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Hero Ideas Needed!!!!

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Level 4
Nov 17, 2005
i am almost complete with my first map (YAY) but i need more hero ideas because in the map the heros can upgrade into an improved form which is necessary to beat the bosses... if u have hero ideas, abilities, or anything to help it would be appreciated and if used your name will go in the creds so be sure to post ur WC3 acc if it not same as ur name for this site... ty and your help is aprecciated!!
Level 4
Nov 17, 2005
i am not the same person and it is a constest in the way of seeing which will be used and other users give their inputs on the hero and only the top couple will be accepted into the map with cred given... that is how
Level 4
Nov 17, 2005
k ty and any ability ideas for the not so obvious 1's... i have a mage for the elements i have 1 then they go to seperate evoulutions into my version of the elements
Some suggestions:

Time Mage (Proper Name: Chronos)
Abilities: Rift, Slow, Haste and Time Stop

Ancient Sea Lord (Proper Name: Za'hnal)
Abilities: Crushing Wave, Dive, Spawn Hydras and Tsunami

Camo Master (Proper Name: -you decide-)
Abilities: Back Stab, Invinsibility, Evasion and Copycat

Magma Golem (Proper Name: Gaia)
Abilities: Flame Wall, Scattering Fireballs, Permanent Immolation and Hellfire

Reaper (Proper Name: -you decide-)
Abilities: Slash, Death Blow, Drain and Touch of Death
Level 4
Nov 17, 2005
k ill add in the reaper for sure bc i need more evil chars. and ill prob add in Time mage, and Mag Golem, but i dont know wat moves i would use for the heroesArc Knight, Solar Sentinel, or Titan bc i might use those
Level 22
Jan 10, 2005
In my game it is a hero that uses lightning and slow abilities (preferably red effects) I found arc in the dictionary, and it said something about a bow (number 1) but number 2 it says something about red stuff, dont remember. My arc knight uses damaging red lightning etc
Level 4
Dec 10, 2005
ok i only got one idea at the moment so here

Name ( No idea lol but it an archer type)
Spells Power Shot , Bull eye , evasion, 17 arrows strike.

Power shot: Takes some time to cast and does X times of damage
Bull eye: Paralyse the enemy with a accurate shot
17 arrows : All 17 arrows will be all different. (Fire dark ice normal etc)

I haven't made the hero either. Just an idea.
Level 4
Nov 17, 2005
ty for the idea their all pretty good i will most likely usethe archers moves bc my archer sux but i dont no how to make the 17 arrows but it sounds really cool
Level 4
Jul 19, 2005

Beat Down
shockwave in multiple directions
Boiling blood
burns all surronding foes, and self
Spiraling embers
creates a tornado that spurts out buring coal towards foes
Level 6
Oct 6, 2005

Ancestral Exorcist Of Hell
Ancestral Ranger
Appointed Paladin Of Hope
Appointed Silver Acrobat
Criminal Flame Trapper
Criminal Messenger
Demonologist Magician
Desert Monk
Dreaming Ranger
Elite Magician Of Summer
Elite Rune Messenger
Enchanter Bandit Of Might
Forgotten Gambler
Ghost Summoner Of Autumn
Gray Robber
Green Mistress Of Hope
Heretic Gladiator
Heretic Scout
Imperial Alchemist
Imperial Lock Mage
Infamous Illusionist Conjurer
Legendary Illusionist Of The Domain
Mage Of The Mountains
Mountain Diviner
Mountain Paladin Slayer
Necromancer Of The Past
Pirate Smith Of The Southeast
Prayer Magician
Ranger Of Ice
Red Finder
Respected Town Demonologist
River Gambler
Rock Bard
Royal Armorer
Royal Ice Monk
Royal Singer Of The God(dess) Of Justice
Sapper Of The Light
Sapper Of The North
Secret Summoner
Silent Lady
Templar Hunter
Unknowable Blessed Finder
Unknowable Conjurer
Unknowable Enchanter
Unspeakable Gladiator
Unspeakable Militia Gladiator
Unspoken Invoker
Unspoken Master Of The Afterlife
Unspoken Sapper
Warlock Of The Present

