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Is VCK legal?

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Level 13
Mar 23, 2008
Hey guys.

Its just because ive gotten tired of all those n00bs joining my game and you cant do anything about them. I really want banlist, but cant get it to work (might try it again anywayz XD)
But well. I just wanna ask you is VCK (Visual Custom Kick) allowed by blizzard? And what about banlist, is that allowed too?

thx Saphiree.
Level 13
Mar 23, 2008
I still think its annoying they disallow banlist and VCK, but i think its necessary to do so to stop n00bs, and other crap too.

Anyway, when you say ALL Thid party tools, is that Delay Reducer too then? Cus i really cant live without W3DR :O
Level 20
Oct 21, 2006
VCK is allowed, DR too. But if you try to kick someone with VCK you might get banned.

I have used LC, VCK and Dotazilla and so far no problems.

Well Blizzard never said that they allow any of these but VCK uses DR and Dotazilla uses the same DR system too, and in Dota-league we use Dotazilla to host games becus it has a program that gathers information from the game and then pastes it to the web-page. And so far nobody have been banned for using this and it works very much like VCK so I think that VCK is allowed.
Level 3
Jul 12, 2009
Don't even get me started on DoTA league shit..
In my opinion VCK isn't suppose to be for nub hosts kicking ppl for attacking them. It's a great tool that i DLed an have been using a while. Nice AutoRef, ,and nice DR problem you gotta tab out to use it, added to the handy interface allowing you to kick out spammers, and others intentional ruining the game.
i think VCK should be legal.


A. You are entitled to use Battle.net for your own personal use, but you shall not be entitled to...(v) use any third-party software to modify Battle.net to change game play, including, but not limited to cheats and/or hacks;

The way they say it kinda implies that they mostly don't want people to get unfair advantages by cheats such as map-hacking, because this would ruin the game. VCK can ruin the game if nub host kicks people for things they are doing in the game (such as attacking them). That would give them an unfair advantage ruining the game, but VCK is meant to kick people who are ruining the game thus helping the game.

As far as banlists, well they can be abused just the same way. (As in people i know getting baned from games they never played) I am FOR VCK and AGAINST BANLISTS because banlists are syncranized, so you can get banned from EVERYONES GAMES even if it was just a nub host, whereas VCK its the choice of specific hosts kicking for what is happening at the moment.

Obviously i have to much to say. : ]
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Level 2
May 18, 2009
Tried to host some maps today without blist and vck. No one joins and you can refresh as fast as you can and still no one comes because of the autorefreshed games filling the top of the list.
Randomly banning ppl and no clear statements about unclear cases like banlist and vck doesnt seem very wise to me. Hope blizz makes a clear statement on these two soon.

Dr Super Good

Spell Reviewer
Level 64
Jan 18, 2005
Whats strange is they allow Ghost One bots and do not even concider banning them. They have banlist, custom kick, spoofer, auto refresh, delay reducer and slot bugger all in one. You can even play as computer players that are usually locked via Ghost One...

What I think is happening is they are banning every third party program which modifies the WC3 game instance physically while in memory, even if it is only to add hotkeys. Tools which interface as a WC3 game or tools which simply custom kick via terminating the connection are not banned as they are near undetectable. Ghost One sends out purly hosting data and not player data and disconnects the game from battlenet once started. Disconnecting someone via a firewall could count as a communication failure and thus if you get banned for it, then you can get banned for splitting or losing connection which I do not see happening as it is injust.

All in all it is only a problem if you try and cheat via game modification. There are still tools which you can use to make your life easier.

As for the whole normal games not being joined is mostly your fault. Fistly, people do not joing stupid GNs usually, thus putting something like "zelda" or "zombies" in the GN instantly almost garuntees a full house. Secondly when hosting on far away servers like american ones if your in europe, only like 1/50 people see your game appear on the list. This means that it does not get pushed away or anything, just that every 50 odd refreshes them make they will see it only once or twice. This also works the other way.

