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How do the Placerholder for Tooltips work

Level 4
Dec 23, 2023
this is a question I have since years.
How exactly are the Placeholder for the Ability tooltips made.
When I see Vanilla Ability, they often have something like this " <AHbz,DataA1> " as a placeholder. In the case of the Blizzard Ability, it uses the numbers of the amount of waves and damage.

I tried to do it myself with the help of showing the raw data. But it shows everywhere 0, except the Cooldown, there is just nothing. Can someone maybe explan this to me, or send a link where it is explained?
Level 4
Dec 23, 2023

In this case. How do I need to write it, that he puts the 30 in it and what for the 60 and go on?
So <A003,DataA1> is the way to write it.
It's been a while, but this is what I always used to do. I haven't tried putting the colon separated ID, that's my first time seeing that with these.

Edit: But my information is out of date, based on pre-Reforged and I wasn't sitting here with the World Editor open to review it right now.
Level 4
Dec 23, 2023
Huh weird, that’s how I used to do it; guess I’m just wrong or stupid.

What you showed as working is the same text as what you showed not working in your first post.
No, I used the ID of the Data now the ID from the Ability itself, that is shown on the lft in the editor infront of the name.