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How to Convert MIDI files in mp3?

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Dr Super Good

Spell Reviewer
Level 64
Jan 18, 2005
youkaiz, you will just have to set the bitrate insanly low. As midi and mp3/4 store audio differently.

midi stores some base sounds and then the series of notes performed to those sounds to make a song. You can sort of view its video equivelent as a flash animation like a cartoon or advert. midi is also technically lossless as the play back is 100% accurate and no more advanced audio data exists to be stored.
MP3 is a lossy compression and works by reducing sound accuracy inorder to save space as well as other compression techniques. You can view its video equivelent as its acompanying MP3/4 video layers as seen on DVDs and blu-rays. MP3/4 is lossy as what it does is reduces sound into a more simple and easy to store form (multiple different sounds can compress to sound the same) as with all lossy formats.
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