Accursed Incatation of Frost
Archmagi' Hearing
Blades of Sylvan Ice
Call Wanderer
Closing Negation
Crowns of Dust
Deflect Evasion
Disrupting Invocation of Alter Force
Dust Absorbtion
Eagle Calling
Eaters' Reflection
Evocation of Hypnotise Animals
Evocation of Titan Hypnotism
Good Ritual of the Red Vestment
Gyser of Magic and Tactics
Hex of Purity Alteration
Kingly Ritual of Cursing and Hunger
Rune of Kill Forbidden Cleric
Sigil of Summon Monstrous Barbarian
The Chaotic Incatation of Metal
The Infinite Hexes of the Electrical Torc
The Infinite Sorceries of Insect Control
The Otherworldly Calling of the Barbaric Serpents
The Rites of Spectral Energy
Working of Ooze
Archers' Lava Gysers
Beams of Villainous Platinum
Bear Summoning
Bear's Masks of Water
Blessed Glamour of the Clever Lizard
Casting of Slay Exalted Krakens
Eternal Abjuration of Kill Traveller
Gothic Webs of Blood
Gushes of Worldly Dust
Illusion of Become Cruel Journeymen
Invocation of Hypnotise Minor Hunters
Invocation of Slay Imperial Killer
Minor Bolts of Spirit
Rite of Force
Sigil of Transform Devouring
Spiritual Balls of Ice
The Heavenly Curse of the Lost Viper
The Infinite Monstrous Charms of Cloaks
The Torc of Barbarians
Track Grails
Ultimate Exorcism of the Ornate Arrow
Witchery of Absorbs Ice
Witchery of Slay Titan
Yellow Portal of Ooze
Yellow Tome of Bronze

Well thats it for now i hope you use them well :wink:
Level 6
Oct 6, 2005
Yeah i got them from a site. Ill PM You with it and anyone else who wants it.

It has Names, Abilities, Items, Weapons, Classes, Wrestling Moves, Ninjitsu Moves, AND MUCH MUCH MUCH MORE!
Level 6
Oct 6, 2005
Hehe not my work ramza so dont get up me and anyone else whod like me 2 pm them the site just PM me or write it down here.

EDIT:So no one wants me to tell thme the site?!
Level 2
Dec 7, 2005
Gay fag master
-f..k ass
-tongue of the anus
-finger of depts
-anal implosion
What do you say.It is even for free! :lol:
Level 25
Mar 31, 2004
Well, I was originally thinking you were another Wormskull account Slatyor, however I can see that you're not from your other posts

To put it simply: I dislike your existance upon my internet already. Please leave and save your bandwidth
Level 2
Dec 7, 2005
WAS I FUNNY OR WHAT!?And about Slatyor...you were reffering to me? :?: What have I done again?When I wrote f..k i put ... between the f and the k like this:f..k?Isn't that okay?I dont understand what you guys want!
Level 2
Dec 7, 2005
I really like using..um..this words in enlish like fag,gay etc.Oh and I like f..k the most!And I am not a Wormskull(whatever that means).You think I am stupid because I never submitted anything!Well I did
but my model was deleted.I don't know why!I also have a campaign and two more models to submit.(probably you guys will delete those two).I thought my hero ideas were quite good.People don't apreciate real MODERS like me today!

P.S:What is a MODERATOR?
Level 4
Nov 17, 2005
i agree with you dan... thx for everything so far and i dont like thatsites names that much their not that great... im almost done ill be sure to add you guys in mb u can hlp on later maps 2... i have alot started up already like sc's school
Level 40
Dec 14, 2005

Black Sorceror
int hero

Haunt- Every 15 seconds, a ghost will appear beside the target and begin to attack it. Lasts 1 minute
mana cost--150
cast range--750
special effects-- If this spell is cast again on the same unit, it has a 50% chance to double the power of the ghosts and renew the duration, and a 50% chance to remove the curse. Only stacks twice. If cast on a skeleton spawned from Accursed Ground, instead, causes this to last forever, not spawn the ghosts as normal, and spawn accursed ground where the skeleton dies(from combat or w/e).

Chain of Death- Has an 80% chance to launch a Death Coil at a target unit. the target unit loses 10/20/30 hp or gains that much if it is an ally. The death coil then has a 80% chance to bounce to another target, and so on...
mana cost--100
cast range--700
special effects--if the casting unit is on Accursed Ground, the effect is doubled, dealing 20/40/60 damage

Accursed Ground- Causes a target area of ground to become accursed, making the dead on it raise and roam at will, killing all in their path. Lasts 30s. Skeletons are stronger by level
mana cost--200
cast range--500
Special Effects--Automatically kills non-hero haunted units in the area. damages haunted heroes for 100/200/300. Any units killed by skeletons spawned from Accursed Ground arealso reanimated(non-hero)

ULTIMATE--Horrors of the Void-
for every unit in the area, has a 50% chance to remove their soul, giving the Black Sorceror 10% of their current life, and they become a mindless zombie. their soul is haarnessed under the command of the Black Sorceror, and lasts until it is killed.
mana cost--350
cast range--700
special effects--If the unit is haunted, it is automatically relieved of its soul. Cannot kill skeletons spawned by Accursed Ground. Instead, it removes all their buffs and heals them fully.
Level 2
Dec 7, 2005
Here is a serious one.

