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I need some help at my maps

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Level 2
Apr 7, 2004
hy I'm Vlad....
(i'm not english...Maybe i'll make some mestaks sorry)
I need some help with Triggers,Heros,and music...
How can I make a Hero gain more then 10 levels?
How can I make AI(computer's)units to move normaly?
(not imideatly)
How can I make bildings and units have costum some
costum calors and costum sizes?
Is it legal to use other music for maps?I think not
How can I make Ai train costum units avaliable at
its bildings?
I want to make units that have other sounds...Like
a Zellot...How?
How can I take an ingame screenshot?Can I?
How can I import Imiges?
...And so on :(
Help! :cry:
Level 2
Apr 7, 2004
Q. How do I change colors
A. Colors you need to use the Green Red and Blue tints,
you can find those in the object editor under the
buildings/units you want to re-color.

Q. Is it legal to use other music for maps?I think not.
A. Ask the map maker if you can borrow there song.

Q. How can I take an in-game screenshot? Can I?

A. It is possible. Press the prt scr button on your keyboard.

Q. How do I import images.

A. If you mean to this site, then if an admin has enabled that feature, you can.

A common question:

Q. Where can I find my screenshots?

A. The screenshots are located in the root file of the Warcraft 3: Frozen Throne video game. Usaully located: C:/Program Files/Warcraft 3.

I can help you with your other questions
Level 2
Apr 7, 2004
Hm...I think I've got another problem...Some maps
don't start in my warcraftTFT(v1.07)...Is it because
yhe vers. is old?.i"ve got an Atolon 1.1GHz,128 Mb DDR
Level 2
Apr 14, 2004
Agh.. lol, those are easy questions:

Hero levels? Go to Advanced -> Gameplay constants -> Hero maximum level (change it to desired level)

I can help u wif more, but master helped u with the basic ones, if u have more advanced ones i can help u. Like..... spell editing, unit spawns n moves, timers, ect... the more advanced stuff, such as triggers too, I know ALOT about triggers..
Level 2
Apr 7, 2004
Thanks man! :)I have some other questions...
When I make a bilding with bigger size the units can walk in and out it...I've changed te colizion size but nothing happened...
I make a map with some heros and some zergs,marians
and stof like that... :wink:
Level 1
Apr 12, 2004
First, a little help with your grammar/spelling:
When I make a building with bigger collision size the units can walk in and out it...I've changed te collision size but nothing happened...
I made a map with some heros, some zerg, and some marines
and stuff like that.
Now to help with the real problem:
Collision size = Units running into it.
Scale Value = Visible Change.
Scale Value is under art settings.
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