Inconsistencies in Classic WC3 that you want to see fixed in Reforged?

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Level 13
Feb 3, 2019
Wow... as if strategy games are made without considering the melee and gameplay aspect.
It makes whole sense in what and how the plot evolves/unveils.
No. I thought in WoW. They would never ally with humans without Demons about to annihalte them. They would never ally themselves with humans, before legion's invasion. In WoW, lorewise, it would make more sense for Humans and Orcs to be allies, the main races of Alliance/Horde, than any of them being allies of Night Elves or Forsaken.
The men were sleeping and the women were doing everything but not raising any children.
Ah, I mean, night elves are all monastic. Their love is only at the word level.
Have you ever heard about great loves, movie loves frm the big screen. That's how you're supposed to imagine Malfurion and Tyrande, and the other Night Elves, love isn't all about sex. And of course, it wouldn't make sense in Wc3 terms that the women raise children, remember Night Elves are about feminism.(in Wc3 at least, WoW changed that a bit, but still kept that part)
Actually, imagine that the sun's energy is infinitely better than the moon's 0.

In Warcraft III the moon stimulates melanin. What I mean is that night elves have a reverse melanin effect.

Right, as if it was in their interest to erase their past especially it being related to their enemies, in a way. How smart would that be, the night elves remembering but the high elves not.
Kael's jaw did not drop when seeing Maiev and Tyrande. I'm pretty sure night elves were not taboo.
Ah, so, if you're not immortal, then you can breed like insects?
What I meant to say is that the Sunwell is a billion times less powerful than the original Well of Eternity, as well as the Capital City around it, Silvermoon, though maybe the greatest and most advanced city in the world, is still a billion times smaller and less prosperous than any major city from Azshara's empire, let alone Zin'Azshari.
High Elves and Night Elves are not enemies, they fought together in the War of the Ancients, future High Elves betraying Azshara and giving up their safe position as the Highborne. They just can't live with one another and have parted ways. One can't stand magic, and the other is 100% in it, and can't live without it. The High Elves forgot about the Night Elves, untill RoC, as they were surprised by the Night Elves in RoC, like orcs and humans. There were probably some texts kept, but the general populace didn't know. The Night Elves as well. They had no clue that the High Elves descend from the exiled Highborne.


Map Reviewer
Level 72
Jun 4, 2009
In WoW, lorewise, it would make more sense for Humans and Orcs to be allies, the main races of Alliance/Horde, than any of them being allies of Night Elves or Forsaken.
Actually, in WoW (excluding gameplay, of course), it makes sense for the Durotar orcs to be allied with the night elves and Theramore humans but not with the humans of the eastern continent. The Nelves have learned a dire lesson and breaking relations with the newfound allies would not be smart.
Have you ever heard about great loves, movie loves frm the big screen.
Hollywood is the last place I'd look for love. I think I know some things about religious, philosophical, esoteric and metaphysical love. I was being sarcastic.
And of course, it wouldn't make sense in Wc3 terms that the women raise children, remember Night Elves are about feminism.
I don't know what game you've been playing or how you've been interpreting but a society where women are equal to men=/=contemporary SJW feminism.
Who's raising the young ones, Cenarius?
High Elves and Night Elves are not enemies, they fought together in the War of the Ancients,
:\ is that related to a Broxigar time travel thing? Because high elves=/=highborne and highborne=night elves. It's just like saying Sentinels or Druids but on a more "royal/aristocratic" approach.
The High Elves forgot about the Night Elves, untill RoC, as they were surprised by the Night Elves in RoC, like orcs and humans. There were probably some texts kept, but the general populace didn't know. The Night Elves as well. They had no clue that the High Elves descend from the exiled Highborne.
Way to go Blizzard. Very smart. It's like 10k years is compared with the transition from African neanderthals to ancient European homo sapiens.
Level 13
Feb 3, 2019
I don't know what game you've been playing or how you've been interpreting but a society where women are equal to men=/=contemporary SJW feminism.
Who's raising the young ones, Cenarius?
How do you mean equal? Men are a sleep and totally helpless, till women awake them, or Cenarius. Women lead the army, govern the society, lead religious life...basically everything. And everyone of them is strong and independant(Strong woman, lol). So I see a lot of reference to feminism here.
:\ is that related to a Broxigar time travel thing? Because high elves=/=highborne and highborne=night elves. It's just like saying Sentinels or Druids but on a more "royal/aristocratic" approach.
Not really. One of Azshara's closest advisers, Dath'ramar Sunstrider, didn't like Azshara's vision of perfection, and saw that she was crazy. Of course he was no match for Azshara(no other advisor had any intention of betraying Azshara, even if they did she was more powerful than all of them). So Dath'remar descided to free Tyrande and join the resistance. Dath'ramar was Kael's ancestor and the Highborne who followed him became the High Elves. Highborne are aristocrat Night Elves. High Elves descend from the Highborne, so they were the Night Elves, like the Naga.

