I am attempting to make basically a jump spell I think. I'm going to base it off of blink but the goal is to basically have a missile or unit or something showing the move.
So hero would use the Blink/Jump spell wherever, and I wanted to do a mirror image animation, hero disappears for a while (I want the distance to determine the height and length of time in the air) then the mirror image missile would shoot towards the targeted area, making an arc to its like it's jumping, then maybe have some blink poofy animation at the end and move the hero to the targeted area. Hope that's not confusing.
So hero would use the Blink/Jump spell wherever, and I wanted to do a mirror image animation, hero disappears for a while (I want the distance to determine the height and length of time in the air) then the mirror image missile would shoot towards the targeted area, making an arc to its like it's jumping, then maybe have some blink poofy animation at the end and move the hero to the targeted area. Hope that's not confusing.