• 🏆 Texturing Contest #33 is OPEN! Contestants must re-texture a SD unit model found in-game (Warcraft 3 Classic), recreating the unit into a peaceful NPC version. 🔗Click here to enter!
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Kor'gal Flayer

why uploading? :p because Roland poked me :p

this is a small unit request that i did for a fellow hiver here, and i don't remember who.. o.o

has tweaked ogre-anims -the belly and some others, simple, but works. and should have an interesting critical strike anim

yes, screenshot is from the older version :p but it is accurate

Korgal, Flayer, Grunty, bearded, orc,

Kor'gal Flayer (Model)

Kor'gal Flayer (Model)

22:43, 20th Feb 2016 MiniMage: t doesn't to appear to have a neck. The shoulder also looks a little awkward. At least the one wrapped with skin. I'd probably also lower the crotch area a bit. those legs currently look unnaturally long and his...




22:43, 20th Feb 2016
MiniMage: t doesn't to appear to have a neck.
The shoulder also looks a little awkward. At least the one wrapped with skin.

I'd probably also lower the crotch area a bit. those legs currently look unnaturally long and his crotch looks like it is where his ribcage should be.

I think that if you wrapped both shoulders with the shoulderpad texture, the current deformity that is shown would just make sense.
I would also suggest adding an attack slam animation. Something which makes him slam sideways. I think the sea giant anims should be compatible with ogre animations

HappyTauren: Despite the previous moderation, the model is in a usable and useful state. It is going to have hard time perfectly fitting in with other orc models, but a different take is refreshing none the less (and it is kinda weird to talk about the weird pelvis positioning considering this is a game that sports Felguards that look even more ridiculous). Overall the animations fit well enough and the model works fine in the game. One thing I would change is make the shoulderpad stick out a bit, but that is a tiny complaint.
Level 29
Feb 18, 2014
Very Nice, but you should raise the head a little bit, and is that teeth or corn upper the axe cuz that looks kinda weird, and why his knees looks like heads? And the importante question of all : Why he does not wear shoes???!
Level 11
Jun 27, 2010
Very creative use of Ogre animations wow!

Also LOVE the weapon, reminds me of Kilrogg's "mace" in WoW. Could be used for a potential Kilrogg model..? :ogre_hurrhurr:

5/5 +rep
Level 26
Jun 5, 2008
You really need to raise the head man. It doesn't to appear to have a neck.
The shoulder also looks a little awkward. At least the one wrapped with skin.

I'd probably also lower the crotch area a bit. those legs currently look unnaturally long and his crotch looks like it is where his ribcage should be.

I think that if you wrapped both shoulders with the shoulderpad texture, the current deformity that is shown would just make sense.
I would also suggest adding an attack slam animation. Something which makes him slam sideways. I think the sea giant anims should be compatible with ogre animations.
Level 46
Jul 29, 2008
I rather like this model. Proportions are really weird but it's quite interesting, and aside from renaming his "Attack Slam" to "Spell" (wouldn't want him doing that randomly in mid-combat, but it would make a great "Choke" spell animation :p), this is pretty cool.