@Ardenaso since Campaign loading screens we've seen (if legit) are 100% lore inconsistent, this thread doesn't make a lot of sense anymore....
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Map Reviewer
Level 72
Jun 4, 2009
How do you mean equal? Men are a sleep and totally helpless, till women awake them, or Cenarius. Women lead the army, govern the society, lead religious life...basically everything. And everyone of them is strong and independant(Strong woman, lol). So I see a lot of reference to feminism here.
They're sleeping because it is required to not because they are forced by their women or because they're exploiting their women. In times when the druids are not required to be linked to the Emerald Dream, they all do mostly the same things, night elven men and women.
So Dath'remar descided to free Tyrande and join the resistance. Dath'ramar was Kael's ancestor and the Highborne who followed him became the High Elves.
Well, I don't know about that but it's lame. At least the manual doesn't put it like that. I mean, the remaining highborne were still using those forbidden magics and were expelled by Furion for good. There was no reason to do it if Dath'remar actually helped against Azshara and also rescued Tyrande which would've soften Furion's heart.


HD Model Reviewer
Level 33
Jun 22, 2013
Them joining the Alliance is cause of gameplay reason, and doesn't make much sense lorewise.

When the World Tree imploded, the Night Elves' immortality was lost ("we will age as these mortals do" - Tyrande) and so they became susceptible to aging, disease, weakness, aging, wounds, sickness, and more aging; of course anyone who was super healthy their whole life then getting introduced with a new virus strain will surely get withdrawals (like how the Blood Elves became after the Sunwell was destroyed)

The Warsong Clan continued their lumber operations in Ashenvale, the Night Elves said no and they still do not trust them because of Cenarius, the Orcs persisted, and war happened. And since the Night Elves were no longer that strong as they were in WC3 and they keep getting pressured by the Orcs, Tyrande had no other choice but to ask the new Alliance for help (because for some reason she could not call upon the Chimaera, Mountain Giants, Faerie Dragons, Green Dragons, and Wildkins for help)

So when the new generations of High Elves came, they forgot about the Night Elves, and actually outnumbered them a lot.

I kinda wish Tyrande or Malfurion would have some quotes about encountering High Elves in RoC

Kael's jaw did not drop when seeing Maiev and Tyrande.

He was like the great-great-great-grandson of Dath'remar and his ancestors may have found it really unnecessary to tell the tales of trivial things to their children

since Campaign loading screens we've seen (if legit) are 100% lore inconsistent, this thread doesn't make a lot of sense anymore....

that's sad, I guess the Culling of Stratholme 2018 Demo intro and outro were indeed scrapped

there was no reason to do it if Dath'remar actually helped against Azshara and also rescued Tyrande which would've soften Furion's heart.

2200 years after the Burning Legion was defeated, the Night Elves were somewhat shocked that the Highborne were still doing arcane drugs to that point; Dath'remar made some magic show to impress the Night Elves but he made Hurricane Katrina and so forth the Highborne were expelled for good
Level 13
Feb 3, 2019
They're sleeping because it is required to not because they are forced by their women or because they're exploiting their women. In times when the druids are not required to be linked to the Emerald Dream, they all do mostly the same things, night elven men and women.
Anyway, they ended up being helpless and completely dependant of their women. Feminism is not about amazons, it's about women being able to take roles of both genders. And no, when the men wake up (roughly few weeks every couple of centuries) they are only civilians, with magic. Women still carry weapons, hold both civil and religious authority etc....
When the World Tree imploded, the Night Elves' immortality was lost ("we will age as these mortals do" - Tyrande) and so they became susceptible to aging, disease, weakness, aging, wounds, sickness, and more aging; of course anyone who was super healthy their whole life then getting introduced with a new virus strain will surely get withdrawals (like how the Blood Elves became after the Sunwell was destroyed)

