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I need your ideas.

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Level 6
Mar 27, 2009
I need your ideas to enhance this idea i have.
I have a strategy map, where one players controls the Elemental Lord, the elemental lord don't have base like the others, but, every time he kills an enemy, he can extract its spirit from the body. The spirits can't attack, they are just spirits with no attack and low def. But there are many elemental shrines scattered around the map. Like Shrine of Fire, Elemental Lord takes the Spirit there, he gets a Fire Elemental. I have currently 4 different shrines and it seemed like a nice idea. But my beta-testers have said that after some time it gets really boring; just raise elemental minions, and fight more. That's my problem, what should i do? Should i simply add more types of elemental shrines? Should i give the Elemental Lord a possibility to join a kingdom? Give me your best ideas.
Level 15
Mar 8, 2009
first of all - i hope all elementals have different roles? if they all are dps, then its truely boring

secondly - it would be a nice trick not just to bring the spirits to the shirine - let ur EL (elemental lord) do some kind of quest/puzzle/whatever to convert spirits. like you must bring 1 Eternal Flame (rare drop from any unit in game) to convert spirit into fire elemental. Water Shrine is simply hard to reach, etc. that kind of things

third - elementals can evolve, becoming powerful and getting specialization. + too many units of one element give stacking dmg/whatever bonus but also deal increasing dmg per second to the EL or smth (like you must decide how much elementals of certain type u have)

will think of moar ideas later
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Level 6
Mar 27, 2009
Yeah, i've also thought of that evolve/combine thing.
Those ideas could make it more interesting. But yeah give me more ideas, everyone.
Level 6
Mar 27, 2009
I think the Elemental Lord should have greater incentives to interact with other players, if not ally with either side. Maybe add special Elemental spirits or bonuses they can only achieve by hunting other player characters?

Yeah sounds like a good idea. Maybe the spirits of the heroes should be more powerful and unique..
Level 15
Mar 8, 2009
maybe add an option so u can develop ur EL in different trees, like Summoning, Destruction and Spirit. While summoning would summon regular elelementals, Spirit would reduce spirit cost of elelemntals (like a chance to make 2 elementals from 1 spirit), increase hp/def of spirits, allow collection of Hero Spirits and use them to ummon smth really big... like Raggie or smth =)))
Level 6
Mar 27, 2009
maybe add an option so u can develop ur EL in different trees, like Summoning, Destruction and Spirit. While summoning would summon regular elelementals, Spirit would reduce spirit cost of elelemntals (like a chance to make 2 elementals from 1 spirit), increase hp/def of spirits, allow collection of Hero Spirits and use them to ummon smth really big... like Raggie or smth =)))

Haha yeah. That would add some repeatability if i added like specializations to the EL. And yeah that Hero Spirit would be seriously cool. I think ill start triggering that soon.

Would the EL be able to start his own kingdom/nation at some point? I need some help with that.
Level 15
Mar 8, 2009
Starting location for EL may be some place, which enhances his abilities, so he can defend it easier (as he has no access to towers/etc). maybe add a 4th spec to EL, so he can build some kind of altars/shrines/elemental nexi/etc. but that can make him too ordinary, you must add some originality to it
Level 6
Mar 27, 2009
Yeah. Currently the EL starts in a burned village, where he finds his first enemies to extract into spirits.

I'm thinking the elemental lord should have some kind of cave/building/realm where there's only one passage, there he could build his kingdom perhaps?

Should the EL have the shrines visioned, or find the shrines himself? or add a skill like tracking which pings the locations of the shrines?

The thing i want is that the other players that control the different nations, i want them to be feared of the elemental lord, he should be feared among the mankind. The hero spirit system adds some of that into it.
Level 5
Dec 31, 2007
Perhaps take the evolution idea from Parasite, after a certain time period, which can be speed up through certain conditions, the elemental lord can evolve, to specialize in Tank and Self Buff to Spell and Support type classes, then from there they can evolve again. You could have:

Elemental Lord to:
-Evolve Physicality to Elemental Militia
-Evolve Mentality to Elemental Controller

Militia to:
-Evolve Physically to Elemental Brute
-Evolve mentally to Elemental Titan

-Evolve Physically to Elemental Deceptor
-Evolve mentally to Elemental Deity
Level 6
Mar 27, 2009
Sounds like a nice idea for the elemental lord to evolve, how about the actual elemental minions which are made from the spirits of the fallen men?
Level 8
Dec 7, 2008
Some combo ideas:

Fire + Water = Steam
Fire + Earth = Magma
Fire + Wind = Smoke
Water + Earth = Gyser
Water + Wind = Tidal
Earth + Wind = Dust

Steam + Magma + Smoke = Destruction
Gyser + Tidal + Dust = Construction

Destruction + Construction = Perfect Elemental

Elemental Lord
Evolve Wisdom > Elemental Ruler
Evolve Recourcefulness > Elemental Dominator
Evolve Leadership > Elemental Inquisitor

Wisdom + Recourcefulness = Dictator
Leadership + Recourcefulness = Manipulator
Wisdom + Leadership = Battlemaster

Wisdom + Recourcefulness + Leadership = Ultimatum
Level 10
Sep 6, 2008
Something that would make it more intresting would be that you loose a small amount of hp constantly, to counter this you can either go and find 1 of some randomly placed shrines (works like a fountain of life but only gives a low amount of hp reg) you can also bring pure spirits (low chance to get from killing normal units instead of a normal spirit) that can be sacrificed for a huge burst of hp or transformed in to a holy spirit (healing spirit) that has a timed life. The more holy spirits you have the lower healing powers they will have (and a maximum of 3-5 holy spirits) :cute: Hope you like it

EDIT: that was not little to write with a iPod touch..
Level 3
Mar 30, 2009
Dude, this sounds awesome... Could I get in on beta testing? That way I could help out a lot more with the abilities and such... And yes, you should have shrines, but they could be something like... Destroyable to disable them for a time, but then after about 5 minutes, they rebuild themselves. That'd be awesome. :3
Level 6
Mar 27, 2009
Nice one Blaxor, ill write all these down.
And once i complete at least some of these ideas, sure you can beta test it, Subject-154.
Level 4
Mar 23, 2008
Maybe you could make the spirits able to sacrifice themselves to use as different spells
Fire Sacrifice=XX damage, X damage per second for Y amount of time
Water Sacrifice=XX damage, X% of Slow/Armor reduction for Y amount of time
Earth=Earthquake on area, deals XX damage per second and slows units dow by X% lasts Y amount of time
Wind=XX% of Slow on area, maybe some knockback.
You could also make the sacrifices be able to unite, E.g. Water+Fire Sacrifice on the same area creates a Cloud of steam which causes XX damage per second an X% of armor reduction (is more powerful than either of them alone)
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