Bonemancery - Innate Point Target/Innate No Target
The necromancer summons an undead minion out of his own blood, causing the undead serveant to inherit some of it's owners power. The unit server the necromancer to death and is controlled by it's mind directly - but he can only have one of this type of serveant.
The inherited power means the undead is stronger as the necromancer becomes stronger, but doesn't have his spells! It just ensures that a lvl 20 necromancer's minion is not the same as a lvl 1's - you can say that it becomes stronger every 5 levels.
Corrupted Explosion (Q) - Area Target (small area)
Only works if there is a non-hero corpse in the target area. Exploding the corpse, it's bones are shattered and spread around it, dealing damage in 340/400/450/500 area. Units killed by this effect are corrupted by the enchanted bone shards, turning into undead minions for 3/4/5/6 seconds. These minions are on the necromancer's side but he doesn't have immediate control over them.
Spirit Touch (W) - Area Target (small area)
Only works if there is an enemy hero corpse in the area. By touching the corpse and saying an incantation, the necromancer can question the spirit of the hero, revealing the position of 1/2/3/4 enemy heroes.
Soul Aura (E) - Offense/Defense - No Target (Toggle)
The necromancer's presence attracts spirits, which he can use for multiple purposes. By using them defensively, their ethereal body can prove minor defense against incoming attacks. By using them offensively, they deal minor damage to enemy units within 500 area of the necromancer. The skill deals and absorbs more damage the more corpses there are around. (up to 5 corpses)
(base damage and absorb is like 3 damage and +1/corpse)
(Souls doesn't keep themselves to a target, so they just go there, hit then go to the next one.)
Bone Darts (R) - [Ultimate] Point Target
The necromancer assembles a dart out of bone fragments, then shoots it towards the target point. If the dart comes into contact with an enemy, damaging it, then it disassembles, shooting out darts in every direction from the units body (they don't damage the unit, only the first one, also there should be like 10 darts, 1 for every 36 degrees). These darts share the same nature as the original one. Units can only shoot darts out of their bodies once. Summoned undead units are converted to the necromancer's side instead of taking damage.
Bone Impaler - Unit Target
The necromancer summons a a massive bone pale under his target, then shoots it upwards, knocking his target in the air and damaging it. If it dies, the magic explodes his body, leaving only it's head on the pale, causing surrounding units to tremble in fear.
(two versinons:
1.fear=negative modifiers
2.fear=units run away from the source (the pale) and heroes have a % to do the same)