The Warsong Clan continued their lumber operations in Ashenvale, the Night Elves said no and they still do not trust them because of Cenarius, the Orcs persisted, and war happened. And since the Night Elves were no longer that strong as they were in WC3 and they keep getting pressured by the Orcs, Tyrande had no other choice but to ask the new Alliance for help (because for some reason she could not call upon the Chimaera, Mountain Giants, Faerie Dragons, Green Dragons, and Wildkins for help)
But in Warcraft 3 humans were cutting lumber as much as the orcs. Why would the Night Elves allow the humans to cut their lumber, but not the orcs? Also for gameplay reasons, they made the Tauren able to be Druids, and thus making them historical allies of the Night Elves and Cenarius. So shouldn't the Night Elves ally with their allies to begin with(the Tauren that were allied with the orcs). Also where have all the Humans from Ashenvale gone? Also WoW is here a bit inconsistent to itself. They explained that they weren't able to call all those races for help in Ahenvale because Nordrassil was no longer in danger, and those creature only want to defend Nordrassil, not get involved in politics. Yet Shandris still has Chimaeras in Feathermoon Stronghold. Also that all changed with Cataclysm, when Night Elves all had those races again. Sure they were helping defend Nordrassil from Ragnaros and the Legion, but they were also helping the Night Elves fight Garrosh and Forsaken, so.......
I kinda wish Tyrande or Malfurion would have some quotes about encountering High Elves in RoC
As I said they had no way of knowing they are descendants of the exiled Highborne.


HD Model Reviewer
Level 33
Jun 22, 2013
(because for some reason she could not call upon the Chimaera, Mountain Giants, Faerie Dragons, Green Dragons, and Wildkins for help)

I thought this clause here was enough to show my distaste for WoW

But in Warcraft 3 humans were cutting lumber as much as the orcs. Why would the Night Elves allow the humans to cut their lumber, but not the orcs?

I'm not sure exactly, but the Orcs continued and they killed Cenarius so they have more leverage

(the Tauren that were allied with the orcs)

Well they seem kinda "allied" with the Tauren; they were integrating together in Druid packs and even in that grove in Stonetalon Mountain that got the Hiroshima; and in A Good War, the Tauren really never wanted to join the genocide against the Night Elves

Humans from Ashenvale gone?


Also WoW is here a bit inconsistent to itself

Probably those chimaera were personal pets? They were also aiding the Alliance in Darkshore Warfront

As I said they had no way of knowing they are descendants of the exiled Highborne.

"Hey why do those guys who do cringe levels of Arcane have long ears like us?"
Level 13
Feb 3, 2019
Well they seem kinda "allied" with the Tauren; they were integrating together in Druid packs and even in that grove in Stonetalon Mountain that got the Hiroshima; and in A Good War, the Tauren really never wanted to join the genocide against the Night Elves
What I meant to say is that the Night Elves actually have more reason to join the Horde, than the Alliance. Cause their long standing ally whom they trust is in the Horde, and there are none of those in the Alliance. But Tauren being able to be druids makes no sense from Wc3 point of view, it's for WoW gameplay reasons. Same thing for all races(especially orcs and humans) excepting Warlocks in the society, and Death Knights, and trolls being druids, and night elves excepting back the highborne, and Forsaken and Blood Elves joining the Horde and quite a lot more things...