All in all it comes down to how you name your game and how good the map is. Currently anything with D3, or Diablo III will fill fast.
Actually, GHost++ bots are "illegal". (If that's different from Ghost One, then this post is probably useless)
Warden automatically shuts them down, mine gets shut down, you have to use some client thing where you basically are entrusting your CD-Keys to some random guy, to give you the right responses to Warden. If Blizzard checked the Custom Game list every once in a while, with actual people, they could be banning bots by the dozen - IDK if they do and just allow it anyway.

Dr Super Good

Spell Reviewer
Level 64
Jan 18, 2005
Well, warden does not rally ban them, simply disconnects them as they are communicating random garbage. Every so often warden changes its encryption, and thus the ghost bots have to update theirs as well. I know many people using them and none have ever said that their bots were banned (account closed + CDkey ban), mearly that they were kicked every minute and denied from hosting.
Level 3
Jul 12, 2009
Whats strange is they allow Ghost One bots and do not even concider banning them. They have banlist, custom kick, spoofer, auto refresh, delay reducer and slot bugger all in one. You can even play as computer players that are usually locked via Ghost One...

As for the whole normal games not being joined is mostly your fault. Fistly, people do not joing stupid GNs usually, thus putting something like "zelda" or "zombies" in the GN instantly almost garuntees a full house. Secondly when hosting on far away servers like american ones if your in europe, only like 1/50 people see your game appear on the list. This means that it does not get pushed away or anything, just that every 50 odd refreshes them make they will see it only once or twice. This also works the other way.

All in all it comes down to how you name your game and how good the map is. Currently anything with D3, or Diablo III will fill fast.

Uh...not really. So if you put "zombie" in gn its fh instantly? not true. Every game will take a while for people to join, and games like "zombie blah blah blah" or "crappy half-ass zelda rpg that takes 2hour to dl" don't usually have fh when i join. But it's mostly because almost ALL DoTA games are bot, lc, vck, bl, etc.. They are always top of list, always refreshed, and always at least 5 on the list. IDK what ppl think? "Oh, a DoTA. I wanna play DoTA right now. I guess I'll host my own instead of joining this one" +20 stupid points.

Anyways, Kamikaye is right, hosting without assistance of third party programs can be a pain. Blizzard's great awesome best idea ever of having to close/open slots just to have your game show up is slow, and pointless.

If Blizzard checked the Custom Game list every once in a while, with actual people, they could be banning bots by the dozen - IDK if they do and just allow it anyway.

Maybe if Blizzard payed more attention to their good games (RTS FTW) then they could see what is happening right in front of them. LOOK!!#%$$%
They don't see? What is wrong with them. All you gotta do is log on B.net, look at list and.. Let's see, today about 75% games are bot/vck/lc/bl or at least just a simple autorefresh. I hear though, for Starcraft or somthing they are going to change the way b.net is so intead of hosting from you computer you hook up to a server that hosts game for you or somthing.

Anyways Blizzard needs to get a clue and speak out. Though like I said, I don't think it's the auto/ref they are after, but the maphacks, cheats, and unbalanced game play. (Why would they care if we can host faster, and have a few convenient features in out games?)
well most Autorefershers are actually working without people getting banned. Go play some games around, you will still see people refreshing.

What has been banned are most bots, CK, banlists, Hacks, spoofs, etc.

I think it has been beneficial in general. for instance, CK was used by fucking losers who couldn't stand being owned and by people who kicked noobs. If you don't want to play with noobs, then get some friends and play on LAN. About hacks, spoofs and etc, I think we all know why they should be banned.
Level 40
Dec 14, 2005
Hosting without third party programs is fine and I've never had problems with people joining. It also saves the incredibly annoying spam produced by autorefresh.

In addition, it doesn't matter what tools are "intended to do". I could say maphack is "intended to find and eliminate cheaters in games that need it" and hell, it could be (I know a guy who made a maphack for a completely harmless purpose). It matters what tools do.

