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How do I make buildings build like human buildings?

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Level 11
Dec 13, 2008
Well, what I always do is just base the worker off of a peasant and edit from there. However, I believe that changing the 'Race' of the unit to 'Human' should work as well. But to be safe, I always use the Peasant as the base unit and edit anything i want (except the build ability and race)
Also, using human buildings as the default building for your custom building that you would like to be built would also be a good precaution. Although I am not sure if this has an effect either way
Level 12
May 20, 2009
Thanks for the help, I can't set it to human or else in the world editor it would look weird, I will try re-making the worker as a peasant. If not, I suppose I will have to redo all the buildings as human buildings. xD

ONE MORE QUESTION: How can I make Sentinal work on units instead of trees? i tried just unckecking tree and checking friendly, but the hero just plays his casting animation and nothing happens.

Edit: The reason why having the worker as human is bad for me is because I already have a complete race under human custom...Another thing, since it is a human unit it has the human build icon by default instead of the undead, and I'd rather not take the time each time I re-use this race to change the default to undead.
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