is there chance, that i corupt war3map.j file somehow and jngp 2.0 cannot save anything?
Look on "error" in war3map.j file ->
// Další mapa pro Warcraft III
// Warcraft III map script
// Generated by the Warcraft III World Editor
// Date: Tue May 13 20:08:38 2014
// Map Author: Neznámý
//* Global Variables
// Generated
trigger gg_trg_Inicializace___arv__tky = null
function InitGlobals takes nothing returns nothing
//* Triggers
// Trigger: Inicializace šarvátky
// Inicializace standardní šarvátky pro všechny hráče
function Trig_Inicializace___arv__tky_Actions takes nothing returns nothing
call MeleeStartingVisibility( )
call MeleeStartingHeroLimit( )
call MeleeGrantHeroItems( )
call MeleeStartingResources( )
call MeleeClearExcessUnits( )
call MeleeStartingUnits( )
call MeleeStartingAI( )
call MeleeInitVictoryDefeat( )
function InitTrig_Inicializace___arv__tky takes nothing returns nothing
set gg_trg_Inicializace___arv__tky = CreateTrigger( )
call TriggerAddAction( gg_trg_Inicializace___arv__tky, function Trig_Inicializace___arv__tky_Actions )
function InitCustomTriggers takes nothing returns nothing
call InitTrig_Inicializace___arv__tky( )
function RunInitializationTriggers takes nothing returns nothing
call ConditionalTriggerExecute( gg_trg_Inicializace___arv__tky )
//* Players
function InitCustomPlayerSlots takes nothing returns nothing
// Player 0
call SetPlayerStartLocation( Player(0), 0 )
call SetPlayerColor( Player(0), ConvertPlayerColor(0) )
call SetPlayerRacePreference( Player(0), RACE_PREF_HUMAN )
call SetPlayerRaceSelectable( Player(0), true )
call SetPlayerController( Player(0), MAP_CONTROL_USER )
function InitCustomTeams takes nothing returns nothing
// Force: TRIGSTR_002
call SetPlayerTeam( Player(0), 0 )
//* Main Initialization
function main takes nothing returns nothing
call SetCameraBounds( -3328.0 + GetCameraMargin(CAMERA_MARGIN_LEFT), -3584.0 + GetCameraMargin(CAMERA_MARGIN_BOTTOM), 3328.0 - GetCameraMargin(CAMERA_MARGIN_RIGHT), 3072.0 - GetCameraMargin(CAMERA_MARGIN_TOP), -3328.0 + GetCameraMargin(CAMERA_MARGIN_LEFT), 3072.0 - GetCameraMargin(CAMERA_MARGIN_TOP), 3328.0 - GetCameraMargin(CAMERA_MARGIN_RIGHT), -3584.0 + GetCameraMargin(CAMERA_MARGIN_BOTTOM) )
call SetDayNightModels( "Environment\\DNC\\DNCLordaeron\\DNCLordaeronTerrain\\DNCLordaeronTerrain.mdl", "Environment\\DNC\\DNCLordaeron\\DNCLordaeronUnit\\DNCLordaeronUnit.mdl" )
call NewSoundEnvironment( "Default" )
call SetAmbientDaySound( "LordaeronSummerDay" )
call SetAmbientNightSound( "LordaeronSummerNight" )
call SetMapMusic( "Music", true, 0 )
call InitBlizzard( )
call InitGlobals( )
call InitCustomTriggers( )
call RunInitializationTriggers( )
//* Map Configuration
function config takes nothing returns nothing
call SetMapName( "Další mapa pro Warcraft III" )
call SetMapDescription( "Bez popisu" )
call SetPlayers( 1 )
call SetTeams( 1 )
call DefineStartLocation( 0, -2432.0, -832.0 )
// Player setup
call InitCustomPlayerSlots( )
call SetPlayerSlotAvailable( Player(0), MAP_CONTROL_USER )
call InitGenericPlayerSlots( )
and i have "errors" on lines 826 to 10000 something and 38 to 45 and 50 to 99... BUT this is error code from new map (Editor - New Map [Ctrl+N])
PS: isnt that strange? this code has max 120(?) lines and i have errors on 10k lines
i simply cant understand this...
EDIT: i loaded (jngp 2.0) some day ago old map (for patch 1.23 i think) and i saw same errors and then i load my original map for editing... can this old map corupted my jngp? (redownload doesnt work)
EDIT2: i notice that when i am trying save blank map with jngp, it "saves" in .w3m and not in .w3x, even if i have custom units etc. Maybe jngp somehow turned into old warcraft patch and now it cant turn back to 1.26
(map to see, if somebody want...)