Is adding damage bonus dice possible?

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Level 1
Apr 10, 2009

I have an item ability (based on item attack lightning bonus) wich have the following data entries:
Data - Damage bonus
Data - Damage bonus Dice
Data - Enabled Attack index

When I set "Damage bonus dice" to X, my hero gets dmg bonus of X
Modifying "Damage bonus" dont seem to affect the dmg at all.

What I want to do is to make a Hero with for example Damage 1-8 (Dmg Base:0, Dmg Number of dice:1 and Dmg sides per dice:8) get one extra dice from the item and deal 2-16 dmg.

But when I increase "Damage bonus Dice" by 1 he gains 1 damage and when I increase "Damage bonus" nothing happens.

I hope this isn't too confusing. Thanks for any help!
Level 1
Apr 10, 2009
2 additional questions

My idea is to use a dice system with different dices as in rpg games:1d2, 1d3, 1d4, 1d6, 1d8, 1d10 and 1d12. Different weapons deals different damage.

1. It appears that uppgrades are the only way, but why does the ability have dice bonus if it don't work?

2. Is there any other way of changing damage dice? With jass maybe?

I tried using Xd2 and adding a negative damage bonus but it is impossible to create anything higher than a 1d4.

Couldn't make this with uppgrades either because you can only have one specific dice for a unit (for example 1d4 or 2d4 and so on).

I could skip the damage bonus and add it with triggers but then there won't be any visible damage bonus except for the weapons tooltip..
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Level 8
Feb 15, 2009
I just want to reply my thoughts to answer/question 2.

Coz Blízzard implemented loads of crazy stuff ,popularest in my opinion is the Shadowstrike which's Casting time is used as timer intervall for the damage or the shity Cluster 'Rockets Spell
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