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Impossible Missions Squad v5.0

This bundle is marked as useful / simple. Simplicity is bliss, low effort and/or may contain minor bugs.
Impossible Missions Squad
Map Description
-Undergo a series of challenging missions.
-Each level can be played differently and the outcome of each level can be determined by a variety unit choices.
-Read the mission requirements of each level.
-Skill, Strategy, and Teamwork will be needed to complete each mission.
-Good Luck and Have Fun!

Impossible Missions Squad is a team based game. Players play as a team and complete numerous missions or "levels." At the start of each level players are able to choose which units they want to use for the level. Because of how the map is setup, there are more than one way to complete each level and thus creating some replay value. Each level will state what the mission or the level requirement is at the start of the level. Generally each level requires a balanced team of Tank, DPS, and Healing units. This map requires a little micro and some basic knowledge of Warcraft3 Units' capabilities. This map is also built on a learning curve since players will not know what they are going against in each level if it is their first time reaching the certain level. Also some of the levels may look a bit similar to different Warcraft 3 maps. In many levels the enemy heroes will have items at their disposal (for example invisible potions), that when used may confuse and throw off players.

There are a total of 30 levels as of v5.0

This map was influenced by the Impossible Scenarios map that was popular in Starcraft.

*This map is meant to be played with Full House!*

^The above description was a bit confusing after I reread it so here are some examples of levels.
Practice level (level 0) - The team must survive for about 3 minutes against waves of kobolds. (Parody of Zombie Maps)
Level 1 - The team chooses from a variety of Horde units and engages in a small skirmish against the undead scourge.

Impossible, Scenarios, Missions, Squad, Boss Fight, Warcraft, Levels, Missions, Heroes, Units, Micro, Teamwork, Group, Strategy, Planning

Impossible Missions Squad v5.0 (Map)

10:57, 30th Jan 2010 ap0calypse: Rejected Multi-upload.




10:57, 30th Jan 2010
ap0calypse: Rejected

Level 19
Aug 31, 2008
--------DarkHorse08's Map Review-----------

My Comment:
Terrain is really bad it's to plain and flat, the map is really big
but you only occupied some places, also another thing i hate the placement
doodads and units in the terrain is one of the worst thing i've ever seen, you might
want to improve that and remember use different tiles to make it more presentable

My Rating:
~~~~~~~~~Heroes & Units~~~~~~~~~
My Comment:
Why do you have to use Units? why not use heroes?
so you can put more abilities, stats and items?
try using heroes next time.. =.="

my Rating:

My Comment:
Another bad thing you used units and not heroes
now you had to put retarded and standard abilties
now thats something you call FAIL

My Rating:

My Comment
The Items really FAILED!! they are aa standard items
there are only few shops in the map i can count
them with my 2 hands

My Rating:

~~~~~~Gameplay & Others~~~~~~~~
My Comment:
The game is kinda boooring =.=" no custom icon
no custom model or skin everything is normal i like (a little)
the idea of the map but the neutral creeps are over power..

my Rating

Overall: 37.9
1-10 - NOOBISH AND FAIL MAP (nothing but a trash)
10-25 - Nothing but a hopeless map
25-30 - Everybody improves by practicing
30-40 - Needs more improvement
40-50 - Good Map
50-60 - Awesome map
60-75 - Recommended
75-85 - highly Recommended
85-100 - Director's Cut!
This map have been review by DarkHorse08
if you have any question, complaints or if you wish DarkHorse08
to review this for the second time feel free to leave me a visitor message
Level 5
Jul 7, 2009
hey darkhorse thanks for reviewing so fast :)
now to answer what you said

terrain- i do admit that the terrain is bad but not all of it is flat. the reason for the empty space is because I plan to add more levels later on. Another thing is in every level, the terrain is there FOR A REASON whether its there to use as a choke point against the enemy by luring them to it or if its an open space to easily surround and outflank the enemy, it is there for a reason, although it may not be detailed like RPG maps.