Map Reviewer
Level 72
Jun 4, 2009
Feminism is not about amazons, it's about women being able to take roles of both genders.
I thought that was what LGBTQ movement was about.
But in Warcraft 3 humans were cutting lumber as much as the orcs.
So? It was necessary. Dire times require dire solutions. Besides, they'd still need the lumber afterwards in Twilight of the Gods. Night Elves are pretty hypocritical. I mean, those bows, arrows and Hunter Halls don't come out of grass.
Also where have all the Humans from Ashenvale gone?
To Twilight of the Gods and afterwards Theramore?
As I said they had no way of knowing they are descendants of the exiled Highborne.
Not 100% but it was like so hinting towards it. What other elves would there be, I wonder?
(like how the Blood Elves became after the Sunwell was destroyed)
Not really the same thing. Also, the roots were healing effective immediately so their immortality will probably get back some time in the future.
2200 years after the Burning Legion was defeated, the Night Elves were somewhat shocked that the Highborne were still doing arcane drugs to that point; Dath'remar made some magic show to impress the Night Elves but he made Hurricane Katrina and so forth the Highborne were expelled for good
This is WoW bullocks. 2200 years is so long that if it took Furion that long to realize it and nothing had happened until then, it would've been all useless in the end.
I thought this clause here was enough to show my distaste for WoW
Let's not forget Twilight of the Gods and the absence of Chimaeras, dragons, whatnot. All you have are some furbolgs and dark trolls.


HD Model Reviewer
Level 33
Jun 22, 2013
What I meant to say is that the Night Elves actually have more reason to join the Horde, than the Alliance.

Yeah; many actually preferred the Night Elves and Tauren to be the 3rd faction instead, and maybe add Dark Trolls. But yeah WoW gameplay happened like Night Elves' grudge against Orcs and Tauren's eternal gratitude to Orcs

This is WoW bullocks.


Let's not forget Twilight of the Gods and the absence of Chimaeras, dragons, whatnot.

Not even Tyrande knew that Mountain Giants helped (as their dialogue implied in Balancing the Scales)

2200 years is so long that if it took Furion that long

let's also not realize it took also then 10,001 years before realizing there was even the Eastern Continents

Also, the roots were healing effective immediately so their immortality will probably get back some time in the future.

Apparently it took until BFA for the Night Elves (particularly Malfurion) to properly regain their immortality

Of course,

This is WoW bullocks.
Level 8
Dec 2, 2015
No. We will have everything answered since we wanna be lore purists so badly

There is a big difference between asking for EXPLANATIONS which is more lore and asking for REMOVALS which is LESS lore and that is what you suggested by asking for furblogs to be removed despite that there are many possible explanations for how a furblog could end up in a Dalaran zoo.


"I don't understand why there is a furblog in Dalaran therefore I demand it be removed."


"Why is there a furblog in Dalaran?"


HD Model Reviewer
Level 33
Jun 22, 2013
There is a big difference between asking for EXPLANATIONS which is more lore and asking for REMOVALS which is LESS lore and that is what you suggested by asking for furblogs to be removed despite that there are many possible explanations for how a furblog could end up in a Dalaran zoo.

You're right, but then again

was actually thinking that if the Kirin Tor got to Night Elf lands, then the Alliance wouldn't have problems venturing there and maybe even getting friendly with the Night Elves

or if they did got the Furbolg to Dalaran after the Hyjal, then wouldn't they cause a scandal to the Night Elves, or unless the Night Elves sent some corrupted Furbolg to experiment on for cures?

They better add some explanation to it then, which is less likely. Though I actually just preferred it to be changed into something like a Troll or an Orc to suit Dalaran's reeling against the Old Horde to be somewhat more consistent with lore


Map Reviewer
Level 72
Jun 4, 2009
or if they did got the Furbolg to Dalaran after the Hyjal, then wouldn't they cause a scandal to the Night Elves, or unless the Night Elves sent some corrupted Furbolg to experiment on for cures?
It didn't look like a corrupted Furbolg and Dalaran city and the Violet Citadel were in ruins since early RoC so I doubt they were sent after Twilight of the Gods.
Level 8
Dec 2, 2015
Probably enslaved by goblins and then sold under false pretenses to the Dalaran Zoo. That's just off the top of my head.

Also, why would the night elves even be aware of some random furblog in a Dalaran dungeon? Stop assuming everyone character is omniscient.
Level 8
Dec 2, 2015
A lot of furbolgs escaped from Ashenvale in RoC, maybe they stumble upon the archmages from Theramore and teleported as exotic beasts to the zoo? I mean, is really that important?

I like my explanation better because it better maintains the enormity of Azeroth which is something that was massively diminished by World of Warcraft. Before WoW, Azeroth was as enormous as Earth and the idea that anyone could explore the whole world and maintain a communications network across the whole thing was ludicrous. Magic is powerful, but rare, extremely difficult, and coveted so it was not a substitute for modern technology.

