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Need some converting done. Midi to MP3

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Level 3
Jun 3, 2010
I have been scouring the internet for a free program to converte roughly two minute midi pieces into MP3 so I can use them in my upcoming map. However, the only free ones I could find were only converting half the song, or even a quarter of it.

I also tried using the sound recorder under applications, but the music comes out distorted. If anyone has a program that can do this, please leave a message here for send a private message. Its only 5 or 6 songs, I just want some different music on my map. Please and thanks.

Level 10
Jul 14, 2004
The Problem with MIDI is that it's basically just a file with description when and how long which sound is to be played, but without the actual sounds. So to play it, you need a synthesizer library and that one actually decides how it sounds in the end.
If you have a software to play your MIDIs with a sound you can accept, you might just try to record your system audio output. Here is a video tutorial how to do this using the freeware Audacity. I can't test this since I'm a mac user, but you might find better possibilities to record your system sound and you should get usable results.

Good luck, I hope I could help you. :wink:

Dr Super Good

Spell Reviewer
Level 64
Jan 18, 2005
Actually, I do believe midi files have short synthersiser config information for the sounds it uses. Basically it describes the sounds to make and then the actual music is distortions of the sounds difined. This also explains why it is no longer so commonly used cause the sound distortion can not mymic a proper instrimunet in high bitrate MP4 layer2.
Actually, I do believe midi files have short synthersiser config information for the sounds it uses. Basically it describes the sounds to make and then the actual music is distortions of the sounds difined. This also explains why it is no longer so commonly used cause the sound distortion can not mymic a proper instrimunet in high bitrate MP4 layer2.

Well another thing is not all computers have the same built in sounds, thus it will try to match the right sound but it may not find the correct midi patch for it. Because of this, it won't sound to same on every computer as the quality of the sound is partly based on the computers sound card. Thus an Mp3 is more useful as it will sound the same no matter what. The good thing about MIDI though is that they take up little space.
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