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Kobold Geomancer w/ Portrait

Hey everyone, there's still a few things to iron out with this model but I'm interested in peoples thoughts nonetheless.

I'm pretty happy with it, but will take feedback into consideration.

TODO list:
  • There is a lighting bug on the Portrait in-game. If this is the first model selected, it will appear shaded until a different model is selected.
    • If anyone knows what's causing this please let me know :'(
    • Fixed this bug (Thanks Retera!), it was a problem with FOV and FarClip of the camera
  • Create a second talk animation if I can be bothered/inspired

Geomancer Portrait (Model)

Kobold Geomancer (Model)

General Frank
A nice model edit and an interesting variation on the kobold geomancer model. The skin is quite well made and fits in well with the rest of the model and the model itself feels right at home with the regular kobolds. Good job and keep it up.
Level 18
Jun 4, 2023
A very interesting idea for a variation of the Kobold model, but there are still some things to improve.
Please fix the following:
You should remove all issues shown here: Sanity Test
You also could use RMS' function to linearize the animations so the model is much smaller.

Do you have any ideas about the portrait shading problem mentioned in the description? I used the 'exported animated to static mesh' in RMS and then built the portrait up from there. Am I missing some hidden lighting element or the materials are Unshaded or Unfogged or something?

Also, is there a way to bundle all three files together, or otherwise force them to share the texture? I'm probably just being dumb and not seeing it on the upload/add resource page. It's a bit silly to download the texture twice.

Nice Chinese-like moustache and beard. I bet this veteran kobold would say to his kobold pupil...

Tbh, part of the reason I changed the mo' in the portrait was to reduce this. My pissy little pencil sketch had an arrow with 'Fu-Manchu moustache' but it was only after I added the teeth as a place holder I started thinking hmmmm.
Plus the new moustache made him more mousy. Also why added cheese :)
Do you have any ideas about the portrait shading problem mentioned in the description? I used the 'exported animated to static mesh' in RMS and then built the portrait up from there. Am I missing some hidden lighting element or the materials are Unshaded or Unfogged or something?
Try selecting the geoset and use the 'recalculate normals' option. It might help you.
Also, is there a way to bundle all three files together, or otherwise force them to share the texture? I'm probably just being dumb and not seeing it on the upload/add resource page. It's a bit silly to download the texture twice.
Well, people can just not import the duplicate texture. This is the normal procedure, don't worry about it.
Level 15
Sep 26, 2007
Tbh, part of the reason I changed the mo' in the portrait was to reduce this. My pissy little pencil sketch had an arrow with 'Fu-Manchu moustache' but it was only after I added the teeth as a place holder I started thinking hmmmm.
Plus the new moustache made him more mousy.
Still, he looks pretty cool and is an excellent addition to the kobold faction, hence the five stars rating. Really, he could be useful as a wise elder, or a spellcaster, or maybe a Hero, et cetera.

Also why added cheese :)
I really like... "cheese".
Level 18
Jun 4, 2023
A very interesting idea for a variation of the Kobold model, but there are still some things to improve.
Please fix the following:
You should remove all issues shown here: Sanity Test
You also could use RMS' function to linearize the animations so the model is much smaller.

Updated. The Sanity tester is happy now, it turns out Recalculate Extents wasn't working while I had Sanity checker open in the browser (Brave).
I was hesitant about using the linearise option, but I can't see any significant damage to the animations.
-Edit- Oh, and I tried the normals and extents on the portrait, but it didn't change anything.
-Edit2- Fixed Portrait uploaded
Still, he looks pretty cool and is an excellent addition to the kobold faction, hence the five stars rating. Really, he could be useful as a wise elder, or a spellcaster, or maybe a Hero, et cetera.

I have plenty more Kobold BS on the drawing board lol, people will be sick of Kobolds*, but I think I'm gonna focus on some other smaller things for a bit. I also want to get on the "only use internal/standard textures" bandwagon like all the cool kids, So I'll try mutilating a standard model into something else, then maybe a scratch built Hero using only standard game assets, in the style of Tillinghast.

*There'll be so many Kobolds You'll be saying 'Please Mr. President, we're tired of Kobolds!'
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Level 45
Jul 29, 2008
Wow, a unique Kobold model... A rarity!

I'll be honest, my first impression is not great; something about the face shape/texture & the color really just kinda throws me off it. Doesn't seem very 'Kobold' to me. That being said, I also recognize that anyone trying to make a Kobold faction (even mini-faction) simply cannot re-use the singular Kobold head over & over for all the units/heroes. You must needs experiment & stretch the space, and honestly? At that you've succeeded. It really does look like a sort of rat creature, but very distinct (face-wise) to the other Kobolds. A few more of those & this guy will just be one of many, instead of sticking out so much as he does now.

(And/or maybe don't make him purple? Lol)

Anyway, keep up the good work!
Level 18
Jun 4, 2023
Wow, a unique Kobold model... A rarity!

I'll be honest... <snip>

Bu-bu-but the original was purple!:razz:

It's been a while, but if I remember correctly, the colour palette was very likely done (by Blizzard) by shifting the basic one a third of the way around the colour wheel. So like if you take the basic-bitch kobold, use the Chroma shift tool on the entire image 120 degrees, you'll end up with the basis for the geomancer, which is why the eyes end up blue. change this to triadic

using that triadic thing is why I tried to introduce the aquamarine as the crystals, and the browns as more tan-or sandy colours. To try and make triadic contrast. But I was probably being too clever by half lol.

I really do like the standard kobold face, but the major problem it has is no moveable mouth, so you're kinda forced to make a custom head for portraits anyway, which leads to just putting that on the in-game model. I think it works better in the portrait though, it's a touch too derp on the main model.

I think in general I'm trying to make them a tiny bit more cutesy and sympathetic, especially because otherwise if they're just another 100% savage 'Me Smash' they become interchangeable with all the other 'axis of awful' creep/mook races.

This guy probably leans a bit too humanoid though. Would a change to the ears make any difference do you think?

EDIT did you see this thread, and what do you think?
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Level 18
Dec 24, 2018
I just downloaded, added to a fresh map and had no issues when I tested the map.

Is it possible you didn't change the skin path when importing?
weird i do right path, its must by then with my problem i use 1.26 patch, seems someingame textures are in newest patches,i needs looks close on retera and tried recovnerting it to mdl or mdx SD version