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Importing Custom Sounds

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Level 9
Oct 10, 2020
So I've scrolled through the various threads with sound issues and I can't seem to find the answer to my problem. I imported sound files for "Orc Warmonger (Garona)" that I am using for Bagysta's Dragonmaw Sky Stalker since it would be more fitting than Female Satyr. However I did use the Female Satyr Death sound. So instead of importing the sounds into the Import Manager I went directly into the sound editor went to Wyvern Rider unit and hit "Replace Internal Sound" and it seemed to import each sound with the correct paths automatically from what I see. However I don't know how to get rid of the existing Wyvern Rider sound sets so I don't have a Female Orc Voice and Male Orc voice... For example there is only three "YesAttacks" for the sound I downloaded from here but Wyvern Rider has four "YesAttacks". Aside from the fact, I'm not getting any sound or even mouth movement in the portrait. Sorry I've never worked with importing sounds... I am using Reforged and these files are .flac after importing them. :goblin_cry:
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Level 9
Oct 10, 2020
If I go the blank sound file route how would I do so? I may just actually do as you mentioned firsthand is use just use one of the same files. Thing is... even when I tested it out with skepticism I got no sound or mouth movement from the portrait. It was just a silent unit.
Level 41
Feb 27, 2007
I don't actually know very much about sound, just saw a simple solution to the issue you described in the first part of your post, so I probably can't help beyond what I say here. I didn't actually read to the end to see that you weren't hearing any sounds at all, and my best guess as to why is that .flac is a filetype that wc3r doesn't play well with (if at all). Back before Reforged I know .flac wouldn't have worked at all.

In Audacity, I would make a blank sound file by hitting Generate > Silence for 1 second, then save that file as the appropriate type.
Level 9
Oct 10, 2020
Yeah the sound file was for WC3 classic so not sure if that's an issue and I don't have WC3 classic anymore... for a long time. I'm going to take a look at the way the files are imported for the new dwarven pack. Again, I am new to this stuff, I have a lot of time on my hands and willing to learn some shit. lol
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