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Idea for a Starcraft/Starcraft II themed map for Warcraft III

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Level 1
May 20, 2015
Hi, I got an idea for a custom map for Warcraft III that is based on Starcraft/Starcraft II but not sure where to go or what to do as my Warcraft III map-

making skills is practically non-existent so I came here with this idea.

Basically the idea I current have in mind is to make a Starcraft Ghost similar-map for Warcraft III, story-wise would be a group of "Ghost Specialists" got

stranded in a Zerg-infested world when one of the forward Terran base got overrun.

Well from there I'm still thinking plot-wise what could next be... probably receive orders from Terran High Command to do something... like infiltrate a

Zerg-hive due to unusual activity... a new cerebrate or stuff, I mean they are on a Zerg-infested world and even build a forward base for a reason right? So

stuff like that.

-Update 2015/05/24- More story/plot twist
While obtaining the additional intel on the new cerebrate from the overrun Terran Command Center forward base and obtaining the weapon needed for their

objective from following Terran High Command, they stumble upon the secret objective for another reason to attack this zerg-infested world... of an Ancient

Xel' Naga Temple ruins, after dropping a nuke on the new cerebrate and completing their main mission objective while evacuating from the area via a sent

Dropship, it got taken out by a suicide Zerg Sourage hence forcing them to quickly follow up on the intel regarding the Ancient Xel' Naga Temple ruins

before they get overrun by the rampanging zerg swarms where something that seems like a abanddoned old Protoss Shuttle is located inside, however since its

from a Ancient Xel' Naga Temple ruins... the old Protoss Shuttle comes with pre-setted warp jump coordinates for emegenacy uses to another "destination"

hence leaving it open for Part 2 sequal...

Gameplay-wise or in this case character classes I'm thinking since "Ghost Specialists" they could specialize in different skill sets, for now I have 3 of

them in mind:

Covert Ghost Specialist
Cloak (All)
Makes the Hero invisible, able to toggle On/Off. *Read Cloak mechanic-wise below

Scanner Sweep (All)
Warcraft III skill "Far-sight" with a bit of adjustments, it can't be used "anywhere" on the map so set with Target-range limit, reveals invisble and

burrowed enemy units.

Snipe (Unique, Weapon Special)
Does instant damage to a unit.

Lockdown (Unique)
Warcraft III skill Stormbolt with stun?

EMP Blast (Unique)
This one is hard, basically an AOE-type Active Skill that drains mana in the selected target area.

Nuclear Strike (Unique)
Well we all know this one, stand still for a period of time and wait for it to drop (channeling spell-type like Blood Mage's Firestorm?)... balancing-wise

is how to obtain or create one in the first place?

Psi Ghost Specialist
Cloak (All)
Makes the Hero invisible, able to toggle On/Off. *Read Cloak mechanic-wise below

Scanner Sweep (All)
Warcraft III skill "Far-sight" with a bit of adjustments, it can't be used "anywhere" on the map so set with Target-range limit, reveals invisble and

burrowed enemy units.

Psionic Storm (Unique, Weapon Special)
Dragonhawk that Cloud-thingy skill? Does damage in an AOE-effect in the selected target area.

Mirror Image (Unique)
Just as it says Mirror Image with a bit of adjustments, let its "mirrors" do slight damage as well based on percentage of original.

Create Illusion (Unique)
Creates a single mirror image of the selected target with a bit of adjustments, let its "illusion" do slight damage as well based on percentage of original

but untargetable on certain units? This one is hard too balance-wise.

Mind Domination (Unique)
Basically Warcraft III Charm skill with a bit of adjustments of having a max limit on units you are able to control.

Nanties Ghost Specialist
Cloak (All)
Makes the Hero invisible, able to toggle On/Off. *Read Cloak mechanic-wise below

Scanner Sweep (All)
Warcraft III skill "Far-sight" with a bit of adjustments, it can't be used "anywhere" on the map so set with Target-range limit, reveals invisble and

burrowed enemy units.

Use Special (Unique, Weapon Special)
Medical Nanties (Unique, Weapon Special) or Snipe (Unique, Weapon Special) or Psionic Storm (Unique, Weapon Special), based on current equipped Weapon,

Medical Nanties is the default equipped which is a Rejuvinate heal skill?

Switch Main/Secondary Weapon (Unique)
Switches between Medical Nanties (Unique, Weapon Special) and the other gun with its (Unique, Weapon Special)

Assemble (Unique)
A range of stuffs, Spellbook? Able to assemble one of the other different 2 weapons that "Ghost Specialists" uses, using mana, takes awhile to change and

various other stuffs. This one is probably ultra hard level to code.

Disassemble (Unique, Secondary skill listed under Assemble (Unique))
Disassemble secondary gun and various other stuff for resources?

Nanties Injection (Unique)
Idea-in-progress. Basically: "I don't know, but I am thinking along the lines that it will be a skill that affect unit/s depending on who it is used on"

Cloak mechanic-wise:

Cloak should work similar to Immolation where the mana drain is constant when active and is able to remain invisible while attacking or using skills.

Zerg Swarm:

Sense (Passive)
Able to detect invisble Ghosts in close proximity.

Burrow (Active)
Works like Warcraft III Undead unit, something-spider burrow skill.

Jump/Leap (Active)
Basically what it says?

Sense (Passive)
Able to detect invisble Ghosts in close proximity.

Burrow (Active)
Works like Warcraft III Undead unit, something-spider burrow skill.

Slow Poison (Passive)
Basically Warcraft III passive skill Slow Poison... acid that burns and slows the target.

Infested Marine
Suicide/Explode (Unique)
Works like those suicide Goblins, used when about to die?

Insanity (Active)
Buff which gives boost to move speed temporary, used with Suicide/Explode (Unique) to run at the enemy.

Infested (Passive)
Spawns Lesser-lings or Locusts on death?

Lesser-lings *You know, those things in Starcraft II that the Queen or something spawns? or Locusts
Sense (Passive)
Able to detect invisble Ghosts in close proximity.

Slow Poison (Passive)
Basically Warcraft III passive skill Slow Poison... acid that burns and slows the target.

Ultralisk (I don't know if custom model exists)
Sense (Passive)
Able to detect invisble Ghosts in close proximity.
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