But in WoW everyone seems to have WoWpedia levels of knowledge about the world and can just instantly teleport to anywhere or otherwise it's just like... a 2 minute gryphon flight from the Exodar to Stormwind.

For me, at least, this is a massive blow to the realism and the fantasy setting.

Which is why, not only do I agree with you that it is completely unimportant, but if there is any explanation I don't want it to be something nonsensical like the night elves seeking arcane assistance from Dalaran because 1) the night elves are anti-arcane and 2) the distance makes it impractical.

The goblins are pretty much the only ones who maintain a (partial) network across these massive distances but that is because of their own insane nature of greed and avarice which lead them to totally disregard their own safety and following an extremely atypical logical train when decision making.

But frankly, this is something that never needs to be addressed at all. It's not a bug. It's not an inconsistency. It's just a random tidbit without an in depth backstory which frankly doesn't need one!
Level 13
Feb 3, 2019
Ok this topic hasn't really been mentioned here and I thought why not. I'm ignoring WoW now. But TfT has made a few quite big inconsistances in RoC. Will they be fixed, probably not, but it's the thread about it, so here goes:
  1. TfT units. Apart from Spell Breakers there is no reason, story/lore wise, why TfT units do not appear in RoC Campaign. Example there is no reason why there are no Spirit Walkers with Cairne or later Thrall in RoC Campaign. Also Furion says to Tyrande in TfT Night Elf Campaign that Mountain Giants fought the legion with them, and so on..... Same goes for Dragonhawk Riders, Bat Riders, Obsidian Statues (and Destroyers) and Farie Dragons. Even Spell Breakers can appear with Jaina and Dalaran after the Sunwell was destoryed.
  2. Where were Maiev and Naisha when Tyrande and her forces broke into the Prison?
  3. Where was Kael'thas when the Scourge was destorying either Quel'thalas or Dalaran?
  4. What happened to Sylvanas between Fall of Silvermoon and King Arthas?
  5. How did Rexxar come to Kalimdor?
  6. What were the Ogres doing in Kalimdor in Rexxar Campaign, and how did they get there, when they were enemies of the orcs, so they couldn't have come with them?


Map Reviewer
Level 72
Jun 4, 2009
TfT units. Apart from Spell Breakers there is no reason, story/lore wise, why TfT units do not appear in RoC Campaign. Example there is no reason why there are no Spirit Walkers with Cairne or later Thrall in RoC Campaign.
This is something seen in every such a game that has any expansion.

Many of your other questions don't need explanations as those things are soft inconsistencies which don't hurt the overall story.
I agree there are some questions to be answered though, like those with ogres in Kalimdor.


HD Model Reviewer
Level 33
Jun 22, 2013
Same goes for Dragonhawk Riders, Bat Riders, Obsidian Statues (and Destroyers) and Farie Dragons. Even Spell Breakers can appear with Jaina and Dalaran after the Sunwell was destoryed.

probably because Blizzard didn't think of them yet in RoC but I hope in Reforged they get added in RoC missions

Where was Kael'thas when the Scourge was destorying either Quel'thalas or Dalaran?

I hope Blizzard adds incentives for completing Hard difficulty such as secret interludes that tackles these ones

What happened to Sylvanas between Fall of Silvermoon and King Arthas?

I also hope Blizzard adds some extra scenes in either The Dark Lady or A Kingdom Divided that shows Arthas torturing Sylvanas' body in front of her banshee and eventually her possessing back her body

How did Rexxar come to Kalimdor?

What were the Ogres doing in Kalimdor in Rexxar Campaign, and how did they get there, when they were enemies of the orcs, so they couldn't have come with them?

I don't think these are too important to be tackled. I read some source that after the Twilight's Hammer betrayed the Horde, the ogres sailed west; same for Rexxar after he got too tired of the conflict in Outland after dealing with Grom

Also, here's a slight one: the Sorceress in Echo Isles are blood elves
Level 13
Feb 3, 2019
I hope Blizzard adds incentives for completing Hard difficulty such as secret interludes that tackles these ones
I also hope Blizzard adds some extra scenes in either The Dark Lady or A Kingdom Divided that shows Arthas torturing Sylvanas' body in front of her banshee and eventually her possessing back her body
Sadly, I think they stated at Blizzcon 2019, that there'll be no new interludes, though that's a shame, it's basically what the Campaign makers here do. I know it's not easy, but come on...

