as i look - there have not written something ... Great map, I love it, thank you for it. already mentioned here about the race of power, it has a lot of various upgrades, but the race itself is weak ... especially against the beetles first boss. at all - strange. the first boss and the first air is the most hard. that barricades... and of course - general problem - just 30lvl. But, I'm not here for this. i like to play this map, and i faced with one problem. you see, im from kazakhstan, and i playing at russian TD rooms. and russians is not like europians - that minute before ending, they cant sit! they always writing me somethink like "why so easy?", "thats all?", "map is crap!" and leave... they are always leaving. each game i wait for end alone. this is killing me. gotta be good to get v without endtimer... so i hope, what in future you will remove it. or, if you need it - make a command for turn off that timer.
with best regards, and the expectation of new maps. DDRmails