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Is It Possible To...

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Level 3
Mar 6, 2007
I have a few questions, and though they may sound impossible to accomplish, it wouldn't hurt to know. And anyone can give suggestions and what not.. So here they are..

-1- Is there a way to play music during the loading screen?
-2- Is there any way to have more than 12 players in a single game?
-3- Is it possible to actually set up a map in a way, where if you already did not have the map you wouldn't be able to download it. So in other words, can you make it so a map can't be downloaded on b.net.. That you need it to be downloaded beforehand from a website or some other source?
Level 3
Mar 6, 2007
What is warsock?

And when you talk about your own mod of war3.. you mean your own world editor or something?
Level 9
Jun 26, 2007
a mod is a home made game based on the engine of an official one
warcraft allow people to make mods (there is somes on the hive)
by making a mod, you can change many thing,
but that's harder a lot than making a map (100 times harder at least)

1) Yes its possible
I really want to know how...
there is no music to replace by import+repath so how can you add a music in the loading?
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