An specific tile cannot be walkable

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Level 13
Aug 19, 2014
Hello guys is that even possible making the tile unwalkable for example the village rock tile so that I don't have to put pathing blockers to it?
Level 13
Aug 19, 2014
Tnx mythic so what you want me to do is import this village_rocks.blp and then change its path too the abyss path right?
Level 14
Nov 17, 2010
JassNewGenPack also allows you to set custom pathability to tiles. I made certain rocky tiles unwalkable and use them on steep hills as cliff walls. This saves me A LOT of pathing blockers.

Dr Super Good

Spell Reviewer
Level 64
Jan 18, 2005
Or you could simply avoid the unnecessary import by making your map using the abyse texture and then modifying the w3e file to change out the abyse texture for the village rocks texture.

After all, terrain node texture does physically have nothing to do with pathing. The World Editor may trick you so but they are physically disconnected.

You can technically paint any pathing you want anywhere. However Blizzard decided that users should not be able to do that so never implemented it. Just like how technically there are as many water heights as there are terrain heights but Blizzard does not allow you to raise the height of water like it does ground.
Level 25
May 11, 2007
Import it with the abyss path. (TerrainArt\Outland\OutlandAbyss.blp\)

Here in case you need some extracting.
Quoting this for how simple it is.
1. Download the attached file.
2. Go to the import manager.
3. Double click the file, set the path to TerrainArt\Outland\OutlandAbyss.blp
4. Add the Outland Abyss tile to your map.

Voilá, done. No need for other complicated ways.
Level 13
Aug 19, 2014
Case reopened.

Guys it doesn't work for me I downloaded the attachment file and followed your instructions have you try it? I change the file exactly what LordDz told maybe the path is wrong? Could you try it in a map and show it to me pls.
Level 13
Aug 19, 2014
Every other path uses "\" and they're loaded into the map fine. I have a decent-sized import manager list here.

Edit: Nevermind, there was something wrong with my space blp. It works now >_<

The guy post this on the link perhaps there's a spacing somewhere on the path, I'll check it out tomorrow morning.
Level 13
Aug 19, 2014
JassNewGenPack also allows you to set custom pathability to tiles. I made certain rocky tiles unwalkable and use them on steep hills as cliff walls. This saves me A LOT of pathing blockers.

I tried doing this but sometimes it doesnt work or am i doing it wrong? I open this tool JassNewGen I check Enabled Umswe, I click the village rock tile and uncheck the walkable after that i click ok and saved it then exit. I open it again and i cant put units in the village rock tile, but after i open that map in WE i can still put units it that tile but i test it in game and my units can walk through the village rock tile. I got tired so i took a break and shut down my desktop. The i was testing my map again and my units can now walk on to the village rock tile. Need Help guys.

Dr Super Good

Spell Reviewer
Level 64
Jan 18, 2005
You have to keep using JNGP for it to work. Normal WE does not support the feature and uses standard pathing generation logic.

As I mentioned before, the terrain node type itself is not responsible for the resulting pathing. Instead it is the pathing map that determines pathing. Standard World Edit does not give you many options to customize pathing and instead relies on implicit pathing generation based on hard coded behaviour. JNGP using UMSWE allows you to customize some of that logic for tile type which is what you want.
Level 13
Aug 19, 2014
So you mean this JNPG is not the solution for making the tiles unwalkable right. The effect doesn't last thou and this tool can't test map either so I have to use the standard WE and its quite annoying cuz as I said the unwalkable effect doesn't work sometime. How sad I was glad when I did it.

Dr Super Good

Spell Reviewer
Level 64
Jan 18, 2005
So you mean this JNPG is not the solution for making the tiles unwalkable right. The effect doesn't last thou and this tool can't test map either so I have to use the standard WE and its quite annoying cuz as I said the unwalkable effect doesn't work sometime. How sad I was glad when I did it.
You can test maps with JNGP if you set it up correctly. You just cannot test maps without saving 1-2 times before (as JASSHelper does not build the JASS script on test and some times it needs to save twice to work).
Level 13
Aug 19, 2014
I see, so I guess I haven't set it up correctly then is there a tutorial on how to set it up so I can do test map on it.
Level 13
Aug 19, 2014
You can test maps with JNGP if you set it up correctly. You just cannot test maps without saving 1-2 times before (as JASSHelper does not build the JASS script on test and some times it needs to save twice to work).

I did saved my map using CTRL+S but after that I tried to test map but It didn't work.
Level 13
Aug 19, 2014
You can test maps with JNGP if you set it up correctly. You just cannot test maps without saving 1-2 times before (as JASSHelper does not build the JASS script on test and some times it needs to save twice to work).

Inside my JassNewGen folder there a jasshelper folder and inside it there's a clijasshelper and jasshelper. Is that correct or It should be in the bin folder?

I have read this tool and followed all what's been said, I downloaded the attachment file of the latest version of jasshelper. It said to install the newest version replace the clijasshelper and jasshelper from the ''bin folder'' but those two are not there, they are inside in the ''jasshelper folder. So what I did is I put those two in the bin folder and I opened the NewGen, voallaaaa... the jasshelper menu is gone and that was fun. Sorry for disturbing you Dr. Super Good tnx for helping anyway I'll do what mythic said on making the tiles unwalkable, I won't use this tool cuz it can't test map and that's pretty lame.
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Dr Super Good

Spell Reviewer
Level 64
Jan 18, 2005
I won't use this tool cuz it can't test map and that's pretty lame.
The jasshelper files go in the obviously marked "jassnewgenpack5d\jasshelper" folder. The "jasshelper.conf" file goes in both the "jassnewgenpack5d" folder and "jassnewgenpack5d\jasshelper" folders (it should only be one but there was some error in the last release back in 2009 that needed this). That is all there is to it.

Unless you have a badly configured Anti virus program constantly damaging the installation, it will work.
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