You people are sometimes too smart to see the solution...
- Change Pathablility
- Events
- Conditions
- Actions
- Environment - Set terrain pathing at Location of type Walkability to Off
- -------- MAkes terrain at 'Location' unwalkable --------
Flying units does not takes up space (with 0 collision size (Object Editor)), even the model is Peasant.the unit will still have a 8 radius collision
So I can't do it with just triggers?
By the way, if you put 0 collision in the object editor, the unit will still have a 8 radius collision. It's improperly handled by the editor so you may put a bunch of preplaced units in a very small area but they won't be created at the same position in-game.
function PaintPathing takes real mX,real mY,real MX,real MY,pathingtype P,boolean T returns nothing
local real X
local real Y
local integer I=0
set mX=R2I(mX/32)
set mY=R2I(mY/32)
set MX=R2I(MX/32)
set MY=R2I(MY/32)
if mX==MX or mY==MY then
set P=null
set X=mX
exitwhen X>MX
set Y=mY
exitwhen Y>MY
call SetTerrainPathable(X,Y,P,T)
set I=I+1
if I>=2000then
set I=0
call TriggerSleepAction(0.01)
set Y=Y+32
set X=X+32
set P=null
function PaintPathingRect takes rect R,pathingtype P,boolean T returns nothing
call PaintPathing(GetRectMinX(R),GetRectMinY(R),GetRectMaxX(R),GetRectMaxY(R),P,T)
set R=null
set P=null
Take a look here for JassNewGenPack:
UMSWE->Customize Tile Pathability
It should pop up a window with all the tiles. Select the one you want to change the pathability of, save your map close JNGP and re-open it.
Is this way not working? I tried it and heroes still walked over the tiles.
Too bad WorldEdit lacks support for this feature although WarCraft III map structure does allow it.
if I>=2000then
-> if I>=2000 then
,The problem is that a .wpm editor should be implanted in the real WE terrain editor or at least display the map's terrain and doodads.
tutorial said:Data:
Each byte of the data part is a part of a tileset exactly like for the TGA.
Data size: (map_height*4)*(map_with*4) bytes
Flags table:
0x01: 0 (unused)
0x02: 1=no walk, 0=walk ok
0x04: 1=no fly, 0=fly ok
0x08: 1=no build, 0=build ok
0x10: 0 (unused)
0x20: 1=blight, 0=normal
0x40: 1=no water, 0=water
0x80: 1=unknown, 0=normal
I think you misunderstood me...
Making a program that reads and edits .wpm files is already a little to work but it would be useless if you can only see the pathing without any cliff, ground texture or doodad displayed.
That's why you need either to include it in the WE or to make the program additionally reads and displays .doo and .w3e files (at least).
Only in the WarCraft III beta could you do that. Although the final pathing map is basicly a bitmap it is no longer a TGA formated bitmap (custom header). A simple converter could be made though so it can be edited as an image.Is there anyway to actually import a .tga image into WE to actualy replace the whole pathing of the map(ofcourse I am asking for a possible file path name when imported). If I think so right you could actually import this kind of texture into WE and add it to a doodad to do this anyway.
Correct me if i am wrong.