Hello guys. I know this map is really late but because of that is that I have been working on this map in many years. The reason for that is that my brain always comes up with new ideas and big projects. It was really done for 3 years ago but my brain wanted me to make the terrain more realistic, it wanted me to remove boring abbilities and add fun items and secret. Almost every day I had new ideas for heroes and items and everyday I beta testet it either LAN or online. Now after many many years of work and many hours of playtime it aint done! But guess what, my friends told me to post it. I guess it would never be done at anytime if i would stil be working of it. Well as you sure can tell I am a perfectionist. But that can sometimes be positive. Perfectionists makes quallity games. Its why EA sucks and Nintendo and Blizzard are the best.
You start choosing out around 16 custom heroes with total new abbilities that you never seeen before. Now what really makes this map so diffrent is that you as a person can choose the atribute all your self! (max 65 points )You understand when you play it. But what the really cool thing is, is that when you equip fex a sword item it will show on your hero!! Even Shoulders, chest, healm, shield staff, axe, mace, cloack and wings! Yes.... even wings exist! Well I think i made around 150 items or something 150-180.
Yes.. you play the map as you would do in Dota but this map aint only PVP. Here you can go out in the terrain with your mates and kill bosses that will reward your whole team.
and after some time the boring army get changed.
Now, after 20minutes arena will start and its Team vs Team in a tiny arena above the map.
Pfft im done talking please experience the map on your own!
Almost forgot,
Thanks to: Arrghh, Espenz, Golimar and some more in the in-game credits.
Really... thank them well!
Peon VS Peasant, Horde VS alliance, Hero War, Last Chapter of warcraft, arena, world of warcraft, wow, Hero wars, PVP, Justin Bieber