lore or writing poetry or prose.

Your sentences are now fixed. You had several comma errors in your sentences. You also had some spelling errors.

"I makez ze true s3ntenzes"
Level 14
Dec 9, 2006
Yes your quite right. You made no spelling errors. Its just that I don't put a "U" in my "laboring". However, you can, and it still has the same meaning.

You would not include a comma after "English". To make it correct, you would either have to add a comma after “language”, or you would take the comma after “English” out.

"I am also a highly praised linguist, when I am studiously labouring in the arts of English oratory presentation, and the lore of writing poetry or prose."

You can either take out the comma or leave it in. Both ways make sense and are correct. I am not sure what the rule for that is though.

Level 10
Jan 5, 2007
I generally try to word my sentences in a way that people can understand. While I am all for the correct use of the English language, and encourage its use in appropriate situations, I can also endure the use of poor English, as well as that of "leet speak", to a certain degree, but only because I am able to read them, generally. Poor English, in my opinion, can be forgiven in cases where the typer is not a native speaker of English, as long as it seems that adequate effort has been put into the attempt.

I am a bit of a "grammar nazi" sometimes, I suppose. When sending text messages to my friends in real life, I tend to favour full use of words, punctuation and capitalisation, though I am not above using contractions such as "don't" and "can't" and "they're". I also find that I only tend to communicate via text message with people who at least attempt to reply in english and not "txt language". I do occasionally make accidental spelling errors, and when I do I often attempt to correct myself. Generally, if you observe many spelling errors in something said by me, or you see me communicating in poor english or "leet speak", it is merely me trying and failing to be witty.
Level 5
Jun 22, 2008

We're not asking for people to speak perfect English; we're asking them to type it. That's much easier, in my opinion. Basic command of English is needed on a site's forums which have English as the primary language. If you know how to speak correctly, why are you typing like you don't?

Bovine is right..They are not asking for people to speak PERFECT English..Sometimes they have typo or sometimes they only know FEW ENGLISH words..Like me...Sometimes i misspelled a thing..But its more annoying the words used in Numbers..-Or Codes- like this.

Inglish? like : h1 c4n 1 h4v3 1t3m5 ?

Hidden wont work..
Level 10
Jun 16, 2007
English is way overrated, I understand you want people talking English to you, but why would I give a crap if anyone can understand what I'm saying besides the person I'm talking to, then who are you to tell me to speak a different language so you can eavesdrop on me? If I join a channel and just randomly start speaking a different language, that is dumb and annoying of course.
Level 7
Apr 26, 2007
Level 17
Nov 26, 2007
I'm sure a lot of people can talk/write/read English just fine, but who the fuck bothers with grammar and spelling on a Warcraft III modding community forum?

FFS you fucking grammar Nazis, piss off.

zomg I beter spell check my postz to impres some1 who wunt perfact english
Level 17
May 6, 2008
I'm sure a lot of people can talk/write/read English just fine, but who the fuck bothers with grammar and spelling on a Warcraft III modding community forum?

FFS you fucking grammar Nazis, piss off.

zomg I beter spell check my postz to impres some1 who wunt perfact english
no u.
Level 10
Jan 5, 2007
I'm sure a lot of people can talk/write/read English just fine, but who the fuck bothers with grammar and spelling on a Warcraft III modding community forum?

FFS you fucking grammar Nazis, piss off.

zomg I beter spell check my postz to impres some1 who wunt perfact english

Who the fuck uses spell check? Honestly. Though I suppose for some people it probably couldn't hurt...

