Interesting Fact

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Deleted member 157129


Deleted member 157129

Culod you coem up whit soemhintg odelr? I'm implied to think it doesn't work for words that are put together by other words. For example 'soemhintg' (something) doesn't remind me of anything, however 'soemtinhg' does (note how I simply messed up SomE and ThinG separately).
Level 13
Nov 22, 2006
Lol, it's an old joke. The most fascinating one I've ever seen are those large words inside of a pyramid where you completely miss a word the first time you read it. Too bad you can only do it once.

What is the point here? I don't find it so fascinating because reading scrambled words becomes harder as the words get longer, which is completely logical and therefore disappointing. I personally don't think people read only the first and the last letter of a word, the fact that those letters are correct just makes the word an easier anagram. People view words as shapes, that's why it takes you longer to read a word you've never seen before, because you've never seen it's shape.
Level 34
Jul 4, 2007
Pff, this is why I watch BBC's QI, where they combine comedy and interesting facts in one show.

Acting with a spearhead formation YouTube video that involves the English language.

Level 13
Nov 22, 2006
Well the real reason I've made this thread is because there were nothing new in Off-topic :p

I opened a new thread recently.

Well sorry :/

No problem dude :). Maybe we could debate about something else? Because nobody actually knows how the brain functions :)

Btw, the fact that we're using only about 10% of our brains is pretty interesting... makes you wonder what you would be able to do with 50%, not to mention 100%. You would be able to raise mountains with pure thoughts :D.
Level 13
Nov 22, 2006
Moving mountains would be sort of impossible x)

I was kidding :D.

I think we use 5%-7%, not 10%.

You're right. But that tiny percentage is still decreasing, which is really fucking depressing. People are getting stupider and stupider. For example, the teacher in my class asked if we toss a dice, what is the chance that we will get a six. The answer was: one to six. One guy said that that you have greater chance for getting a one than for getting any other number, because "one" has the least dots. Nobody laughed except me.
Level 12
Aug 31, 2008
You're right. But that tiny percentage is still decreasing, which is really fucking depressing. People are getting stupider and stupider. For example, the teacher in my class asked if we toss a dice, what is the chance that we will get a six. The answer was: one to six. One guy said that that you have greater chance for getting a one than for getting any other number, because "one" has the least dots. Nobody laughed except me.

Totally true. We are starting to de-evolute because of our great practice of curing diseases, and removing natural selection.

I DO believe however, is that our smart people are getting smarter. Our dumb people are getting dumber though.

I lol'd at the dice joke. People in my school are dumb like that all the time.
Level 13
Nov 22, 2006
How old are you, Silvenon? 'Cause being stupid is really the stereotype at 13-16(?).

I'm freakin 18, and that dice thing happened at the freakin college. That's why it's so retarded.

I DO believe however, is that our smart people are getting smarter. Our dumb people are getting dumber though.

My personal opinion is smart people were smarted before. No matter how smart you are, whether you like it or not, a stupid society will make you a bit stupid too.

I wouldn't say they're getting *much* smarter. I daresay Einstein was a lot more clever than nowadays' geniuses.

Therefore I think you're right.

Because, obviously, the fraction of our brain which we "don't" use serves for telekinesis and telepathy.

Who knows. There are probably a lot of things we would be able to do which aren't in the science fiction movies. Something that never occurred to anyone ever.
Level 13
Oct 31, 2009
That is beyond retarded. Jesus Christ.

Also in like fifty years some exciting new technology will unlock the part of the brain we don't use, and the fact that it's not used for a reason will be revealed.
That is beyond retarded. Jesus Christ.

Beyond godlike retarded? :p


I must agree on that that society is getting lamer and lamer and that it leads nowhere.

Just for an example 10 years ago where there were no cellphones or internet, what were people doing? They were actually talking to each other, they trained their brains how to talk and express.

Just look at us now, we re "talking" trough texts all the time, you don't even need to think, it's just lame IMO.
Level 13
Oct 31, 2009
Well I prefer talking over the internet seeing as I have Asperger's Syndrome, but that belongs in the disorders thread.

I think that comes down to personal preference to be honest.
Level 13
Nov 22, 2006
Just for an example 10 years ago where there were no cellphones or internet, what were people doing? They were actually talking to each other, they trained their brains how to talk and express.

Just look at us now, we re "talking" trough texts all the time, you don't even need to think, it's just lame IMO.

It's probably lame mostly because of the alienation. But on the other side, think about how much we learn nowadays. You probably know that being under stress is a common thing today, that's because we learn much. When you have a question, you can check it up on the internet and you have your answer in like 10 seconds. Before computers, people couldn't do that, and maybe they never got their answer.

Internet is really a great thing, but only a small amount of people can use it wisely.
Level 20
Apr 22, 2007
TwistedImage said:
Although they don't have proof for it, you don't have proof against it, so sarcastic remarks are unneeded.
Well, I could say that when the human brain is used in its entirety, we would be able to shoot beer from our fingertips. I don't have proof for it, you don't have proof against it, but it's still fucking ridiculous.

Also, that's nonsense! Sarcastic remarks are always needed!

... OSHI-
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