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[JASS] Hmmm. User Data Encapsulator... Suggestions?

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Level 18
Sep 2, 2005

What I'm trying to do is make a function to encode UserData for units and items, and the same to decode them.

Here are my basic plan outlines.
Read User Data. Convert > String
use 0 as though it were a space. Wherever there is a 0, that means the next digit is the next variable on the unit.
Then Separate them out using sub strings. - This is proving problematic because I can't find any function to detect a specific character, or get it's position in a string.
Use a math formula to compensate for everything being stored in base 9 math (0 doesn't exist) so it goes
1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,21. etc.

IS there a way for me to find the character information im looking for so I can do this?
Level 29
Jul 29, 2007
Lulz, I made a thingy that can check any digit value of either a unit or a item.
Thanks to BoneBreaker, took us like 30 minutes to notice that the "where" is supposed to be "where - 1" lol.

// 'where' is the digit number
function Getdataunit takes unit u, integer where returns integer
    local integer int = S2I(SubString(I2S(GetUnitUserData(u)), where - 1, where))
    return int
function Getdataitem takes item it, integer where returns integer
    local integer int = S2I(SubString(I2S(GetItemUserData(it)), where - 1, where))
    return int

Example of usage in GUI
  • Actions
    • Custom script: set udg_Integer = Getdataunit( GetTriggerUnit() , 5 )
    • If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
      • If - Conditions
        • Integer Equal to 3
      • Then - Actions
        • Do something
      • Else - Actions

This trigger will check if the 5th digit in the triggering unit's custom value is equal to 3.
Level 9
Mar 25, 2005
If you limit all stored numbers in between 0 and 8999 and add 1000 to each value when it is stored, that stored value will be in between 1000 and 9999, in other words it will always have a length of 4 characters. This way you don't have to search for 0s in the strings, because you know that the first value starts at character 0, the second at 4, the third at 8 etc..

EDIT: Now that I think of it a bigger problem in your idea seems to be that integers can't be bigger than 2147483647 in wc3, so you can't just use S2I & I2S for conversions, unless you only need to store a few small user datas.
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Level 18
Sep 2, 2005
I took Ghostwolf's Function and made it a general function to apply to integers, then made a function that uses it to count the Digits (don't know if that one works) and another one to search an integer for a specific number in any digit place, and return which place its in.
function GetDigitAtPosition takes integer whatInt, integer where returns integer
    local integer int = S2I(SubString(I2S(whatInt), where - 1, where))
    return int
function FindPositionOfNumber takes integer fullInt, integer searchFor returns integer
    local string intString = I2S(fullInt)
    local integer totalDigits = StringLength(intString)
    local integer i = 0
    local integer currentInt
    if (searchFor>9) then
        set searchFor = GetDigitAtPosition(searchFor, 0)
        set currentInt = GetDigitAtPosition(fullInt, i) 
        exitwhen currentInt==searchFor
        set i= i+1
        exitwhen i==totalDigits
    if (currentInt==searchFor) then
        return i
        return -1

We could go with using set digits, like each value has to be 4 digits, but I think the conversion system will allow us to do more. And I think instead of ignoring 0 i would be easier to 9,8,7, which would make it base 7 math, but the forumula and access functions will take care of all the complex bits of that anyways afterwards. 9 for a space, 8 for a decimal, and 7 for a negative sign.

So now we just need a formula to convert from and to base 7 math. I can do it on paper but I'm not sure how to do it with a formula...
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Level 18
Sep 2, 2005
Didn't get what you'r trying to make :S

Oh and by the way, there is already a string-length native function
native StringLength takes string s returns integer

LOL! I'm coding redundant things now. OK. My Bad. - fixed

What I'm trying to make? I want to take the existing "hold 1 int" variable, and make code to access it in such a way that it will hold a number of reals instead. The reals wouldn't have set lengths beyond not going over the max int size.
Level 9
Mar 25, 2005
Afaik those should do just what you explained.

if you follow the link "BaseConversion" you should find this function:
function BaseConversion takes string input, integer inputBase, integer outputBase returns string

That should be caled like this to convert from 10 base to 7: call BaseConversion(input, 10, 7), assuming that it works and Im not mistaken.
Level 18
Sep 2, 2005
// 'where' is the digit number
function GetDigitAtPosition takes integer whatInt, integer where returns integer
    local integer int = S2I(SubString(I2S(whatInt), where - 1, where))
    return int

function FindPositionOfNumber takes integer fullInt, integer searchFor returns integer
    local string intString = I2S(fullInt)
    local integer totalDigits = StringLength(intString)
    local integer i = 0
    local integer currentInt
    if (searchFor>9) then
        set searchFor = GetDigitAtPosition(searchFor, 0)
        set currentInt = GetDigitAtPosition(fullInt, i) 
        exitwhen currentInt==searchFor
        set i= i+1
        exitwhen i==totalDigits
    if (currentInt==searchFor) then
        return i
        return -1

