If you will reply, there is a paperclip tab, right? But It will not appear in VM's PM's and Quick Replies so don't use Quick Reply if you'll attach files. Click that tab, a window will appear, and browse in your files to find the image you will upload. Then, click the Upload button. Then, you will see the attached files in the Additional Options below, open an image file at the new tab, copy the URL, and past it in your post, then, put
at the end of the URL. Then, post.
Use the Pastebin, a tab in the upper part. Again, browse in your files to find the image you will upload, then, choose if how long it will stay in the Pastebin. Then, write a title and submit. After you submit it, you will see your Pastebin Entry, then, open an image file at the new tab, copy the URL, and past it in your post, then, put
at the end of the URL.
Now, you can test it. Here's a Pastebin Entry Example: