Nice map, love it, had a lot of fun.
But, the races seem sumwhat inbalanced.
I was playing as NE, it was my first time
Undead, owned, EVERYONE.
Undead players left after awhile, and their units were extremely good, all my upgrades matched theirs, but they were much more powerful then us. Humans lost to them, so did the Orcs, so, they seem a lil' overpowered.
Anyway, The heroes are great, but I suggest debuffing the stun, it becomes extremely annouying being owned by the unit when a hero continiously stuns you.
The main bases heroes need to be a little more powerful, maybe have an Inventory so we can buff it up ourselves.
Anyway, 4/5, good job.
Edit: The quest things are a good idea, but they don't seem really worth it because you have to constantly monitor your base from enemy creeps. & I suggest making the names collored, also, ONE last thing: what is the point of the Master Alchemy? Sure, he buffs items, but it seems kinda pointless.