Whats strange is they allow Ghost One bots and do not even concider banning them. They have banlist, custom kick, spoofer, auto refresh, delay reducer and slot bugger all in one. You can even play as computer players that are usually locked via Ghost One...
As for the whole normal games not being joined is mostly your fault. Fistly, people do not joing stupid GNs usually, thus putting something like "zelda" or "zombies" in the GN instantly almost garuntees a full house. Secondly when hosting on far away servers like american ones if your in europe, only like 1/50 people see your game appear on the list. This means that it does not get pushed away or anything, just that every 50 odd refreshes them make they will see it only once or twice. This also works the other way.
All in all it comes down to how you name your game and how good the map is. Currently anything with D3, or Diablo III will fill fast.
Uh...not really. So if you put "zombie" in gn its fh instantly? not true. Every game will take a while for people to join, and games like "zombie blah blah blah" or "crappy half-ass zelda rpg that takes 2hour to dl" don't usually have fh when i join. But it's mostly because almost ALL DoTA games are bot, lc, vck, bl, etc.. They are always top of list, always refreshed, and always at least 5 on the list. IDK what ppl think? "Oh, a DoTA. I wanna play DoTA right now. I guess I'll host my own instead of joining this one" +20 stupid points.
Anyways, Kamikaye is right, hosting without assistance of third party programs can be a pain. Blizzard's great awesome best idea ever of having to close/open slots just to have your game show up is slow, and pointless.
If Blizzard checked the Custom Game list every once in a while, with actual people, they could be banning bots by the dozen - IDK if they do and just allow it anyway.
Maybe if Blizzard payed more attention to their good games (RTS FTW) then they could see what is happening right in front of them. LOOK!!#%$$%
They don't see? What is wrong with them. All you gotta do is log on B.net, look at list and.. Let's see, today about 75% games are bot/vck/lc/bl or at least just a simple autorefresh. I hear though, for Starcraft or somthing they are going to change the way b.net is so intead of hosting from you computer you hook up to a server that hosts game for you or somthing.
Anyways Blizzard needs to get a clue and speak out. Though like I said, I don't think it's the auto/ref they are after, but the maphacks, cheats, and unbalanced game play. (Why would they care if we can host faster, and have a few convenient features in out games?)