How to do AOE and DPS trigger which scale attribute?

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Level 6
Aug 31, 2018
For example:
Slam/Thunder slam for AOE, i did it but i damage myself too. (Scale with STR)
DPS skill - Starfall which scale with X INT damage
For example 5xINT (INT 100x5 = 500 damage total) for the full duration
Level 43
Feb 27, 2007
You cannot change the AoE of an ability outside of the editor and there is no way to make a basic wc3 ability use attributes in any data field whatsoever. As Aeryn suggested your only option to do something like this is to code the spell yourself from the ground up.




If you can't or don't want to code it, you could use a damage detection system and replace the damage of the skill. Something like: if someone takes magic damage, and the current order of the damaging unit is "Starfall", then set the damage amount to (int x whatever). Little workarounds like this can keep you from having to spend hours duplicating a somewhat complex spell like statfall which is for sure going to require vjass experience and TimerUtils to do effectively.

Or, if you want to be more original, code your own spell with a similar function to starfall, but make it different, so it doesn't look like you're just using wc3 defaults. For example, The Black Road has a spell called "Freezing Field" which creates a bunch of frost explosions around it which deal damage in an area. It's not starfall, but it has a similar purpose.
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