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Lacking Ideas: Pokemon Arena

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Level 10
Jun 6, 2007
Hello! I've recently started making a new map, and I'm in need of some ideas. The map is a pokemon-themed gladiator arena (quite similar to orc gladiators), where heroes (pokemon) fight against ~30 waves of creeps. Every fifth level is a boss round. The basic storyline behind the map is that some of team rocket's pokemon don't want to be used for evil, and because of their rebellion, they have to fight on the arena. I need quite many kinds of ideas, so I'll separate this thread in several sections.

Evolution and legendary pokemon:

I've been thinking about adding evolution in some way, this is what I've planned so far: Some pokemon are available from the start. When a player completes the map on some pokemon (let's say Abra, for example), then the next evolution (Kadabra) will be unlocked and the player will be able to select it in later games. The information of unlocked pokemon is saved using Nestharus' file i/o.

Additionally, some pokemon evolutions are unlocked by using elemental stones. These are dropped by bosses. Bosses will also drop items that are used for unlocking legendary pokemon (how, this is where I need ideas). On higher difficulty levels (I think there will be 5), there's a higher chance to drop stones/legendary pokemon items.

I'd like to hear your opinion, how does this sound? Would there be a better way to unlock legendary pokemon?


All abilities are named after original pokemon moves, and their effects should somehow fit the name. I'm especially looking for ultimate spells and spells for legendary pokemon, because those spells should look impressive. Almost all ultimates I can think of just deal damage in a large area, I would like to have something more unique, but I'm lacking ideas.


I think I may have to use "warcraft style" items (swords, shields...), because there aren't many items that would fit pokemon. If you have any ideas for items that would fit the pokemon theme, I'd like to hear. Also, there will be elemental sets (e.g. lightning set will gain bonus when worn by electric pokemon), which each consist of 3 items.

All ideas are greatly appreciated. Also, I'd like to hear your thoughts on the concept itself. I wrote this quite quickly, so if anything needs to be clarified, just ask. Thanks for reading!
Level 6
Mar 9, 2013

I don't know any Pokémon gladiator arenas out there, and the concept is cool. Here's some of my suggestions:

-The enemy creeps, which are for example kobolds in the normal GA (gladiator arena), are also pokémon
-Boss fights are the fights against the legendary Pokémon, with interactive skills and such.
-It might be hard to find the actual Pokémon models for the units, so you should pick the most fitting wc3 model for the Pokémon. Importing all the models could also take a lot of space.
-Killing creeps grants Gold, which you can spend on the items. Lumber is gained from bosses, and is saved with files or -save codes. These can be spent for bonuses such as unlocking specials.
-Legendary Pokémon shouldn't be heroes, as that would be imbalanced.
-Pokémon evolutions are unlocked by playing more, or by getting certain items in the game, but the evolutions gained by the items don't unlock the evolution for future games.
-Attributes (strength,agi and intelligence) should be renamed, to fit the stats the pokémon have in the games.
-Just like normal heroes, Pokémon have 4 skills, of which one is Ultimate. Tier 2 and 3 Pokémon, as well as those without evolution, have a passive ability.
-Attack and armor types are the Pokémon elements. Water Pokémon attacks, for example, deal extra damage to those with Fire-type armor.
-Item sets (like you mentioned), are for certain elements. Each element has a different set, and they grant even more abilities to the Pokémon.

These should be some of the starter Pokémon, each with their element,role,attack range and skills:
Charmander (fire,offensive,ranged): Ember(average damage at range), Scratch(high damage at melee range), Smokescreen(slows movement and attacks of enemies in area), Flamethrower (Ultimate,high damage in line,channeled until out of mana, leaves scorches on the ground after casting which deal damage over time.)
Squirtle (water, defensive,melee): Water gun(low damage at long range), Mud shot (high damage at range, slows movement and attacks), Withdrawl (grants high armor for a short period), Bubbleblast (ultimate, high damage in an area around the hero, stuns enemies and forces them to attack hero)
Bulbasaur (grass, support, ranged): Leech Seed(drains health from target), Tackle (deals damage at melee range,knocks back target), Growth (passive, increases health regen of allies), Solarbeam (ultimate, deals damage to enemies and heals allies in a line, has a casting time of +- 3 seconds)

And here's some item suggestions:
Potion-low cost-consume to gain 200 HP.
Super Potion-medium cost-consume to gain 500 HP.
PP Potion(or whatever it's called)-medium cost- consume to gain 100 PP (mana).

If anything is unclear, or if you need any other ideas, tell me. I can post more soon, but my fingers are tired of typing :p
Good luck!
Level 9
Dec 21, 2011
Abilities ( Nintendo plz ? ):

Articuno - Chilling Aura

Low damage, slows for x seconds and if affected for x seconds it will freeze them for x seconds. AoE increases every second passes. Also reduces affected units' attack and armor lower. Articuno will be disabled while channeling this spell.

