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Kaels Escape

This bundle is marked as useful / simple. Simplicity is bliss, low effort and/or may contain minor bugs.
This ist just an ordinary campaign-like map. I wanted to make a few maps over the past years (for example my best and favourite WarCraft 2 map "The Great Strife" which was deleted a long time ago) but this is the first one to become finished...

So, this map is just a little try to get used to a few functions with not much effort I guess...though it was pretty hard at the beginning!
It's really small but I myself like it, and I want to hear what you guys think of it. It's nothing really special and I didn't use anything special.
This map is supposed to become either a part of a little campaign as an alternate WarCraft III Story featuring Kael'Thas and Sylvanas (in this map) or it remains as is and take it as basic for a rpg-style map/s.

Oh and by the way, I had no help or something, but I still need MORE than just a little help to become better. So, tell me what you think!

Kael'thas, Sylvanas, Bloodelves, campagin, single player

Kaels Escape (Map)

19:59, 16th Jul 2009 PurplePoot: Extremely dull gameplay with no obvious effort put into it.




19:59, 16th Jul 2009
PurplePoot: Extremely dull gameplay with no obvious effort put into it.
Level 31
May 3, 2008
1) Poor description at hive and ingame.
2) Poorly develop cinematic.
3) Some useless unit like worker, what's the point of it.

Based on the current quality, it was way too weak and the replayability values was 0. Since the army does not have any AI, it can be win easily with just a constant spam of flame strike.

Map resources approval standard was much higher than it was before, thus this resources would likely never be approve.

1/5 from me.



Level 10
Oct 30, 2008
Its a okay map of a campain style map to be, but i'd like you to imrpove the victory conditions, as i had to go BACK and kill some of the yellow units before i got victory + why even run to start with? why not start to kill them? i mean, theyr not God like.
Final Desition:[COLOR="Red"]Rejected, untill fixed[/COLOR]



Level 2
Jun 23, 2009
Yeah well, at least thanks for some responses, this is NOT supposed to be a huge multiplayer map to be played a hundred times and still keep being interesting.

It's just a little, really little tiny map. Nothing special. I only used what already was with the editor, I didn't import anything or tried to use triggers and stuff because I'm only just beginning to work with the editor. Didn't want to risk major bugs or whatever.

As for the Worker, he's kind of part of the story, thinking of this map as part of a campaign, how can you build a camp or rebuild anything without having someone to build? I guess it's just me but I thought the description ingame (loading screen) was enough.

The victory conditions and all the other things thats to be complained about. I didn't read any guides or anything else to learn something about the editor, thought of it as "Trial and Error" and just gave it a try. Since it worked I was quite satisfied. The "problem" with yellow is the one I couldn't get rid of yet.

I know this is nothing compared to the other maps here on the hive workshop, but at least I had to give it a try.

edit: ok looked at the description again and if you don't know anything about this it really is less then even "not enough"



Level 2
Jun 23, 2009
The map itself is finished, of course there's still stuff to improve but that's nothing different from other maps. Anyways I'm sorry about this, I wasn't aware of that forum-section.

I didn't know i have to be a professional to have permission to post here, thanks anyway for the warm welcome.



Level 10
Oct 30, 2008
The map itself is finished, of course there's still stuff to improve but that's nothing different from other maps. Anyways I'm sorry about this, I wasn't aware of that forum-section.

I didn't know i have to be a professional to have permission to post here, thanks anyway for the warm welcome.

Sorry for the rough critic, but when it isent any better, we cant approve it:con:. And hell yeah, i got the same critic on my first tutorial(Remember, Septimus?:xxd:) and my first spell, untill i realized how it was done.



Level 2
Jun 23, 2009
Well I'm ok with rough critics and stuff, but just saying somethings bad and calling maps trash is not really good looking for people who are new to things like this.

I don't know with what kind of idiots you guys have to deal with here sometimes, but i suggest being not that rude to people, there are not so many people who take this so "lightly" as I do.

especially your critics I liked the most, even if it's just 1/5 your rating I think is the moste objectiv.
Well maybe it's just ma imagination.

You should either change/add to the "Use" description what you said to me or FIRST tell people who post their stuff on the right sections that they should use the map developement before using the Maps etc section