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Items held not of same class system request

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Level 2
Sep 20, 2008
I need a system for my RPG map to prevent players from using 2 of the same item class. I already have a system to prevent usage of heroes having invalid weapon type.

Item classes
Bows: Permenant
Sword/Spear/Blade/Axe: Artifact
Campaign: Staves
Charged: Cloth
Power Up: Armor
Purchasable: Leather Armor

So will someone please help me trigger this item system, thank you.
Credits will be given in map.
Level 2
Sep 20, 2008
Thanks but I got tons of error and occasional crash when i tried to follow the instructions on how to import and use that stuff...
But it works anyway... even though the armor is also read as a weapon and weapon can't be equiped with armor.... but I managed to disable that.... BUT can someone make a GUI-user friendly trigger that forces the player to drop item if he has item of same item class...
Level 16
Jan 5, 2008
It's comments almost everywhere to help you. Just look in the "WeaponSystem" it's located whit the triggers and have a green colored text. Just read what stands there and you should figure it out.
It's a great system, if you read ofc. :)

And, if you only want the weapon system ONLY copy the "InitializeWeaponSystem", "GetAWeapon" and "LoseAWeapon" triggers. And there you have your system. And, I am sure you won't get any errors if you only cope these triggers.
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