Heroes/Units- they are there for a reason. if you ever played impossible scenarios on starcraft, there are NO custom units. the reason for this is because this game is based on skill and knowledge of units in warcraft 3. Each unit available to choose for each level is there for a reason. Whether its to dispell buffs/summons, help tank, help heal, buff party, etc.

ability/spells- "retarded and standard abilities" are actually quite useful in the levels. you have to understand the unit you are choosing. like I said, you need to have at least basic knowledge of warcraft 3 units and abilities to beat this map. They are not "FAIL" because only experienced players can properly use the abilities. (for example noobs will lightning shield an enemy boss that melee dps are trying to kill and ultimately wipe the group because the lightning shield will hurt the melee dps and not even damage the enemy boss)

Items- Of course they are standard items. Most levels if you choose a hero, it will automatically start with items. The shops are only for one level. They are standard items and you need to have basic warcraft 3 knowledge to know how to use them. (For example, if u use a clarity potion which in the tooltip says it will regen mana if you are out of combat, then don't go rushing in at the enemy of the mana regen will go away)

Gameplay/Others- Like i said, standard map, no customs. Although I did change max level to 20 and archimonde's armor to hero. This map focuses more on facing players with fun and unique challenges. Despite the name, even though each level is hard, the game is not impossible to beat and the creeps are FAR from being overpowered. I have beaten the game myself with a planned group (non pug) and even survived the practice level(which i think u are referring to by "the neutral creeps are over power") with everyone alive. The missions may seem impossible at first, which is intended, but when properly played, will be beaten. You have to notice all the unit choices available to players at each level, notice the terrain and how to use it against the enemy, and how to properly defeat the enemy. (For example if you are facing a crypt lord and numerous necromancers, it is best to let someone tank the crypt lord and focus down the necromancers first, before killing the crypt lord, who happens to be a tank hero)

I dont know why you though it was boring :( most people that have tried my map liked it. maybe you will find it enjoyable after reading the above and getting a full house to play it. also, if you get stuck on a level, for reviewing purposes, tell me which level it was and i will give an example of how to beat it. :)

also, if you feel strongly about your opinions, please don't rereview until the next patch. thanks again
Level 9
Apr 11, 2008
I played this on Bnet and it was BORING!

The terrain was not good and the mission sucks!

omfg dont just go and flame a map for no reason sounds to me your just jealous on him coz he made a better map than you lol.. and when you say "the terrain was not good" come with reasons tell him what to improve and tell him what to improve on the missions too this isnt EPICWAR!!!! lawl
Level 5
Jul 7, 2009
sorry it does not have ai for computer teammates, except for basic ai for the backup squad and enemy team.

However, if you want to test it out in single player, start the game with no computers on. just leave open slots. once ingame, use the kick command (-kick color) and kick all the empty slots and you will have control of them. So pretty much, you control the whole squad. This isnt as fun because its a team game, but it will work to help test before battle.net use.
Level 1
Aug 10, 2009
How many levels are there? I'm playing with the Impossible Bosses group and we've gotten to 21? 22? so far.

Perhaps implement a password system so we can skip directly to levels we haven't done?
Level 22
Jun 23, 2007
dude, i loved this map. ive played it twice on bnet, some hosting bot was hosting it. anyways, i got as far as the one after the dragon.
i think u should remove magic immune resist damage, as it does not allow casters such as hydro's/priests, etc to attack important targets, such as phoenix eggs.
other than that, fine map.
and for u terrain haters, terrain plays more of a tactical role, instead of a visual one, in this map. u dont need "good" terrain in these team/player skill games. Look at uther party, that map also has rather dull terrain, yet its one of the most fun maps out there.
Level 5
Jul 7, 2009
Due to my house being broken into, and my laptop stolen, I have lost the unprotected file of this map and has decided to discontinue this one. However, I am working on a new version, one that is very similar to this.

However, the new one will have custom units, more features (including RANDOMIZED levels), more strategy involved,ways for players to track how well they are playing (will explain later), and will focus more on Boss fights and PvP Fights.

Somewhat similar to endgame World of Warcraft style play.