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Kodo Tag - Crystal Wars 7.62

Well, many people have hacked this and made their own versions. I am the offical maker.
Every time I make a version I feel comfortable with I will upload it here.

The object is to kill all the kodos. This is not like normal kodo tag! Instead of mining gold, there are crystals all through the map that have a monitary value. You may sell them at shops that are located around the map for money. There are many upgradable towers and units you may buy. The levels have many chalanges including mini kodos, long ranged kodos (up to 1000 range), flying kodos, and kodos that can kill the usually invulnerable walls.

PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE!!!!!!!! tell me if you see any errors!

kodo, tag, kodo tag, game, map, Reed, Reed07, crystal, crystal wars, war, wars, kodo tag crystal wars, war, wars, cool,

Kodo Tag - Crystal Wars 7.62 (Map)

13:47, 4th Jul 2008 Firelord213: The map breaks no map rules. The map is protected but there's a ''opt-'' in the map name and that means that the map is protected. The only advice I could give is too make the map easier and fix the spawn...




13:47, 4th Jul 2008
The map breaks no map rules.
The map is protected but there's a ''opt-'' in the map name and that means that the map is protected.

The only advice I could give is too make the map easier and fix the spawn crystal trigger because they spawn at sea.
Level 3
Apr 7, 2008
-I know I put my name like all over it but how does this look hacked?
-whats wrong with crystals in the water? it gives a chance that all crystals arent obtainable and helps balance it. I might still change it in the next version.
-This deffinately isn't hard. It says that this was approved by firelord. If you just play this game a few times you can see that it is closer to too easy rather than too hard. If you put all your money into mines in the beggining and make lots of good towers then you can easly not die.

Cool features:
-a detinate system that allows for buildings to be destroyed, turned into item form, and (either sold or) rebuilt at another place.
-camera options: cam0 cam1 cam2 cam3
that change the view of the camera.
-levels are both kill dictated and time dictated. If you kill a lot of kodos then levels come sooner. If you don't kill them, then after a certain amount of time, the next level comes.
-Many helpful quests (F9) that help you get imformation if you are a noob.
-Many ways to get gold including a chest of gold, lots of upgradable mines (that give gold every second), selling crystals, and killing kodos.
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Level 3
Apr 7, 2008
its really easy. I finished this version at first try.

I realize that for some people this can be very easy. But still for others(*noobs*) this can still be very chalanging. I dont want to include a popup that gives options for difficulty. Sometimes there are both of these types of people in a game and a very easy match or very hard match might be bad for one or the other. Do you have any suggestions on how to balance between these types of people? Still so, I will make it a little harder in the next version.

**I have seen people quit because it is too easy and people quit because it is too hard and they die over and over again.
Level 5
May 1, 2008
I realize that for some people this can be very easy. But still for others(*noobs*) this can still be very chalanging. I dont want to include a popup that gives options for difficulty. Sometimes there are both of these types of people in a game and a very easy match or very hard match might be bad for one or the other. Do you have any suggestions on how to balance between these types of people? Still so, I will make it a little harder in the next version.

**I have seen people quit because it is too easy and people quit because it is too hard and they die over and over again.

yes I dont like difficulty options too. cos players win the map on very easy mod and than they stop trying harder mods.
the next level comes when u kill all the kodos (if I am wright) so I think really wide range of people can play it... harder lvls pretty good idea or + new lvl which really hard:D
Level 3
Apr 7, 2008
I am working on a new version. just a few changes include:
-kodos are stronger
-levels come faster
-kodos dont croud(as easly)
-new ai
-no crystals in the water!
-less memory leaks
and many more!
Level 3
Apr 7, 2008
Hello. I have updated my map. All the changes above are in place. Please help to test the new ai i am now using.

If you have any suggestions on how to improve the ai (that are actually useful), then please reply.

btw: the levels come both when a certain number of kodos are left (not 0) and/or after a certain time has passed.---Read the Levels quest (F9) and it will tell you how long until each level begins. Also, you can tell the elasped game time by typing -time.
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Level 3
Apr 7, 2008
I have made a new version. I haven't tested it yet, but there shouldn't be any errors.

The main differences are that I got rid of like every single memory leak (v. 7.54b).
The process of getting rid of memory leaks can cause some errors so if there are any, please post them and I will fix them.

Thank you for waiting.
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Level 3
Apr 7, 2008
-Yeah I like when people host it so sometimes i join their game and let them dl the newest version.

-too easy? I have only been in 1 winning game that I hadn't helped in.
(of these new versions)....
I try to sometimes stay out of games and watch others play. This allows me to see how hard it is for others so i know how to balance the game.
Even so, sometimes people aren't noobs and this can still be a little easy.

ps: I <3 ur animations pyropk95....how can i dl them?

OMG---u guys game me a 3? :/ .... please rate my game....better....
Level 3
Apr 7, 2008
Also, I have been working on a new version. I will test it in pub games and if there are no errors than i will put it on this site.

New things: (coming soon in version 7.55)

- Red may now type -resetnames to counter the -setname function.
- The ai is a little different.
- The final boss comes 100 seconds later than the last version.
- The function -time will now give you the elasped time and the time until the next level.