As for Sylvanas I personally hope we'll get her as a Naisha style Banshee for the rest of the Campaign, if you killed her. And also make killing her a main quest.
Also, here's a slight one: the Sorceress in Echo Isles are blood elves
Wow, how do you keep noticing these things, first furbolg and now this, you're dedicated, that much is certain.
If we take BfA into account here, than all of the dwarven units in Kul Tiras are an inconsistency as well. If not, well it doesn't metter, maybe not all of Blood Elves are on team Kael, and some weren't serving under Garithos, and thus weren't imprisoned and prefered to stay loyal to the Allience. It would also go inline that there are very few of such, cause they only appear once, literally.


Map Reviewer
Level 72
Jun 4, 2009
If we take BfA into account here, than all of the dwarven units in Kul Tiras are an inconsistency as well. If not, well it doesn't metter, maybe not all of Blood Elves are on team Kael, and some weren't serving under Garithos, and thus weren't imprisoned and prefered to stay loyal to the Allience. It would also go inline that there are very few of such, cause they only appear once, literally.
Plus, they could be Theramore Sorceresses under Daelin's control.


HD Model Reviewer
Level 33
Jun 22, 2013
Wow, how do you keep noticing these things

to be fair I'm just doing this on the main battlenet forums to keep the thread up and running so that Blizzard notices the decent points at least

I do think that not only Valeera Sanguinar is serving the Alliance but, assuming that the Sorceresses were among those in Lordaeron that Daelin rescued (well Jenalla Deemspring has been confirmed to be a High Elf), I don't think there were some Blood Elves that joined the Human Refugees and Silverhand Remnants in Lordaeron
Level 13
Feb 3, 2019
Kael'thas was in Dalaran when Quel'thalas was attacked and he was in Quel'thalas when Dalaran was attacked.
I know, but the fact is that it's extremely stupid(and obviousely made to explain a big and obvious retcon that could potentially mess up some stuff). It's a thing I am(or rather was) extremely hoping they'll retcon in Reforged somehow.
Same thing with Maiev.
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Level 13
Feb 3, 2019
Not sure if answered already, but it is cannon that dark trolls helped the night elves and other allied races protect the world tree against the Burning Legion.

For more info, check the following:
Shadowtooth clan
Yes, it's cannon cause it happened in RoC Campaign. But at least to me it's kinda stupid, and would actually love if Reforged retconed it. At least to me it doesn't make sense in either Campaign or lore. Lore wise all trolls hate all elves. And in Campaign they are your enemies, and you fight them always. They are just there to make your life harder. And they don't have a single line of dialogue, they are your allies all of a sudden. It's not like with Furbolgs, you help them and they help you in almost every chapter, and it's clear that they are night elven allies.

Also doing a little @deepstrasz here, the manual clearly says that furbolgs and wildkin are night elves allies, just checked it out, while it doesn't even mention dark trolls.

There are also reasons from WoW point of view.
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Level 8
Dec 2, 2015
No matter how much trolls hate elves, they love living more. It's not at all unbelievable that the dark trolls decided to help fight the Burning Legion in the hope that they themselves would survive by averting Azeroth's destruction. And obviously, it worked since they weren't wiped out until Cataclysm.
Level 13
Feb 3, 2019
Here's something new: why were the Kirin Tor diddling with Blue Drakes when they are allied with all the Dragonflight?
This one is actually not an inconsistency. They have captured them and are holding them for research, like pretty much any other beast.
They aren't allied with any dragonflight, they just know of their existence. Black dragonflight has no allies, they have no contact with the Green or Bronze(some Bronze individuals like Chromie do mingle with mortals but only undercover), and the Red only watch them from afar and have no direct contact with them.
They aren't allied to the Blue either. The Blue dragonflight in Wc3 time is disfunctional as they basically don't have an Aspect, so onlz individual broods(like Sapphirons) study magic on their own and hoard magical artifacts, but they study magic completely separete from the Kirin Tor.
Of all races only Night Elves are allied wih the Green, Red and Bronze. No other race is allied with any dragonflight.
Level 6
Jan 3, 2020
Where were Maiev and Naisha when Tyrande and her forces broke into the Prison?