People bother with grammar and spelling because they want to be understood. The English language can easily be misinterpreted WITHOUT bad grammar, and with bad grammar it can become even more difficult to interpret. Generally, good spelling and grammar are bothered with on this Warcraft III modding community forum by some few people because otherwise nobody would have a clue about what anybody else was talking about. What's the point in saying something or asking for something if nobody can read what the hell you're trying to say?
Level 17
Nov 26, 2007
People bother with grammar and spelling because they want to be understood. The English language can easily be misinterpreted WITHOUT bad grammar, and with bad grammar it can become even more difficult to interpret. Generally, good spelling and grammar are bothered with on this Warcraft III modding community forum by some few people because otherwise nobody would have a clue about what anybody else was talking about. What's the point in saying something or asking for something if nobody can read what the hell you're trying to say?

You are over exaggerating, if you cant tell what someone is saying because of a few minor errors then you are fucking stupid and should gtfo and get some common sense in you.

"I can have rquest filled?"

"What? You want help finishing an r quest?"
Level 10
Jan 5, 2007
You are over exaggerating,

Yeah, I know.

if you cant tell what someone is saying because of a few minor errors then you are fucking stupid and should gtfo and get some common sense in you.

Common sense is far too common for me. But yeah, I was aiming more at grammar than I was at spelling when I stated that. Removing a word, or placing an unnecessary one, or even just wording a question badly, can completely change the meaning of the question. But I guess I see your point.
Level 8
Nov 29, 2007
Alright, I'll check it over after school. Though, know that I am using the "proper" grammar, not the kind you would see in everyday life.

I would argue that 'correct' grammar is that used in everyday life. Languages evolve over time. Unlike French, English does not have a central governing body, therefore there is no 'correct' way of spelling or of using grammar.

Another thing to take note of, many English words are, in fact, stolen from other languages and then 'Anglicized'. What is the correct spelling now? The original foreign spelling that the first people to use the word in English used, or the new Anglicized version?

Despite what I have said above, there are commonly accepted rules and spelling conventions, and these should be followed more closely by some.

My point is that so-called 'perfect' English is not and that if one can be understood well by one's peers, one is speaking adequate English.

Nobody, the only reason you have to have to have perfrect grammar is because you posted in this thread.


The common convention is to spell "perfect" with only one 'r'. One would also usually write the above sentence with two "have"s.

Level 14
Dec 9, 2006
You did not sense the intention in that? Not even a little bit...?

Also, what I meant by everyday life is that nobody is going to care if you use a comma instead of a semi-colon (maybe your English Teacher) if you are posting on the internet.
There seems to be a set of grammar rules in which the teachers follow, so I do believe there is a difference between what you would write as grammar in a note, and what you would write in an essay. There are things you would see as “proper” or “formal” grammar that we may not use everyday. Although, you are right, English is an uncertain language. Spelling isnt really what I said there, I am talking about grammar. For spelling, I will stick with what the English dictionary states.

Level 14
Dec 9, 2006

One of the smartest things that has been said on the hive, although your grammar was somewhat lacking. D:

:O We went through this whole conversation here, and we also did grammar and spelling editing. Now we are discussing the origins of English, and views on the English language. So, your "H" in the Hive should be capitalized.

Level 17
Nov 26, 2007
While we're kind of on the topic of how to make a proper post (kind of), please refrain from typing your name at the end of your post. We do not have a disability against looking a few inch's to the left to see your name.

~This does not make you seem intelligent, organized or cool.




Level 22
Aug 27, 2005
I did so intentionally for ironic effect [or maybe affect, no I think effect is correct], as I suspect you did.

Looking through my previous posts you'll see I don't usually sign my posts.

You should be using the N-Dash, as opposed to using '[' and ']'.

:O We went through this whole conversation here, and we also did grammar and spelling editing. Now we are discussing the origins of English, and views on the English language. So, your "H" in the Hive should be capitalized.


If you want to start with the Grammar Nazi school of thought, then I'm all in. No need for the comma after here, the word 'and' is a connective; the same is also said with regards to your first use of the word 'English'.

On the note of the English Language, it's a bastard language. English has been adopted from most countries that invaded, or was invaded by, England. It also contains traces of 'Ye Olde English' and Latin, too.
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