Hero of Dynasty Beta

This bundle is marked as useful / simple. Simplicity is bliss, low effort and/or may contain minor bugs.

Hero of Dynasty
Watch map's trailer video here:
1. Map info:
- Map author: Daricvn (Daric Nguyen)
- Recommended player: 4+
- Action Hero Arena
- Model sources: bbs.uu9.com, wow, hiveworkshop, GameVN.com
- Sound sources: Mabinogi Heroes, Age of Wulin, Moonlight Blade Online
- AI: Yes

2. Credits:
- For good systems/libraries,suggestion: Ashton Lu, Ding Yingjun
- For useful libraries:Vexorian, grim001, Anitarf, vuongkkk, Nestharus,Artificial, Rising_Dusk. Cohara
- For these beautiful models: Judash and Ergius, All members of uu9, GameVN.com, hiveworkshop.com

3. Screenshots:






4. Features:
- An Action Arena: Now you can use your skill to avoid the attacks, look carefully for any animation and predict for any action to become the master of Wulin.
- The Greatest War: Animations, Voice Acting, Sound, Music, Martial Art, Challenge Arena, these will make the war become more perfect than ever.
- The New Combat Style: Did you bore with the old combat style? From now, your character has alot of skill from Combo Skills, complete chain skill will bring a better effect. Every Class has each style.
- Mark Target: Now you just right click on an enemy, you will able to mark it as target to cast skills. Double ESC will cancel the mark.

5. Changelogs:

Ore system
English translated
Wudang Sect added.
Revamp 5 old sects: Shaolin, Beggars, Emei, Mingjiao, Five Poisons (Wudu)

6. Jianghu Note (Author's Note):
- If you can't start the game, please go to Options => Video and set Texture Quality and Video Quality to High.
- If you can't see model or black model, please restart the game and only playing this map.
- This is a Hardcore map. So try to become the Master of Jianghu or a Skilled Player first instead of learning to buy items.
- Old version of this map is Than Do, a Vietnamese version, so I've tried to translate it to English and improve more feature than old version. I hope you like it :)
- Any suggestion/report/feedback please post here (fail translate, bugs, new ideas) I will collect and may do it as quick as possible

hero, heroes, dynasty, wushu, wuxia, wulin, jianghu

Hero of Dynasty Beta (Map)

03:01, 26th Mar 2015 Orcnet: Map rejected
Level 2
Feb 21, 2015
Ohhh thanks for your reply :3
I think the main reason is the map is an Eastern's History, so may people don't like it as much.
But I hope you like its gameplay :3 Enjoy the funny time in this map :)
Thank you.
Level 2
Feb 21, 2015
For the first person movement. nope, u just use right click to order like others warcraft 3 map, it's very difficult to play so I didn't share the way how to active it.
Cuz a lot of combo skills are using hotkey so I decided that not to use the WASD movement type or arrow key movement type.
If u guys love the world of Hack N Slash, I may develop it look like a new Vindictus, full action and has 3rd person look, with WASD movement and useful skill's hotkeys. (But it will very very hard to play and to learn how to play)
Level 30
Jul 31, 2010
Hello, I would like to say you made good work on how you've worked so hard for the map to come in this way of upload and to await its results from getting approved or not.

Unfortunately, it is my dire sincere concern that most of those models you imported are either rips or ripped from a different console game which our forum rules does not allow.

If you do insist, please show enough explanation on how those models were made, hence its complex design does not blend with the game engine and graphics of Warcraft 3.

For now this is rejected.
Level 2
Feb 21, 2015
Sorry for the late reply
I didn't notice it then so apologize cuz I had a lot of thing to do for these days.
At first, As I wrote at the description, most of models in my map resource are collected from a Chinese site that called bbs.uu9.com so I didn't know that is ripped or not.
Next, I used them becuz they have a good animation that can able to use for an Action game.
Best regards!