How you listen to music

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Level 11
Apr 15, 2011
Survey: How you listen to music

I have to do a survey for school and i thought I'd just post it here. If you could spare a minute and fill this out, you'd help me quite a bit ;P

1: Which sex are you? (male, female)
2: What age are you? (0-15 years, 15-25 years, 25-50 years, 50-70 years, older than 70 years)
3: How much time do you listen to Music throughout the day? (in hours)
4: Music of which genre do you listen to? (classic, pop, rock, other: _____)
5: In which of these situations do you listen to music most of the time? (at home, on the way, while working, at events)
6: Please relate the time you listen to music together with other people to the total time you listen to music. (in percent)
7: Which of the following media do you use most to listen to music? (Radio, Computer, portable device, CD, other:_____)
8: How much money do you spend on music? (averaged per month, in your currency)

Thanks :)

Edit: Time for the survey is up. If you fill it out, now, it won't be considered in the results. Thanks to everyone, who participated.
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Level 37
Aug 14, 2006
1: Male.
2: 15-25.
3: I like to listen always music, if possible. Mostly I listen music when I'm doing something with a computer. I usually take game music off and listen my own music.
4: I like to listen all kind of music all the way from metal, game music to orchestra music. My favorite bands for example are Avantasia, Nightwish, X-Japan, Theocrazy, Leverage, Versailles, Stratovarius. As you can see, my main focus is on metal.
5: In every kind of situation, if possible. When I'm at home I listen music all the time, when I travel to somewhere I have my mp3 with me.
6: For example, when I'm with my friend together at my home, music always is on. Always. And usually I like to be the one who chooses the music.
7: I listen music from my computer and mp3 player.
8: I don't buy music, I just download everything. I have 75 GB music which means about 13,000 songs.
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Level 17
Nov 11, 2010
  • Male.
  • 19.
  • 2 hours a day at maximum, I don't listen to music often.
  • I don't really have any /favorites/, but I do enjoy rock, metal and pop the most.
  • Mainly at home.
  • I listen to music about 36% with other people, the rest I enjoy by myself.
  • Computer because I can't be bothered getting an iPod.

To answer your last question, here is an image.
Level 22
Dec 31, 2006
1: Male
2: 15-25 (18 to be exact)
3: Not sure, I listen to music while I play and while I'm working, so I guess something like 3-5 hours maybe? Some days I don't listen to music at all.
4: Metal
5: At home (and while working, but that is at home)
6: 0%
7: Computer and CD
8: I've spent like £20 totally xD
Level 12
Jul 7, 2009
1. Male
2. 15-25 (18)
3. Everyday, but the hours vary. Mainly depends on what I would be doing on that day. Sometimes I simply leave my speakers on when I just want to chill out or read. Sometimes I only listen to music when I go jogging, or my gym plays music for everyone as well.
4. Funk Metal, Psychedelia, Instrumental, Indie Rock, Heavy Rock, Jazz, Blues Rock.
5. When I'm doing sports, since it takes up most of my time anyways.
6. About 60%?
7. My iPod or laptop when I'm at home. The gym has it's own radio.
8. In my entire life? Probably about £10. I download most of my music.
Level 52
Dec 8, 2008
1: male
2: 0-15
3: 2-3 hours
4: pop, rock, funk, alternative, punk rock, electronica, and sometimes soundtracks from awesome games
5: at home, while going running,
6: We usually have music running when we are at the others place, so the music is running nearly the whole time.
7: Mp3-player, mobile phone, itunes
8: In my entire life? About 50 €.

Deleted member 157129


Deleted member 157129

1: Male.
2: 15-25
3: 24 hours a day, 7 days a week
4: Metal, Grunge, Rock, Jazz, New Age
5: Everywhere all the time. OK, not at the toilet.
6: Roughly 33%
7: CD, portable device
8: 1000 NOK per month (now, not averaged through my entire life), roughly £100 - amounts to an approximated total of 50000 NOK, roughly £5300. That's not including festivals, concerts and music DVDs.
Level 22
Feb 3, 2009
1: Which sex are you?

2: What age are you?

3: How much time do you listen to Music throughout the day?
Always when on the computer

4: Music of which genre do you listen to?
Symphonic and Goth metal

5: In which of these situations do you listen to music most of the time?
at home

6: Please relate the time you listen to music together with other people to the total time you listen to music:

7: Which of the following media do you use most to listen to music?

8: How much money do you spend on music?
Level 24
Jul 9, 2009
1: Which sex are you? (male, female)
2: What age are you? (0-15 years, 15-25 years, 25-50 years, 50-70 years, older than 70 years)
3: How much time do you listen to Music throughout the day? (in hours)
4: Music of which genre do you listen to? (classic, pop, rock, other: _____)
5: In which of these situations do you listen to music most of the time? (at home, on the way, while working, at events)
6: Please relate the time you listen to music together with other people to the total time you listen to music. (in percent)
7: Which of the following media do you use most to listen to music? (Radio, Computer, portable device, CD, other:_____)
8: How much money do you spend on music? (averaged per month, in your currency)

Thanks :)[/QUOTE]

1. Male
2. 15-25
3. 12-16 hours
4. Metal
5. School & Home
6. 1%
7. CD
8. Around 9 swedish crowns per mounth. (I only listen to two bands so I buy in avarage 1 CD per year.)
1: Which sex are you? (male, female)
2: What age are you? (0-15 years, 15-25 years, 25-50 years, 50-70 years, older than 70 years)
3: How much time do you listen to Music throughout the day? (in hours)
4: Music of which genre do you listen to? (classic, pop, rock, other: _____)
5: In which of these situations do you listen to music most of the time? (at home, on the way, while working, at events)
6: Please relate the time you listen to music together with other people to the total time you listen to music. (in percent)
7: Which of the following media do you use most to listen to music? (Radio, Computer, portable device, CD, other:_____)
8: How much money do you spend on music? (averaged per month, in your currency)

1) I like it very much
2) 15-25, 5 yrs making sex
3) hmmm, when I carry my phone (3 hrs a day)
4) pinoy songs, rock, metal, classic...I hate hip hop songs
5) on the way and home
6) 0.03125 %
7) portable and computer
8) NONE!
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