« Since Illidan's incarceration, the Watchers' primary mission remained their vigil over him. However, the Watchers' duties widened somewhat over time and began to include the capture, imprisonment, and--where necessary--the recapture of all dangerous criminals. These new tasks occasionally took a Watcher far abroad, where she would remain until she tracked down and captured the criminal.

Shortly before the Third War broke out, Maiev departed the barrow prisons in order to accomplish one such mission. She returned to find Illidan missing and a number of Watchers slain. »

(From an official entry that existed in the original WoW site, but the Warcraft Encyclopedia was removed) - Copy of the original article

Where was Kael'thas when the Scourge was destorying either Quel'thalas or Dalaran?

Kael'Thas Sunstrider (I'm still mourning him...) was the Prince. His father, the King, was killed during the Scourge invasion on Quel'Thalas. Kael'Thas had no reason to stay up-to-date on a daily basis of the events occuring in Quel'Thalas. And he had other obligations : he was a member of the Council of Six, the ruling council of Dalaran. When he learned about the Scourge invasion, he left Dalaran and never returned.
And it should not be forgotten that the usage of teleportations and portals as a mean of individual transport are extremely rare (lore-wise), because they're dangerous if you can't be sure of your destination (what if you get materialized into the debris of a building), and we can easily imagine that teleporting into an area magically unstable like Quel'Thas following the corruption of the Sunwell, is even more dangerous.
Only Jaina uses portals everytime she goes to the hairdresser. And Ethereals build structures like small Stargates, but they're arcane-beings for thousands of years now, using the Twisting Nether as a public transport, so I guess they got a dispensation.

What happened to Sylvanas between Fall of Silvermoon and King Arthas?

Nothing. Arthas killed her, raised her spirit as a banshee, and was a puppet like any other undead, until she could break free of Arthas' influence. So she probably really did nothing, or not much than any other braindead undead during this period.

How did Rexxar come to Kalimdor?

He intentionally wanted to stay far away from the humans to become an hippy, refusing to stay with the orcs who were still seeking to conquer the Alliance even after losing the Second War.

What were the Ogres doing in Kalimdor in Rexxar Campaign, and how did they get there, when they were enemies of the orcs, so they couldn't have come with them?

Like Rexxar, the ogres (at least, those who stayed in Azeroth) invited themselves to wander on Azeroth, and some travelled to Kalimdor, as far as possible from the Eastern Kingdoms. After being defeated during the Second War, the orcs stayed in the Eastern Kingdoms. If you wanted to stay away from the orcs, and the Alliance (the people who defeated you), Kalimdor would be your Garden of Eden (considering that Draenor was no longer the place-to-be)
And Onyxia used some of the ogres who were in Kalimdor to guard her lair in the Dustwallow Marsh. Poor ogres. Widely disliked, and used as slaves or canon fodders on a regular basis.

[Dark trolls fighting with the other mortals at Mount Hyjal]

The dark trolls were just a tribe. They weren't representative of the huge diversity of trolls' tribes scattered on Azeroth. They had no reason to not ally with the Night Elves, the Horde and the Alliance against THE common ennemy : The Burning Legion. And they were already living on the Mount Hyjal, they just defended their home. Maybe reformed-Medivh even made them a speech, but we just don't know about it.
Well, to be honest, they had a reason to not participate in that battle. They got decimated.

Here's something new: why were the Kirin Tor diddling with Blue Drakes when they are allied with all the Dragonflight?

The Kirin Tor allied with all the dragonflights only during the Nexus War (WOTLK) against mad-Malygos. Many blue dragons didn't follow Malygos in his attempt to keep all the ley lines for his dragonflight only. Even few black dragons joined the Wyrmrest Accord.
Krasus was a member of the Council of Six, but kept secret the fact that he was a dragon (he only told 2-3 people), so you could considerer the Kirin Tor and the Red Dragonflight were indirectly and secretly allied.
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HD Model Reviewer
Level 33
Jun 22, 2013
Also, where's that from exactly?

also, were is stated that they're allies with all five Dragonflights? :0

From the novel Day of the Dragon, that was published and released two years before Warcraft 3; therefore it should be canon to Warcraft 3

No other race is allied with any dragonflight.

