Uh... this is kind of messed up. Why are you guys so upset about this 9gag? I mean, it's just a site that contains posts which are funny for some, and crap for others. I mean,
some people like it, some don't. Why you say it's bad for
everyone? With this logic, there should be no facebook (which i personally hate), YouTube, and all the rest social networks.
Now i am going to say something that may annoy you. Before it, i have to say something else - i
love the Hive!
So, some people who hate Warcraft 3 will think that the Hive is useless (i do feel bad for saying this). And with your logic, guys, there
has to be no Hive. :/ Skycraft said that there
has to be no 9gag because he hates it. In the same logic there has to be no Hive because someone else hates it. But as you can see, we are so happy that it exists. In the same way some people are happy with 9gag. Actually, there is a bit of 9gag in the Hive but you didn't noticed it (perhaps).
[reaction="http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/images_all/smilies/contest_smilies/ogre_datass.gif"]This emoticon is called "Ogre Datass" and i believe that the word datass has originated in 9gag.[/reaction][reaction="http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/images_all/smilies/contest_smilies/ogre_icwudt.gif"]This emoticon is called "Ogre I see what you did there". There is a meme on 9gag called "I see what you did there".[/reaction]I know that these two examples i have given don't necessarily mean that the emoticons' creator got the idea from 9gag. But i do believe there is something related.
I think i got the answer to my problem.
This thread may be closed.
P.S. I didn't said that i like/hate 9gag, i don't force you to like it too. Just remember to think before saying something. Also, i didn't wrote this post because i am an @sshole and i hate you. I just want to "open your eyes". I love you guys instead! All of you! Especially the ruler, i believe he is my best friend on the Hive.
Forgot to mention something - thanks for responding to my problem.