How do I make a Custom Campaign?

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Level 9
Jun 13, 2010
I know Reforged does not support playing custom campaign (yet... If it ever will).

So I have searched the internet thin for options and discovered:
  • Quenching Mod
  • Reinstalling the actual old TFT
  • Making the campaign as seperate maps outside the campaign editor
  • etc you get the idea

I know the custom campaign community is limited, but I wish to know your recommendations on how to make a custom campaign the most efficient way for both the editor and the player.

Game quality - Reforged or classic quality - is not important.
Level 21
Dec 15, 2021
I'm no expert on campaigns post 1.28 since I'm still using it, but one thing to know if you want to use 1.32, meaning separate maps :
-you should still be able to have maps launch each other (after you win) as long as they're in the same folder (unless they also changed that) BUT
-you will have to import any custom file you want to use throughout the campaign (models, music etc.) on EACH map since no unique campaign file, which can be time-consuming
-in the same vein you will have to create your custom objects (units, spells, doodads etc.) in EACH map

I don't know anything about the Quenching mod except its existence but it's probably easier to use a version before 1.32 if you can - but maybe someone who use more recent patches could have another take
On 1.32, other than maps in the same folder or using Quenching mod for it, I always had a theory but never saw anyone try it. My theory is that you could remake the custom campaign menu screen system with the new UI natives and put it all in a single map. Essentially it would be a single map pretending to be a custom campaign even though it isn't. And using the trigger actions to confine the camera to a certain area of the map, and to re-assign the minimap image, you could essentially swap the "map" without the actual game restarting. Its also possible to spawn the "Loading Screen" using the ui natives so you could fake loading a new map.

Making this kind of fake campaign, while theoretically possible, would most likely be prohibitively time consuming. So, anyway that was just my off-the-wall idea.

Pragmatically if you want to make a custom campaign, you can try 1.31. I have used 1.31 to play campaigns and it worked but I didnt try making a campaign on 1.31. It might be that the bext experience would be to make the campaign in an older patch then play it on 1.31 or something. While 1.31 was live, or maybe it was 1.30, I had someone come to me online asking why the World Editor was corrupting their campaign to the point that they couldnt open it anymore... and all I could figure was that the 1.30ish campaign editor that was live at the time was starting to be buggy and unmaintained.

So, that might be fixed, but I suggest making frequent backups of your stuff no matter what patch you create it on.
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