Ramza said:
please tell me, why u think its bad
Very well
1. Pitiful backwards compatability. While the PS2 lacked on some games, the PS3 is lacking on many very important games
2. The price of the games. They're $90 in America. Now, considering that PS2 games here are already $90, do you know what that'll mean? That'll mean PS3 games will go over the $100 mark. Why should I waste over $100 on a game when I could instead download a classic one on the Wii?
only cuz its expensive? PS3 games will be 70 dollar max, just like xbox 360 and PS2
You sir have missed several video game announcements, haven't you?
i dunno how expensive Wii games r but, its jjust not my taste, i wouldnt even wanna buy em for 10 dollars
They're a sane price, unlike the excessive PS3 ones. And that's your opinion
However, I have a very interesting not-made-up-on-the-spot statistic to tell you. On its first day of release, the Wii sold 3 times as many consoles as the PS3
Don't you think Sony's a bit DUMB for understocking them THAT badly? What good is supply and demmand when there's no supply and a lot of demmand?