How to create private threads for development teams ?

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I think there is currently no option to create a private thread for map teams, for example, for TeamSpeak or attach files. I think it is really sad that you can only open private development threads in case you become 'hosted project', as far as I know.
Of course, you can create a Mail group or use other networks, but I think this is sth. that should be added to Hive in the map development section.


Level 79
Oct 6, 2004
That would be cool, but so far the only privacy you can get is if I create a forum and restrict access from everybody but you, but this would give me a lot of work to do for every mapping team that exists. I think it would be cool to make a better hosted project system allowing everyone to have a project and then create a private forum for it and so on. But.... This is far in the future if it will ever come.

For now, I can recommend using Skype chats. They work even when you are offline and you get the messages next time you get online.




For now, I can recommend using Skype chats. They work even when you are offline and you get the messages next time you get online.

Yes, that's a good idea. I see just one problem, in case a member is 'corrupt' and steals map/ideas/... it is not under your direct command so you really have to pay attention who is in your project.

This is far in the future if it will ever come.

I understand it is a lot of work, just wondering why it is an aspect that is 'far away' ? I mean, Hive is a map/resource-creating site, wouldn't it be a business with priority ?
But I think it is okay not to have that section due to the fact there are MANY other ways to communicate.

Just feel sad about it missing...




I am in the progress of porting the current site and all content to a new platform. When we are on the new platform and everything is working, I may have time to work on this, but working on it for the current platform seems like not a good use of my time.

Oh, I understand. You already did a great, incredible work! I am sure THW 3.0 will be incredible, too.




You could till then maybe use Social Group instead? You can open multiple threads there, control members, post WIPs.

True enough. You need to post in staff contact to create one though, so it's a little more complicated than just creating threads.

Hm, okay , seems like a good, controlled alternative. Let's see whether I will come that far with my map...
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