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Hive's Nexus B10.7

This 4 way AoS has RPG elements as well. Tons of things to do. Explore caves, quests, npc factions, Build castle defenses, upgrade troops, get new troop spawns, build new spawn buildings and of course pound the other guys to a pulp. Over a years worth of work went into it and its still under develpment. Map is unlocked with all triggers done in the basic editors GUI.

Hive's Nexus B10.7 (Map)

Level 2
May 8, 2007
Still have a lot to do on it and will keep updating it. It was passed around a while back but had a bad server split bug. That is fixed now. Lots of improvements have been made since then too. Most of the things left to do are finishing and improving the heroes, more items and adding a few more quests.

Working on a Castle Fight style map right now but will come back to this latter. Hope you enjoy it.
Level 5
Jul 21, 2005
Nice map, love it, had a lot of fun.

But, the races seem sumwhat inbalanced.
I was playing as NE, it was my first time

Undead, owned, EVERYONE.

Undead players left after awhile, and their units were extremely good, all my upgrades matched theirs, but they were much more powerful then us. Humans lost to them, so did the Orcs, so, they seem a lil' overpowered.

Anyway, The heroes are great, but I suggest debuffing the stun, it becomes extremely annouying being owned by the unit when a hero continiously stuns you.

The main bases heroes need to be a little more powerful, maybe have an Inventory so we can buff it up ourselves.

Anyway, 4/5, good job.

Edit: The quest things are a good idea, but they don't seem really worth it because you have to constantly monitor your base from enemy creeps. & I suggest making the names collored, also, ONE last thing: what is the point of the Master Alchemy? Sure, he buffs items, but it seems kinda pointless.
Level 2
May 8, 2007
The races are highly balanced. If you play as observer and let it go a different side will win each time. I have done that many times. All the race abilities are customized for balance. What you where probibly seeing is the auto balance function kicking in. When a player is missing or leaves that team gets free upgrades. That includes the troop type upgrade found in the main spawn buildings. So a team with no players vs a team of three will have much better units untill you upgrade a bit. In most cases you dont have to defend your castle much at all till latter in the game.

The autobalance is what caused you to be on the defensive that game. When that happens you need to focus on troop upgrades untill you can break free to do quests. Most games I spend about 70% of the time doing quests.

One of the things that I want to fix in the heroes is the removal of stun all together. The stun they have does reduced damage but its still a pain.

The main base heroes (kings) used to have inventory but it was too easy to give them good items that prolong the game too much. Once you loose all your spawn buildings the king wont last long unless you rebuild them. Thats what fortresses do. Replace the main spawn building when you loose one.

The master alchemist is used for combining items. Latter he will have more uses. There is a bug we havent fixed with him so he just sits in the middle right now. He is supose to turn into a bird and fly randomly around the map every once in a while. Thats why you have button that shows his location.

Oh yea...the goldmines are caves. Get close to one to enter. The creeps inside will respawn shortly after it is cleared. Thats part of the main quest for a uber item.
Level 2
May 8, 2007
Forgot you cant play as observer. You can disable the autobalance trigger and just sit and watch it though. I have tested the unit balance hundreds of times. The races should be balanced within at least 5%. Considering they each have several special abilities thats about as close as your going to get. In the next version I will make a test mode that allows you to run it solo with no heroes and each side having the same upgrades. If you do modify it to make a test version please make sure you rename it and dont host it. Just watch it solo.
Level 5
Jul 21, 2005
I forgot to report, Entangling Roots for Centaurian hero's description is bugged.

It says Level 4 twice in a row, just a minor typo.
The Auto Balance is kind of annouying, personally.

Oh yeah, before I click "Comment," you can basically solo a King if you're a hero. I suggest making upgrades work for the Kings aswell, so people actually think of doing that.
Level 2
May 8, 2007
Edit: friday- Working on a new ver with bug fixes, better tool tips and some new hero abilities. should be done by tonight.

Thanx for the typo report. That hero is a placeholder right now anyway. He just has some quickie abilities. Most of the mages are not highly developed. The undead and humans arnt bad but the others need work.

I can make autobalance a option instead of default. There is a quest (urn & eye of king Terinus) that buffs the king and gives you a item. Some of the quests I intend to add latter will buff him as well. I could also add researchable upgrades for the king. I wouldnt use them myself but if people want a buffed up king why not. Better yet a research that buffs all heroes for the team including the king. That I would use.

One quest I was thinking of is a neutral dragon that flys around the map. If you attack him he will go hostile. When he dies he will drop a map. Activate the map to find his lair. Inside will be a small cave with something to fight there and a good loot drop. Might do the same thing with a few creatures. Feel free to post any quest or update ideas.
Level 2
May 8, 2007
New ver is done. Didnt get as much done as I hoped but there are still quite a few improvements.

Changelog -
-Opening mesage updated and now lasts longer
-Kings beefed up a bit +health and armor
-Combat Traing adds a lvl to the king
-Fountains now regen quicker
-Forge Golem no longer gives wrong quest message
-Rage (Bash) redone to work like criple
-Bash removed from items (edit: Battle Maul still says bash but actualy does pulverize. Will be fixed next update)
-Gold coins now give 100 gold instead of 50
-Archimonds gate spawns should no longer cause too much loot to drop in caves (he is a undead hero that I am still working on. He will be playable latter)
-Maneroth no longer gets a extra 4500 health...doh!
-Quest items now say where you use them
-Castle towers now cost 200 to repair instead of 300
-Reworked several heroes: Ranger, Assassin and Cenarius
-Minor changes to some other heroes
-Several more minor bug fixes and that should go unnoticed

Mostly working on heroes right now and next update should see some major improvements with them.
Level 2
May 8, 2007
Working on that right now. Some of the spells are cool but all heroes need work. So far the focus has been getting the engine and main game elements working. The spells we have are done in the editor with little trigger enhancemnt. They where made just to make the map playable. The next stage is making trigger based spells for most if not all spells. This takes a lot of time so they will show up over the next few updates.
Level 1
Sep 12, 2007
played this last night and was very impressed with he game play system :D i was less impressed with some of the insane heroes :(

hopefully we can expect a version with less insanely long stun/stasis/hold skills sometime...maybe...hopefully...

i do understand that balance is possibly the hardest concept to nail in a map so this is understandable that it mite not be preceved as perfect to everyone.also if you are interested i can offer some pointers on (what i think are) good ways of approaching hero balance.

anyway good job, really enjoyed it even though i lost :)
Level 2
May 8, 2007
All comments are welcome. The balance at this point is a best guess kind of thing. Each hero is intended to have at least one powerful power or combinations of powers. Some are intended as cave runners while others are line fighters or hero killers. If you take a line fighter vs a hero killer 1v1 your going to get stomped. On the other hand the line fighter is much better at supporting/killing groups of non-heroes. Both can win the game they just use a different style to do it.

The heroes I am most concerned about having balance issues are going to be totaly revamped soon. I would love to hear about the powers you think work and the ones that are borring or unbalanced.