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How to make item give permenant stat bonus and disappear ?

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Level 5
May 12, 2013
Hey everyone.I have this problem with my maps ,that i cant figure out. I want the items to not come in the inventory, instead disappear after buying like consumables and give stat bonus. For example, if i buy a Boots of Speed, it will not come/show in the inventory and instead give me permenant 50% movement speed. The same for strength, agility, int, armor ,etc.
Please reply fast.
Level 18
Jan 12, 2011
make an item based on a book (i believe) or just make a trigger that works like

hero obtain item: item equal to boot of speed
remove item from inventory
give (custom book that gives +50 ms)
or instead give 50 ms (i really don't know if it's possible just saying how the trigger should be)
Level 16
Dec 15, 2011
Using Darklycan's trigger in conjunction with a BonusMod system (like my Custom Stat System in signature) and you will be done. Movement speed must be handled independently though. For the +50% MS thing, a disabled spell book with an aura would do the trick :)
Level 5
May 12, 2013
I want that when someone buys boots of Speed, in his status where the buffs,etc appear to appear Increased movement speed. How do i do that ?
And, How to make Movement speed from Boots of speed to not stack with itself ? Like if i buy 2 BoS, my speed will remain the same as one BoS provided me ?

And how do i increase the armor and damage ?

And lifesteal ?
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Level 30
Nov 29, 2012
1st question Answer: Based them on tomes

2nd Question Answer: Make a buff and give it to the item so it will show up but I do know it will not work when it works like a tome.

3rd Question Answer: I do know there is no way on adding permanent damage (adds damage itself and not pluses) but maybe try Doomlord's suggestion of BonusMod. It works those things.

4th Question Answer: Make same abilities of lifesteal example 4%/8%12? and such then just remove previous lifesteal ability then add new lifesteal ability so it will work like its increasing. Triggers needed here!


Tutorial Reviewer
Level 40
Jun 9, 2011
I would simply add the bonus with triggers manually. there is no automatic system for it.

so, for adding movement speed, str, int, agility there is built in actions.
for adding stuff like life steal, crit chance, damage reduction, damage increase you would need to create your own system.

life and mana bonus are easy tho you add a item ability that gives more max hp or mana
Level 5
May 12, 2013
Ok, thanks everyone, and sorry for double posting !
I didn't get anyone of what you guys said, well almost, except for the Movement speed, ( lol =P ) but i got it on my own.
I did it like
1. Shop sells item
2. Item equal to XYZ (Suppose)
3. Remove from inventory
4. Unit - Add Ability --> Item --> XYZ

Anyways, thanks all ! ^_^
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