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Level 8
Sep 30, 2012
I never played World of Warcraft but read about some stories there, and browsed the WoWWiki a lot.

However, at least from the Warcraft 3 perspective, I ask myself what are Heroes? Where do they come from? How does their revive work? How do you become a hero? Are those questions answered anywhere?

To be an immortal you had to be god-like or extremely powerful, like Medivh.
How did a normal Paladin acquired the skill/ got gifted/ was chosen eternal champion, to be revived endless times?

According to warcraft 3 campaign history heroes can die (and remain dead), for example Arthas slayed Uther, for good, or maybe Frostmourne played an important role..

Or is it simply for games sake, that you can revive heroes? So reviving Heroes doesn't really happen in the Warcraft 3 Lore?
Level 21
Jul 27, 2008
Story and Gameplay segregation. Lore doesn't operate like games, it would be silly then. There would be no death then for races that have Paladins to mass resurrect (explains a lot about Scarlet Crusade though).

The original warcraft heroes from Warcraft 2 didn't have revive system. So that meant when hero dies it was game over which leads that Heroes were best kept hidden in base or they might die by accident (paladin could one shot Teron with exorcism). This was fixed for wc3 and heroes are now mandatory addition to the game. And WoW players naturally need respawn system or else dying in raid at level 90 and having to restart from level 1 would be cruelest thing ever. Make it happen Blizzard

In actual Warcraft and WoW series people die and resurrecting them isn't an easy task. There is no difference between regular people and "heroes". That is why when Kel'thuzad had lore death required you to use Sunwell to bring him back as a Lich and not just make an Altar.
Level 8
Sep 30, 2012
but i think in the story it was said that Kel'thuzad could have been resurrected 'normally' but not to full extend, since he was so powerful.

Kick ass - i was right about that, just looked it up: http://www.wowwiki.com/Digging_up_the_Dead
When Arthas asked why they couldn't simply resurrect Kel'Thuzad on the spot, the Cultists explained that they needed a powerful nexus of magic to raise a being of Kel'Thuzad's power.

but i bet u got the rest right. :)
Level 21
Jul 27, 2008
Well not resurrected but raised as undead. Raising mindless undead is easy but intelligent is hard, and Liches are known for being hard to make in general. bad example now that I think about it as necromancy and resurrection are two different things.
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