Of all races only Night Elves are allied wih the Green, Red and Bronze.

Kirin Tor and the Red Dragonflight were indirectly and secretly allied.

That's weird, when I played OutsiderXE's custom campaign based on the said novel, my understanding that they were allied together after fighting together the Dragonmaw Clan. I even expected Blue Dragons and Red Dragons helping defend Dalaran

kept secret the fact that he was a dragon (he only told 2-3 people)

Maybe I missed this one. I assume Rhonin, Vereesa, and Falstad?
Level 13
Feb 3, 2019
From the novel Day of the Dragon, that was published and released two years before Warcraft 3; therefore it should be canon to Warcraft 3

That's weird, when I played OutsiderXE's custom campaign based on the said novel, my understanding that they were allied together after fighting together the Dragonmaw Clan. I even expected Blue Dragons and Red Dragons helping defend Dalaran

Maybe I missed this one. I assume Rhonin, Vereesa, and Falstad?
First of all Warcraft 3 heavily retcons Day of the Dragon. The main reason for Day of the Dragon to happen is cause Deathwing was the only black dragon alive, and Malygos was the only blue dragon alive. While in Warcraft 3 they're obviousely not(with Sapphiron, Siranox and black whelps), so the book doesn't really stand. It was retconed by Warcraft 3.

In the book no one new who Krasus really was. The Council of Six didn't know anything, they didn't know that he was a dragon, that he's meeting the Aspects and stuff. They only knew that Dragonmaw Clan was keeping Red Dragonflight imprisoned and that Deathwing might not be dead. Rhonin, Vereesa and Falstad didn't know what were Krasus's motivations and what they were heading into. Krasus played them all. During the main plot Rhonin finds out who was Krasus and what were his motivations and is pissed. After the battle everything remained a secret. The red dragonflight was freed, but Krasus's identity was kept a secret by Rhonin and the Kirin Tor never found out who he really was, untill WotLK.


Map Reviewer
Level 72
Jun 4, 2009
The main reason for day of the Dragon to happen is cause Deathwing was the only black dragon alive, and Malygos was the only blue dragon alive. While in Warcraft 3 it's obviousely not(with Sapphiron, Siranox and black whelps), so the book doesn't really stand. It was retconed by Warcraft 3.
Thank Elune. If that could have been the case with LotC (book) too...
Level 6
Jan 3, 2020
Maybe I missed this one. I assume Rhonin, Vereesa, and Falstad?

Krasus's identity was kept a secret by Rhonin and the Kirin Tor never found out who he really was, untill WotLK.

There. Only Rhonin knew, when Krasus started to feel guilty and showed himself in his true form to Rhonin.

But in Tides of War, it's mentionned :

Jaina : "Krasus. I saw him many times when he was at Dalaran but never really knew him. I had no idea who he was."
Kalec : "Hardly anyone did."

And again :
Kalec : "They (Council of Six) already permitted one dragon membership in their ranks, even though many didn't know exactly who Krasus was."

I think Antonidas knew about Krasus' true identity. He was the type of character that knew those things. It's just said in Beyond the Dark Portal that Antonidas sees Krasus only as the mysterious and valuable mage who is the lore expert about dragons, but I think it fits Antonidas' character to know secrets but doesn't tell he knows about them.
Level 13
Feb 3, 2019
But even so, wouldn't Rhonin and Krasus at least protest or interfere with the experimentation of the Blue Drakes?
Krasus was with Alexstrasza and had no more contact with the Kirin Tor, and had no clue what's happening. Rhonin was just a small mage, and was not important enough to metter. He only rose to prominance when the city was destroyed, when he ralleyed the people to rebuild.
I think Antonidas knew about Krasus' true identity. He was the type of character that knew those things. It's just said in Beyond the Dark Portal that Antonidas sees Krasus only as the mysterious and valuable mage who is the lore expert about dragons, but I think it fits Antonidas' character to know secrets but doesn't tell he knows about them.
Well, that's hard to know, because Antonidas doesn't exactely appear in Day of the Dragon. I mean he's probably one of the unamed man in the Council of Six, but he doesn't appear explicitly.
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