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Impossible Raiding Squad v3.8

(Map is protected)
You are part of the Impossible Raiding Squad. As a member, you must go through a series of missions varying in difficulty. It will require teamwork, skill, and strategy to complete the missions assigned. Will your squad have what it takes to be successful?

All of the Missions assigned are randomized. In addition, they will also show objectives and hints to further guide your Squad to victory.

Impossible Raiding Squad is a team based game. Players play as a team and complete numerous missions or "levels" that usually consist of Boss Fights. At the start of each level players are able to choose which units they want to use for the level, ranging from Tank, Healer, DPS, and Support/CC type units. Because of how the map is setup, there are more than one way to complete each level and thus creating some replay value. After level 1, the levels are also Randomized. Each level will state what the mission or the level requirement is at the start of the level. Generally each level requires a balanced team of Tank, DPS, Support, and Healing units.

Unit names are color-coded according to type (Red names for Tanks, Blue for DPS, Purple for Support, and Green for Healing).

At the beginning of each game, Player 1 (Red) may pick a Difficulty setting of either Easy, Normal, or Hard. It is recommended that new players start with the Easy Difficulty.

There are 3 Level Skips and when reaching 0 lives, the Raiding Squad will be defeated.

There are 42 total levels. In order to win, your Raiding Squad must complete 30 of them.

This map consists of a huge number of units to choose from (35 to be exact). All of the units are well balanced and every unit has its own specific purpose. Different levels require the abilities and uses of different units. Out of the 35 units, there are 4 types to choose from: Tank, Healer, DPS, and Support/CC. There are 7 Tank units, 8 Healer units, 10 DPS units, and 10 Support/CC units.

First Level

Magnataur Destroyer level

Beastmaster level

Death Lich Level

v2.6 - Adjusted and modified all old levels and added 5 new levels: 2 Missions, and 3 PvP. Added a feature to choose the game Difficulty Mode: Easy, Normal, Hard. Added 2 new units: Goblin Shredder (DPS) and Mana Seeker (Support). Gave all units a 2 space inventory and allowed the purchase of items using gold gained from completing levels. Also gave each player Pack Mules. Added a no Team Attack trigger.

v2.7- Added 5 new levels (4 missions and 1 arena fight), adjusted difficulty of various levels. Also added for Easy mode; each player gets 105% handicap. Items are now cheaper to buy. The game now automatically ends when the raiding squad has 0 lives left.

v2.8- Fixed few minor bugs. Gave all choosable units more life. Bosses now have more life but less life regeneration.

v2.9- Buffed healing, buffed the damage output of DPS units, and added 1 armor to all Tank units. Added a new Healer unit Kobold FlameMender. Easy mode now increases player's Handicap to 110% (was previously 105%). Fixed the Lives / Level Skips bug where it would defeat the team when they had 0 Skips left but did not lose on a level yet.

v2.98- Minor changes to levels. Ethereal Tormentor's images now only take 200% damage (from 250) and deal 60% damage (from 55). Minor bug fixes. Fixed tooltip for Rival Raiders pt6 mission.

v3.0- Minor changes to levels. Added 4 new levels: 2 Missions and 2 Arena Fights. Buffed Worgen Axemaster (more life and damage). Changed Corruption Spell (used by Chaos Warlock and Ethereal Tormentor), now can stack with Rend and does more damage. Players that leave the game now share unit control with the team.

v3.1- Fixed the bug in Mirror Match pt2, buffed Goblin Madness mission, buffed Death to the Revenant mission. Added a new Support Unit: Satyr Death Knight. Tanks now get aggro easier. Fixed the Ankh exploit.

v3.2- Fixed a minor bug. Buffed Mana Seeker (Support unit) mana and Control Magic spell. Slightly nerfed Goblin Madness mission, Buffed level 1. Changed the way Bloodworms work, they no longer leave a corpse upon death, have higher damage, and only last 15 seconds. Dryad of the Well Spring (Healer unit) now has a slight mana and mana regeneration increase. There is now 1 randomized healer unit for Backup Squad in the Darkness of the Void mission.

v3.3- Buffed most playable characters. All tanks were given +1 armor, all DPS units had a damage boost, single target Heals now heal more and cost less mana. Level 1 has been slightly reduced in difficulty.

v3.4- Armored Gladiator and Moon Huntress (Tanks) minimum damage has been increased and maximum damage reduced. All tanks now have a Taunt ability. Taunt ability now only taunts the 2 closest enemies to attack the caster. Rejuvination spell cost has been reduced. Innervation now regenerates the target's mana by 800 over 20 seconds and has a spell cost of 8 mana. Druid of the Winds (Support) now has a new spell Wrath (instead of Evasion). Ethereal Tormentor's Ethereal Strike spell is now changed to Banish. Many DPS units now have an additional spell that has a very high cooldown time.

v3.5- MultiShot ability now fixed. Druid of the Winds (Support) mana cost of abilities has been slightly increased. Fixed a major bug concerning level glitches. Fixed bug in Escorting the Prison Wagon mission where the wagon would go back to starting area and stay there. Made minor changes to a few levels. Item sold in Raiding Squad HQ now have a higher maximum stock.

v3.6- Fixed rare bug where multiple levels would load at the same time. Many bosses got an increase to health. Normal and Hard difficulty modes now also increase the enemy damage done. Fixed an exploit in the Pitlord mission. All choosable units now have their collision size slightly reduced. Goblin Rifleman's (DPS) ability Place Mine is now an instant cast. Added 3 new levels. Added a Healing Per Second chart.