Zapdos - Thunder Judgement

High damage in a cone, dealing blindness for x seconds. If a target is life is below x%, deal x% more damage.

Moltres - Infernus

Moltres dives in combat, dealing tons of damage to whoever is hit and returns back to its starting point. If there are x or more opponents damage, Moltres will burn nearby enemies for x seconds.

Mew - Psychic Overload

Mew channels its power to its cap, making it very unstable. While on this mode, Mew will be unable to attack, only cast spells which is on Psychic attribute. The spells deals x% more damage.

Mewtwo - Forced Genetics

Mewtwo channels all nearby units at x AoE around it, enemy or friend, and absorbs x% of their attack damage. Mewtwo then absorbs this power and gains extra attackspeed, health, attack, and armor for x seconds. After the effect, Mewtwo will go on cooldown, unable to do anything for x seconds.

Ho-oh - Wings of Life

Ho-oh heals all friendly units around it. If Ho-oh has healed greater than x, it will stop immediately, then deals x% of the damage healed. The healing cap is greater for each friendly unit in x AoE.

Lugia - Tide Cycle

Lugia knocks back all units, friend or foe, then uses its power to channel for x seconds. If Lugia is uninterrupted during the duration, it will create waves in any direction and it will deal increasing higher amount, and knocking any units hit. If the channel is completed, Lugia will have a burst of strength and uses the tide to cut through a specific area, dealing massive damage.

Raikou - Brave Lightning

Raikou dashes to a point, taunting any enemy that it contacts with. For every unit that was taunted increases its armor, and travels a bit faster. If Raikou reaches its destination, the path he travelled will turn into a beam, dealing damage dependent on the armor which he gained multiplied by x. If no enemies are hit, cooldown is halved and Raikou will run back to its starting point ( without taunt ).

Entei - Consuming Flames

Entei will begin to charge itself, and turns into a immovable unit. If an enemy unit attacks Entei, it will transform x% of the damage into his own attack damage. It will not reduce attacker's damage. It can be deactivated anytime to unleash times x% bonus damage to Entei. If Entei died during this stage, it will give a x% bonus to the enemy mob from a x% of its charged energy.

Suicine - Pressure

For each second that this ability is activated, it will reduce enemy unit's life and deals damage dependent on how close they are to Suicine for x seconds. If the duration has ended, Suicine becomes faster and removes its own collision for x seconds.

Celebi - Time Tear

Celebi tears time itself, and will disable all units actions. And this skill will have two sub skills :

Past - > Heals all friendly units for x. For each minute that passes in the game, it will heal for additional x.
Future - > Deals damage to all enemy units for x. For each thirty seconds that passes in the game, it will hurt x more.

If Celebi picks Past, it will revert all units to the point where they are x seconds ago.

If Celebi picks Future, the enemies will be stunned for x seconds.


P.S : Add Magikarp. Please?

Good luck!

Lol wut? Gen four (Plat,Pearl,Diamond,HG,SS) is AWESOME, five, a bit below Pokemon standards ( White Forest was pretty awesome though ) , but its okay. I'm not trolling or anything, but hey, try them.
Level 10
Jun 6, 2007
Wow, those are great ideas. Actually I'm not planning to use pokemon after the first 2 generations, except maybe some legendaries, mostly due to lack of models. A long time I downloaded a pack (made by Alan001 I think) which contained quite many models from first 2 generations. And I'll definitely add magicarp if I have a suitable model, for Gyarados I have for sure :grin:.

I don't think that having legendaries as heroes is unbalanced. I was planning to make several difficulty levels: On the easiest level, the game may even be soloable on some starter pokemon, and on the hardest level, it will be challenging even with a full team of legendaries. The concept of lumber (or boss points) is great, in that case harder difficulty levels could reward with more boss points. Also, there could be different (secret?) ways to unlock different legendaries.
Level 6
Mar 9, 2013
Actually I'm not planning to use pokemon after the first 2 generations,

Thanks for that :3.

But say, you play a game with 5 players. One player has a good legendary Pokémon, the others are new to the game. The one with the legendary will have all the kills, so the new players won't get any and have to stick with their starter pokémon for ever. That would be imbalanced and not very fun.

EDIT: @ Da Fist: I owned SS for the DS and i liked it. I just don't like the new pokémon after Generation 5, since they are kind of rubbish. An ice cream pokémon? seriously?
Level 10
Jun 6, 2007
Ah I see your point. Just like in orc gladiators, mages got all the gold (in the beginning) and tanks didn't get any. I guess I'll give all players certain amount of gold in the end of each round, and only a small amount based on kills. If one player has a legendary pokemon, it should benefit the whole team.
Level 6
Mar 9, 2013
Then it's just the point of balancing and making the legendary Pokémon very expensive. Even if you get as much money as others, seeing an imbalanced legendary taking all the kills isn't that fun.
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