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How to Display Unit Data for Tooltips?

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Level 13
May 11, 2008
So I looked at the data being used in the tooltips, the format goes like <A000,DataA1> which is <AbilityID,DatafieldID>. That's for abilities. so for example this tooltip grabbing format grabs/displays your first custom ability's (A000) DataA level 1 data. Whatever that is. If you change the number 2 then it's the level two of that data. This is very useful for tooltips in case you want to make it so you can redesign your abilities often in order to make the game more balanced, without having to edit your abilities' tooltips over and over again. It would save you a lot of time.

Before when I tried to leave those fields alone the editor is stupid and never converts the data to the ability that you are editing. So I used to just fill in the information manually. Now I can notice that all the information is available as soon as I go show raw data then the ID for the ability and datafields pop up and I use those. So now I change tooltips and make them say just whatever.

But I have a problem. When I try to edit tooltips to display the datafields for Units, it doesn't work. I keep getting the number zero when I try to do that. My guess is to grab/pull that data for the tooltips you need a different format. Does anyone know what that is? I need it. Maybe some tooltips use that data but if there are any then I can't think of which they are. So for example <E00I,AGI> should show the hero's starting agility if it's the same format as the abilities. But since it shows zero that can only mean one of two things. 1) Unit information used for tooltips has to be grabbed in a different way. 2) Unit information cannot be used for tooltips.

If it means the second thing then I guess I could make a dummy ability to simulate all this, the advantage in doing that would be that I don't have to edit all the tooltips for every hero over again, just have to edit the one ability's datafields. But the disadvantage is that I have to edit that ability's datafields in addition to the unit's attributes and so on, and also I would have to keep track of which datafields hold which hero attributes and so on.

So...can anyone please tell me how to display the unit information in the tooltips? I only know how to display the ability information as I just explained above.

edit: I finally remembered the summon water elemental ability lists the water elemental stats...but there is a problem. the display format is strange because you cannot enter the information just as the datafields are. for example HP becomes realHP, and for damage it appears to be a combination of datafields and comes to like, mindmg1 and maxdmg1, i assume that's the first of 2 attacks, most units have attack 1 only enabled and have no second attack. that's fine, but how am i supposed to know how to edit all the other stats for a unit if there is no discernable pattern like there is for the abilities? I need a list.
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Level 13
May 11, 2008
I think this is what your looking for, try the tutorial section first there is alot of information there that can answer most questions better then someone replying to a help post could..

i have a better idea, why don't you bother to read my post and not waste my time checking to see what your reply was?
ok i went ahead and made red the part that should make it clear what the problem is.

so far i've done a bit of research on this, looked at water elemental and feral spirit and they both use the unit data...the thing is, you can't find mindmg1 and maxdmg1 under the unit stats, but you can find it in an .slk file. i tried looking for some substitute for AGI and AGIplus and the ones for str and int also but i couldn't find anything. in short, applying what he showed in the tutorial, which i learned on my own btw...does me no good since using AGI and AGIplus and so on shows zeroes.

my next guess would be that i have to look at something else like perhaps gameplay interface... you know where it shows the agility and strength and intelligence for the hero? maybe i need to look directly at that. maybe i can find the code for it in there. but i'm guessing no but i want to keep looking...
Level 8
Nov 9, 2008
I'm trying to accomplish something similar to show the mana regen of a unit in tooltip. Again, 0.

I thought maybe if was reffering to original unit type instead of my custom unit so I changed to base unit's mana regen but still displays 0.

Let me know how u get on with this.
Level 13
May 11, 2008
idodik didn't make much sense, but let me mention ctrl d is raw data toggle command.

anyway toofless i wonder about that...i'll do a little research on variables i guess to find that out.

yeah, purplepoot is probably right...but that won't stop me from trying.

after all i think i've plenty of time until i need to make those tooltips that way...in the meantime i'll just stick with saying what their primary attribute is, that'll be simple enough. i'll work on other stuff in the meantime...lots of things to work on, which other people can do, and i can't...i'd better try to do that stuff before trying too hard to do stuff others can't. at least when it's about map making, heh.
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