Map Made by AzNGuNzFoo

-DPS Chart by Maker

Skins/Models Credits
-Orc Warrior and Wolf Raider models by Whisper

-Moon Huntress model by GreyArchon

-Goblin Rifleman by WILL THE ALMIGHTY

-Ravager model by General Frank

-High Priest model by Elenai

-Ethereal Tormenter model by Dickxunder

-Sorceress model by CloudWolf

-Nerubian Seer model by Callahan

-Goblin Lifebinder model by Dan Van Ohllus

-Goblin Shredder model by Rizz_Boomer

Suggested Players: 7

This map has a mini game feel to it. The map also appeals to people who love teamwork games with strategy required in group composition, knowing boss fights, and dodging boss spells.

At the simplest description, this map is an Arcade-Style Boss Fight map.

EDIT: This map is not yet in its Final version. However, it is still enough to be played.

impossible, missions, mission, raiding, raid, squad, team, group, teamwork, boss, bosses, WoW, boss fight, healing, DPS, damage, tank, tanking, imposs

Impossible Raiding Squad v3.8 (Map)

19:17, 13th Aug 2010 ap0calypse: Approved
Level 15
Sep 3, 2009
the games great but its too difficult ik ik its impossible but still have learning difficulty as i have not completed more than 7 rounds so far. mostly get to 2-3 :/.
thats the only problem i really have in it.
i remember when you still had it unrandomized what happened to that? seems like you reworked the whole map except for the idea.
Level 5
Jul 7, 2009
I actually did rework the map. The map you are referring to, Impossible Missions Squad, was discontinued because my laptop got stolen and it had the unprotected version of it. Also, I thought that that map was too messy and unorganized and I just wanted to start over with a new concept, although still similar.

Oh and as for the "Impossible" part, try doing easy first, once you can do pretty well in easy, start doing normal. I have personally tested all the levels on normal mode and I can say that its not "Impossible" lol. Its all about group composition.

P.S. I know I'm a little late, but happy new years lol
Level 15
Sep 3, 2009
ah shame the maps i was creating also were destroyed when my computer crashed. well i always put it on easy but somehow everyone is a noob and I always have 1-2 leavers. try adding a function where others gain control once they leave as it would make it better.
Level 5
Jul 7, 2009
@ Lightbolt
Although I did use custom models, I don't think that I will fill the entire map with custom models. I'm trying to keep the map size at a minimal. Also, I think it is gameplay that makes a map enjoyable, not just custom models.
Level 5
Jul 7, 2009
@ lulol
no it is Impossible RAIDING Squad. Similar to raiding in world of warcraft (i.e. boss fights) but it also has arena fights (also similar to world of warcraft).

Impossible Missions Squad was a different map that I made. However, whereas Missions squad focused on a player's skill with standard blizzard units (similar to impossible scenarios in starcraft), Raiding squad focused on a player's skill with custom units. Hope that helped.
Level 5
Jul 7, 2009
Perfect map ( In my opinion ) it deserves 5/5

Thanks for the kind words, but its not perfect yet lol.
Was there anything you wanted to say about it (comments/criticism)? I always love to hear them.

Also, expect to see the next update with newer and more scripted bosses, and more objective based missions.

As always, I welcome people who have tried this map to tell me your feedback or what you think of it.
Level 2
May 1, 2010
i like maps when you need teamwork to win but this map was very chaotic , some heroes skills are very weak , cooldowns for all healers are too long , every tank should get some surivival thing which he can use like wolf raider dodge skill,
terrain should be better in your "main base" add some doadas , camera lock command is bugged
this map have potential 4/5 hop you will make this map better than it is now +rep for you
Level 2
Jan 14, 2012
Greetings from the year of our Lord 2018.
Just wanted to say that I really prefer the old version of the map, with standard units and stuff. Here in future, we're kinda tired of fancy unnecessary custom bullsh*t that map creators consider 'cool' and that you have to learn from scratch in each and every map. There's so much of it in every direction, it stopped being interesting and creative long time ago.
I LOVE the idea of creating 'minigame'-styled challenges based on players' knowledge of how the default game works. I'd consider the old map to be one of lesser-known classics. Was ashamed to read people criticizing it for not having custom stuff.
Level 5
Jul 7, 2009
Greetings from the year of our Lord 2018.
Just wanted to say that I really prefer the old version of the map, with standard units and stuff. Here in future, we're kinda tired of fancy unnecessary custom bullsh*t that map creators consider 'cool' and that you have to learn from scratch in each and every map. There's so much of it in every direction, it stopped being interesting and creative long time ago.
I LOVE the idea of creating 'minigame'-styled challenges based on players' knowledge of how the default game works. I'd consider the old map to be one of lesser-known classics. Was ashamed to read people criticizing it for not having custom stuff.

Hey this map is Impossible Raiding Squad and I used custom heroes to emulate the wow raiding feel.
Another map i made is Impossible Missions Squad which uses all standard wc3 units and missions/scenarios are centered around that.
Although both maps have been lost to time and will no longer be receiving updates.

currently i am working on an Art of Defense map which can be found under my resources tab, although it is more altered melee than standard wc3 melee, becoming a little more "altered" with each patch v, so if u like more standard gameplay then try the older v of it
Last edited:
Level 2
Jan 14, 2012
Thanks for the reply, yeah I just discovered Impossible Missions is still on hive, but unapproved for some reason so it didn't appear in search at first, this is why I thought this map replaced Missions. It was a long time and I'm a bit lost here xD
Good to see other work going, will check Art of Defense, it sounds interesting.