Level 3
Apr 7, 2008
Also off topic to this game but there is this awesome program every host should have besides bl:

VT Software - Downloads

It is like a program that is like dc and lc that reduces game delay. It can be set to what ever you want and you dont need to forward any new ports!
I read about it when dc was down and gave it a try. Its like the best program ever.
But like lc and dc, if people have a bad connection or slow computer than they will get lag spikes. I suggest to keep it at 100 ms delay and kick people with pings over 100 ms.
Level 3
Apr 7, 2008
...Suggestions are welcome...

-you may now custimize your camera with -zoom ####
- birds now give more gold for each one you kill (i.e. 1500 for the 1st and 2000 for the 2nd)
-a few leaks fixed
-the bird tower can now be detinated and give an item!
-usuall little fixes, ect....
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Level 3
Apr 7, 2008
Hello...i really want my map to be protected well. I was wondering if someone could try to hack/deprotect my map. If you can please reply and tell me how you did it so i can then protect my map better. Thank you.
Level 3
Apr 7, 2008

-found another leak and fixed it. <3 :xxd:
-builders now have an ability that allows them to make swords out of crystals. 5 blood crystals = 1 blood sword. 5 blood swords = 1 omega blood sword. Swords increase movement speed and can be sold. :gg:
-redid the system that slows builders that carry crystals.:razz:
-A few minor changes, ect.
Level 3
Apr 7, 2008

-The Speed bonus from Blood Swords has been decreased.
-The Omega Blood Sword can now cast an ability - A stun/nuke.
-Main Builders can now attack (the UI isn't hidden anymore.)
-found a leak with rescuing people and fixed it. THIS MAY CAUSE AN ERROR!! PLEASE LET ME KNOW!!!!!!
-Final boss now has hardened skin.
- changed the ai...again....suggestions still welcome!
-many small changes, ect including the chest of gold now has an ability that completey explains it...

1 error found in 7.57d....the flags spawn in incorrect locations...will be fixed in 7.57e!
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Level 3
Apr 7, 2008
Ok...its been a while since anyone wrote anything here!
If anyone downloads this, please leave a comment.
Suggestions are still welcome. Btw...anyone know how to make a grow ability that makes a unit get bigger and get more attack when it kills another unit?
Level 3
Apr 7, 2008
Ok....I have started beta testing for 7.58!
If you wish to help me test then just /w me while im on.
Coming soon:
-New hero: pudge

-Harder gameplay:
--mines give less gold
--kodos are harder
--final wave kodos and hungry kodos are harder

-new mine: lunar panels
-Final boss is no longer magic immune but has an ability that blocks a magic spell every 5 seconds.

Suggestions still welcome! Ideas for Pudge are welcome.
Pudge so far:
-mini bash
-more hp than other titans.
-ability that is a stomp that pushes enimies back.
-summons mini pudges
-disease cloud
- 15000 base attack that is twice as slow as tauren chief's.
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Level 14
Apr 15, 2007
I find this a great map I played it a few times 2 days ago. Its accually pretty hard the first few times by when you get into it and know what you aare doing it becomes way to easy. It was also halarious seeing all the noobs yelling OMF FLYING KODOS!

Level 3
Apr 7, 2008
I find this a great map I played it a few times 2 days ago. Its accually pretty hard the first few times by when you get into it and know what you aare doing it becomes way to easy. It was also halarious seeing all the noobs yelling OMF FLYING KODOS!


Thats why it is so hard balancing this game. Most people who play are noobs and if it is too hard they will leave but for the people who have played before, you don't want it to be too easy or else it will get boring and they will stop playing. :gg:

Not many people who play realize how much material I have put into the game -.-
There are many special features such as camera options, the -time command, sword making, and tons of other little things that people never see unless they have played for a while.
Level 9
Jun 4, 2007
You could do some random events to make the game more exciting, like teleporting all players to a random place in map, summoning a boss kodo for a few seconds that destroyes everything, summoning a special cristal on random place on map that is worth much more money, a spirit kodo that passes through walls but has very slow movement speed, a invulnerable kodo, a invisible kodo(players would have to build somekind of ward).One interesting thing you could do is put a tower at the middle of the map that shoots a very slow missile(slower than the peon) every few seconds, so the players would always have to keep moving or use wind walk to escape the attack!When the game finishes, you could add a cinematic showing something about the kodos depending if they win/lose...

At this current state I'd give this map a 3/5
Level 3
Apr 7, 2008
You could do some random events to make the game more exciting, like teleporting all players to a random place in map, summoning a boss kodo for a few seconds that destroyes everything, summoning a special cristal on random place on map that is worth much more money, a spirit kodo that passes through walls but has very slow movement speed, a invulnerable kodo, a invisible kodo(players would have to build somekind of ward).One interesting thing you could do is put a tower at the middle of the map that shoots a very slow missile(slower than the peon) every few seconds, so the players would always have to keep moving or use wind walk to escape the attack!When the game finishes, you could add a cinematic showing something about the kodos depending if they win/lose...

