-Touch of Agony (Hero Normal):
When the Necromancer lays his hand upon a creature, he channels negative energy that deals x damage and y damage over time. Since undead are powered by negative energy, this spell cures such a creature of a like amount of damage, rather than harming it.
-Rise Undead (Hero Normal):
The Necromancer defiles x corpses, turning them into an undead creatures which he controls. The creatures attack their opponents to the best of their ability.
-Exorcise (Hero Normal): The Necromancer forces a creature’s spirit out of its body, causing it to wander lost and alone in the world of the dead. The target’s body becomes inert and cannot take actions.
After x seconds the subject finds his way back to his body and returns to life.
If the target’s body is destroyed while his spirit wanders, he turns into a ghost in the service of the necromancer.
The ghost has only one ability:
-Death Pact: The ghost crumbles to dust. The necromancer regains x hit point for each hit point the ghost had remaining, up to its normal maximum.
-Soul Shifting: (Hero Ultimate).
A powerful Necromancer can force his soul out of his physical body forward. The soul will move quicker by 2000% than the physical form and will begin to draw the physical body to its current location after 1 second. The body and the soul will reunite 0.5 seconds after the physical body began to be pulled. The soul is immune to spells and physical attacks. If the physical body perishes during the process, the Necromancer's soul will turn into a shade after 4 seconds (The soul can be attacked and killed during that time).
Shade- Hero.
The creature has skin of deepest black. Its head has no distinct features other than a pair of eyes that glow with an unnerving white light. Simple black velvet apparel with a vague resemblance to monastic robes shrouds its frame…
The Shade regains his normal speed, loses his immunity to spells (But not to melee damage) and gains the following abilities instead of the Necromancer's
-Spirit Drain (Hero, Normal):
A shade disturbs the soul of living creatures it comes in contact with. Any living creature touched by a shade takes x damage.
-Invisible (Not Hero):
A shade is permanently invisible and cannot be made visible through any means.
The shade can be seen only if he engages in combat or when a very powerful visibility spell is active.
-True Sight (Not Hero):
A shade can see everything for what it actually is.
-Death Coil (Hero, Normal):
A coil of negative energy projects out from your extended palm and unerringly strikes its target. The coil deals x points of negative energy damage to living creatures. Since undead are powered by negative energy, this spell cures them of a like amount of damage, rather than harming them.
-In the Flesh (Hero, Ultimate):
A powerful shade can deplete himself (drain 100% of his mana and 95% of his health) when at full strength (Means 100% health and mana) and attempt to regenerate his physical form. The regeneration process takes 10 seconds and during it the shade will not be able to move, attack or cast spells. The shade loses all his abilities as well. When the regeneration process is done, the Necromancer's body becomes inert and cannot take actions for 3 seconds. Any damage during the process will cause the regeneration to fail (And probably, to the shade's death as well).
The Necromancer will gain all his former abilities once the regeneration is complete.
I can come up with more if that's not enough.
If you like the spells; I can built you the casting time, cool-down and exact influence of each spell too.