function BaseConversion takes string input, integer inputBase, integer outputBase returns string
    local string charMap = "0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
    local string s
    local string result = ""
    local integer val = 0
    local integer i
    local integer p = 0
    local integer pow = 1
    local string sign = ""
    if ( inputBase < 2 or inputBase > StringLength(charMap) or outputBase < 2 or outputBase > StringLength(charMap) ) then
        // Bases are invalid or out of bounds
        return "Invalid bases given"
    if ( SubString(input, 0, 1) == "-" ) then
        set sign = "-"
        set input = SubString(input, 1, StringLength(input))
    set i = StringLength(input)
    // Get the integer value of input
    set input = StringCase(input, false)
        exitwhen i <= 0
        set s = SubString(input, i-1, i)
        set p = 0
            if ( p >= inputBase ) then
                // Input cannot match base
                return "Input does not match base!"
            if ( s == SubString(charMap, p, p+1) ) then
                set val = val + pow*p
                set pow = pow * inputBase
                exitwhen true
            set p = p + 1
        set i = i - 1
        set p = ModuloInteger(val, outputBase)
        set result = SubString(charMap, p, p+1) + result
        set val = val / outputBase
        exitwhen val <= 0
    return sign + result

// Returns -1 if find was not found anywhere
function StringFind takes string find, string subject, integer offset returns integer
    local integer len = StringLength(find)
    local integer pos = offset
    local string s
    local string str

    if ( offset < 1 ) then
        set pos = 1
    if ( find == "" ) then
        return -1

        set s = SubString(subject, pos, pos+len-1)
        if ( s == find ) then
            return pos
        if ( SubString(subject, pos, pos) == "" ) then
            return -1
        set pos = pos + 1
    return -1

function StringReplace takes string find, string replace, string subject returns string
    local integer pos = 1
    local integer i
    local string result = ""
    local integer len = StringLength(find)

        set i = StringFind(find, subject, pos)
        if ( i > -1 ) then
            if ( i > pos ) then
                set result = result + SubString(subject, pos, i-1) + replace
                set result = result + replace 
            set pos = i + len
            set result = result + SubString(subject, pos, 999999)
            return result
    return subject

function GetDataChunk takes integer fullInt returns real
    local integer endAt = FindPositionOfNumber(fullInt,9)
    local string workWith = SubString(I2S(fullInt), 0, endAt)
    set workWith = StringReplace("8",".",workWith)
    set workWith = StringReplace("7","-",workWith)
    set workWith = BaseConversion(workWith, 7, 10)
    return S2R(workWith)

Current Progress. Now I just need a function to encode the data, since I can decode it. :) Does everyone at least understand what I'm trying to accomplish here now?
Level 14
Nov 20, 2005
Hm how detailed are Reals? Would be very comlicated, but you could use DiscipleOfLife's idea with reals... 0,xxxxyyyyzzzz and so on.

Reals can hold less data effectively than integers, due to the overhead of floating points. You could get them to store the same, but it would be harder, and you certainly can't get any more than the 32 bits you can with ints (actually 31 bits if it is unsigned...not sure).

A more simple method would be to assign unit user data to a struct, and then use that struct.
Level 12
Aug 20, 2007

Reading this thread is giving me a massive headache

I'm a little lost, but what your trying to do, is expand the custom value function that WE already provided, and use not just real values, but multiple values.....correct me if I'm wrong

If you wanna get multiple values just use arrays

If you want reals... :O ... Now I get what all the base changes are for....><

Perhaps it would be better to use fractions rather than decimals? Might be able to fit more data
Level 18
Sep 2, 2005
that's the basic Idea. instead of using 1 int, use multiple reals. and store it all in each units userdata, so I don't need to know in advance how many I need, nor do I need to track the creatures directly. whenever a creature is accessed by any script, all of his user data slots would be easily viewable.

I don't need this for a while (maybe a week or 2) but if other people are actually interested in it I could try to work on it faster.

I think it's something that might be useful for a whole bunch of things.
Level 40
Dec 14, 2005
As Captain Griffen said, structs are so much more convenient that this is rather wasteful.

Syntax should be fine, but it is rather early in the morning and this is unparsed, so don't be surprised if there is an error someplace. (And the local unit u = instances (ie with no value) are intentional, just saying "insert something here")

[jass=Example]struct UnitData
static method create takes unit attach returns UnitData
local UnitData dat = UnitData.allocate()
call SetUnitUserData(attach,dat)
return dat
real exampleReal //an example something in the struct
string exampleStr //example something else
integer exampleInt //more and more... you get the idea
player examplePlyr = Player(2) //Hey look! This variable will default to teal!
//you can add more stuff here if you want

function SomeFunctionThatIsReadingAndWritingToAUnit takes nothing returns nothing
local unit u = //someone?
local UnitData dat = GetUnitUserData(u)
set dat.exampleReal = 5.2
set dat.exampleStr = "Zomg structs r0x0r"
call BJDebugMsg(dat.exampleStr + " + " + R2S(dat.exampleReal))
//and so on
set u = null

function ThisIsAFunctionAllUnitsAreRunThroughSomehow takes nothing returns nothing
local unit u = //current instance unit
call UnitData.create(u)
set u = null
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