At this current state I'd give this map a 3/5

What kind of cinematic do you think i should show? I don't have much experiance with cinematics.
There is no real story behind the map its just kodos vs players. What did you have in mind?
Level 3
Apr 7, 2008
Update 7.60:

I have completely changed the terrain
There is a new tower that the improved worker may build (Ancient Tower)
The improved builder is the only unit that can build bird towers.
Tons of small fixes and I cleaned up the game to make it look nicer.
The final boss now has 5 armor and final wave kodos have 3.
Solar and Lunar panels provide more food.
Tauren chieften's starfall lasts long.

(this is not a complete list but these are the main changes)
Level 3
Apr 7, 2008
Cool I will try at once.

I don't know how much mapping experience you have and my ai is all ready pretty advanced, but if you have any ideas on how to make a good AI then I am open for suggestions.

The main problem that I had when I first made this was that every 20 seconds or something I would pick all kodos and tell them to attack-move to a random point. If they see a player then they follow the first thing they see omost forever. What this does is makes the kodos croud against walls to try to get to the unit they are chasing. People used to be able to build towers right next to them and kill all the kodos very quicky because they wouldn't move on. What I have done is I have made them "move" to a random point, then about 8 seconds later I tell them to attack-move to a random point (now each one is given a different point to move to). This works because if they are crouding walls then they move away and stop following that one target. But for the 8 seconds they are moving, they cannot attack. This is a huge disadvantage because now people can walk right next to them and not get attacked. If anyone knows how I would fix this then please leave a comment. (The only thing I could think of was lowing kodo's acquisition range and having them move for only 1 second. I have not tryed this yet)
Level 3
Apr 7, 2008
I had one more idea that I wondered if people could give me feed back on.
I want each terrain to give a certain advantage. If you can think of things that I could do then please post them.
I was thinking that the ice area would give 1 gold/sec * ((# of the level) -1)
The grass could give +35 movement speed to all player units.
The space could be the only area that spawns green crystals and spawns more.
The fire could give every tower +150 attack range and -10 movement to kodos.

(the ice would only give gold/sec i your main builder was in it)

Im not quit sure how I would achieve these effects. Maybe I could have a unit briefly spawn for the anti-kodo computer-player and summon a ward (then die). Then this ward could give an aura that increases friendly movement-speed or w/e...

Please give feedback for this topic. Any ideas on advantages for the areas or how to make them would be appreciated. (I could easly make the ice area give gold but I don't know how to make an AOE in the shape of a square so an aura would be hard to make the other effects).
Level 3
Apr 7, 2008
7.61...whats new:

-all cheats have been removed
-chests of gold give 5 food
-bosses have more armor
-the fire area gives 50% evasion, and an improved blink
-the ice area gives gold/sec like mines. It gives more gold/sec the later the level it is, in the intervals: 3/8/20/35/50/75/200. 3 beings the 1st lvl and 200 being the final wave.
-space gives an increase in movement speed.
-grass is the only place where green crystals naturally spawn.(not including birds)

*these effects only affect the main builder
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Level 14
Apr 15, 2007
Once again I willl try this one its getting a lot better though I still think you should add maybe a replace feature like after you win you can replay it so you don't have to rm the game or maybe even after your loss.
Level 3
Apr 7, 2008
-new boss that comes once the final wave is gone. He casts an aura that gives nearby kodos +3k regen/sec. He also has 15 second reincarnation and over 300 base damage.
-Stampede has been nerfed.
-chicken locus have been improved.
-tauren stomp has been improved.
-people can no longer leave unless they have a main builder.


Any Ideas on any game modes I could add? I was thinking u could choose between normal mode and elemental mode or something. Normal mode would give you some little boost too incourage it.

Any other ideas are welcome! Please Post!
Level 7
Apr 3, 2007
This game is very buggy! the kodo dont attack the buildings... They go after u the intire time, if u inclsoe urself inside buildings, they dont attack buildings, just go around in cicles. Also, u have hardly any time at beginning to get rdy, AND BIGEST OF ALL the menu buttons at top dont work... How do u exit game...?
Level 3
Apr 7, 2008
This game is very buggy! the kodo dont attack the buildings... They go after u the intire time, if u inclsoe urself inside buildings, they dont attack buildings, just go around in cicles. Also, u have hardly any time at beginning to get rdy, AND BIGEST OF ALL the menu buttons at top dont work... How do u exit game...?

-The only known bug that I have seen is with pudge's stomp.
-The Kodos do attack the buildings but the walls are invulnerable.*
-You have plenty of time in the beggining and the whole point is that you're rushed to get a base up and running before it gets harder.
-As I stated in the 7.62 changelog you may only exit the game if you have a main builder alive. If you have died, you must wait until someone saves you before you may leave. This prevents noobs from dying in the beggining and leaving.

*This is not normal Kodo Tag! The walls are invulnerable because there are no cliffs or trees! In normal kodo tag, cliffs and trees act as invulnerable prebuilt walls or sides to your base. Since the walls are invulnerable, it would be way to easy to make a base if 75% of it was allready built for you, so I did not put cliffs or trees. This makes the game balanced so that you can easily establish a base and get ready for the harder levels to come.

Other comments and suggestions are still welcome! Please post!
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