Also, I heard from a very knowledgeable source that Blizzard seems to be leaving certain technically illegal programs such as delay reducers intact and instead targeting more game-destroying hacks such as maphack.
Level 13
Mar 23, 2008
I dont care manually closing/openeing. You're really too lazy if you think thats pia. But the 2,5 sec delay is got damn annoying. Using delay reducer is highly recommended. I hate joining a game without delay reducer.
Level 40
Dec 14, 2005
And everyone have 2 second delay, but host... Also its pain in the ass to refresh the slots manually by opening and closing them.
I haven't seen any evidence that delay reducers do anything to the delay if it is above the minimum value. I swear, this is like the .405 JASS fad--everyone jumps on the bandwagon, then when it's been a while they've so exaggerated the past that they can't go back for fear of falling into traps which are really just fabricated by themselves to justify their jumping on the bandwagon in the first place. In all my time of hosting without third party programs, I have neither had joining problems nor delay problems, except obviously from Europeans who had bad delay in any game (being on US East and all).
Level 8
Aug 23, 2007
Nice to see that Blizzard finally took some actions. I'm inactive in bnet to know if there are still mhackers or drophackers or tie-hackers.

There's a difference between haxing and banlists and bots. Haxing is for noobs that are shitty and can't win without em. :thumbs_down: And banlists are usefull tools that keep these noobs out :thumbs_up: :fp: :eek::cry: WAAAAH!!! I CANT JOIN THE GAME!!!! ALL I DID WAS HAXORZ TO WIN!!!! I KNOW I PRO AT DOTA!!!!! :cry:

Blizzard should not ban banlists and bots, they are incredibly helpful and will make the DotA community soo freaking pissed. People will want to murder blizzard. I'd honestly start a violent riot outside the Blizzard head office.
Level 3
Jul 12, 2009
Delay! F this imma go play Bot game!

well most Autorefershers are actually working without people getting banned. Go play some games around, you will still see people refreshing.

What has been banned are most bots, CK, banlists, Hacks, spoofs, etc.

I think it has been beneficial in general. for instance, CK was used by fucking losers who couldn't stand being owned and by people who kicked noobs. If you don't want to play with noobs, then get some friends and play on LAN. About hacks, spoofs and etc, I think we all know why they should be banned.

Ya... Auto/ref is still 3rd party program that modifies an aspect of WC, so it's kinda the same type of thing as CK, and stuff. Most DR now have kick commands and ping options etc.. You gotta be joAking me that is good that DR isn't legal... ppl that join games (especially AT and mazes like itw) quit instantly if you don't have DR or whine about delay the whole time. CK isn't noobs just kicking ppl that are better. For example, som1 joined a maze i made and started spamming cause he asked me to fix lag and i told him DR was adjusted and i couldn't do anything (maybe help he weren't across globe in Australia..) so i kicked him and saved the trouble of everyone type /squelch. Why have a spammer that isn't playing?

well have fun with your delay MR. anti-lag reducer. and spoofs? harmless mostly. hacks? well dr is kinda a hack, depends on your opinion. like i said if it doesn't give unfair advantage or have bl then is good i guess..

open/close is just a hassle.. no point to not getting auto/ref it don't' hurt the gameplay..

Hosting without third party programs is fine and I've never had problems with people joining. It also saves the incredibly annoying spam produced by autorefresh.

In addition, it doesn't matter what tools are "intended to do". I could say maphack is "intended to find and eliminate cheaters in games that need it" and hell, it could be (I know a guy who made a maphack for a completely harmless purpose). It matters what tools do.

Also, I heard from a very knowledgeable source that Blizzard seems to be leaving certain technically illegal programs such as delay reducers intact and instead targeting more game-destroying hacks such as maphack.

There is (in theory) auto/ref that don't spam (god thats anoiying), but i can't get any of those to work, so gues spam is good. Just close a few and keep it does.. You could say mh is anything you want, but that doesn't hide the truth. it's pretty easy to tell what DELAY REDUCER was intended for. same with 'visual custom KICK'. It's the fact that DR doesn't give anyone advantage unless host screws with it (and puts it to 500+ when your on ice), but in general it actually make more fair by giving other players same delay as host. (depends on connection and comp of course.) and about the blizzard working less on DR and more on MH.. well... they don't care. at all. FACE IT! they don't care about WC they making like three other games. SC is focus in RTS right now.

I <3 loosing friends.
Level 8
Aug 19, 2007
Dear Visual Custom Kick users,

Blizzard have finally taken the unfortunate step to flag and ban users of Visual Custom Kick. If am deeply afflicted with the fact, that some of your have already been banned.
Please make sure to stop using Visual Custom Kick on Battle.Net from now on until the situation has been clarified.

Listing - Lead developer of Visual Custom Kick

Visual Custom Kick homepage link Here: Link
Level 3
Jul 12, 2009

I'd like to meet one person who have been using VCK.

i have. but haven't used in a while cause, well, many comps, one IP, and much lag may occur. (especially when all comps in use.)

Dear Visual Custom Kick users,

Blizzard have finally taken the unfortunate step to flag and ban users of Visual Custom Kick. If am deeply afflicted with the fact, that some of your have already been banned.
Please make sure to stop using Visual Custom Kick on Battle.Net from now on until the situation has been clarified.

Listing - Lead developer of Visual Custom Kick

lame.. they actually took action and looked at their game :( the problem is.. not really much wrong with vck. unless you have a list of names and notes, you must judge each player by what they have done in that game, unlike bl which you dl 500+ pages of banned IPs and wonder why no1 joins. bl is bad cause anyone can ban you, then you can't join anyone's games. coulda just been a nub host. vck is useful.. i wish blizzard would say what they think about vck and bl..
vck = good, bl = bad.
guess i should stop using vck.. is lc banned as well? so far iv had least lag on lc hosts, but it is still a bl. i got banned from a few games.. not sure why, and no way to find out, but w/e...

ok this is great. this is for those of you who hate fair hosting.

Q u o t e:
You use an illegal hack and you get banned, what exactly do you feel is unfair?

so, in using list checker to do nothing more than reduce the latency, thats "an illegal hack" so now my cd key is banned.

sounds good. Since blizzard cant reduce the latency to a bearable amount, we use list checker, now we cant even do that! this is RIDICULOUS!


oh wait! got another one:
It's a joke, It's litereally painful to play a game and hopefully we can get the game back to normal. Sure the 250 delay setting or whatever that Battle.net has is annoying but It's playable in, people are just too used to these hacks.
oh. so we are used to less delay. LESS DELAY IS BETTER! (DUH). Even B.Net servers lag (and a lot more then some custom games). Blizzard is failing HARD. hopefully they can redeem themselves.
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Level 6
May 7, 2009
I haven't seen any evidence that delay reducers do anything to the delay if it is above the minimum value. I swear, this is like the .405 JASS fad--everyone jumps on the bandwagon, then when it's been a while they've so exaggerated the past that they can't go back for fear of falling into traps which are really just fabricated by themselves to justify their jumping on the bandwagon in the first place. In all my time of hosting without third party programs, I have neither had joining problems nor delay problems, except obviously from Europeans who had bad delay in any game (being on US East and all).

What is the .405 JASS craze?
Ive been kicked out of so many games for being better than the host XD, (probably about 6% of games, 15% of the games im wining)
although i still dont think theres anything wrong with the tools, there just miss used

ill admit sometimes, i Volunteer to leave a game that i am winning, so everyone else can have fun.. because once your past that point its usually boring anyways
Level 10
Aug 15, 2008
About VCK, No, you won't get banned kicking players, cause it causes disconnects through people Internet, not BNet's. BUT If you will use bonus features from VCK, you will most probably be banned.

About GHost++, they have anti-warden proxy, so... if you don't want your bot to be banned, keep it ALWAYS up to date.

DR doesn't get you banned at all.

Wc3 Banlist also doesn't get you banned at all.

Auto-refresher works pretty nice also and no problems at all. I have my auto-refresher since 1.22 and not even a single problem!

Always, if you use program what injects/manipulates BNet, It will 100% get you banned. Also... Note that Ladder is more protective, so it is REALLY recommended to not use ANY program.

Any program what manipulates BNet connection will get your cd-key banned for use of 3rd party programs.
1st Offense: 30 days. + Account closed.
2nd Offense: Permanent Ban. + Account closed.

Closed accounts can be recreated, when 3 months are passed since the day it was banned, making it expire and delete itself, allowing to recreate it as fully new account.
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