Vlad Dracul
-Elder Vampire-

-Kiss of Death(kills instantly)
-Blood Thirst(gives agility,its passive)
-Bite(transforms the victim in a vamp)
-Immortality(just like the Taurens Reincarnation) :twisted:
Level 4
Nov 17, 2005
i like the black sorc and vamp except the black sorc would be hard to make i cant really do custom spells and for blood thirst that would be like every kill he gets like .05 agility lvl 1?
Level 4
Nov 17, 2005
o and 1 more thing in the map u can upgrade or evolve w/e u wanna call it to ur hero in to a better form like the fire mage can turn into a sun mage so i need ideas for upgraded forms of the following

-Lightning Mage
-Cold Mage

and i need spell ideas for my upgraded healers

p.s. thank you so much for everything so far!
Level 9
Jan 13, 2005
here is mine

1. kinky domination - put a targeted unit into a
bondage draining it's life and mana for x seconds
while immobilizing it.

2. whip - a single blow that takes (25% of the caster hitpoints) hitpoints from a targeted unit. Area of effect = 200

3. goo - the caster pukes and create a pool of damaging disgusting green viscous substance slowing enemies and draining their mana. casting range = 250

4. unholy fart {ultimate} - the caster creates a fog in a medium area to distract enemies giving them 10 hit/manapoints regeneration for x seconds.
distract enemies. Also disables enemies' visibility!
Level 7
Nov 26, 2004
Dark_Sl@yer said:
harper,how do you want to call the hero?What about
groce fat f..k or slimy asswhole fart machine :D
Slimy asswhole fart machine..?
we could just you know keep it short, like, say, Teppana? :?
hmmm...In most of my maps, I use a hero. I bet it might be usedful, so i will try to give out the idea for it in a format similar to purplepoot.

Name: Zombie Overlord

Starting Strength: 34
Starting intelligence: 18
Starting Agility: 8

Stat growths:

Strength Per level: +3.25
Intelligence Per level: +1.40
Agility Per level: +2.05

Model: Blood fiend
Found at:

Red: 50
Blue: 0
Green: 10
Icon: Armored felguard
Found at:


Combat skill.
Discription: Foremerly a Great felguard, the Zombie overlord now is all but great. He has some skill left, but just enough to kieep him in the fray.
Gives 5% chance for 3x damage, up to 15%
Gives 8% chance to avoid, up to 24%
Gives 8 to str each level.
Gives 2 to agi each level.

Might of the undead.
The zombie overlord strike with huge force, dealing +2 damage each level and spreading 15% extra cleaving attack, up to 90% splash. Also gives unholy aura.

Unholy Plight
Uses dark magic to heal the undead unit by +150 each level, damaging a living unit by 100 damage per level.
Cooldown: 15 secs
Mana: 65

Revive comrades.
Seeing all the fallen soldiers, the overlord can raise +1 demon each level (your choice of one, usually in my maps an overlord)
Cooldown: 20secs
Mana: 85 (isn't that raise dead cost?)

Ultimate ability: Depends...

choice 1:
Works like death and decay, with 10% of all hp and for only enough time to deal that 10% of max hp.
Cooldown: 2 min
Mana: 200

Choice 2: Umtimate endurance.
Effects: Gives +55 permanent strength

Note: This is just an Idea. You can change it in any way if you want. Just wanted to help
Level 9
Jan 13, 2005
Dark_Sl@yer said:
harper,how do you want to call the hero?What about
groce fat f..k or slimy asswhole fart machine :D

uhmmmmm I'll try to
call it Vamfart no no
I changed it to Overseer
like WOTW's overseer. This
unit is an excellent melee
fighter that specialized on
disrupting enemies with it's
Level 4
Nov 17, 2005
matt urs would be perfect probably for the evil side or hero group ill decide which but ya ill most likely take it ty and harper urs is good 2 ill prob change a few things like i don't think im gettin the custom stuff imported in bc i gotta email this map to a friend or put on diskette and give to friend unless if i attatched the file and told him how

1 more thing tell me how this hero sounds

Description: a naga fighter that can learn the ways of the elements...

Knives: Forked Lightning but with heal wave light effect and knives come out of hit unit
Upgrades to: Flame Strike: still Forked but w/ life drain light effect and flame pillars spawn at units... trying to work in immolation damage effect to

Spears: Cluster Rockets but with spears
Upgrades to: Frost Nova: CR w/ frost nova... adding in freeze effect

Swiftness: %chance to dodge and deal more damage
Upgrades to: Earth's Guidance: stronger w/ more percent and bonus damage

Ultimate 1:
Hammers: Crypt Lord's ult but w. hammers
Upgrades to: Wind: same but with tornado models

Ultimate 2:
Elemental Lacing: Changes normal moves to their element form
ex. Knives to Flame Strike

also adds move speed/ damage
In my most recent map, the zombie overlord is the guardian to the legendary axe of the berserker Zann, Duramaul. I usually tweak him to make him a little more powerful when he is a boss. When he's a hero, he works like that. Other ideas from that same map:

Hero: Nirre the hermit
Class: Dark Sage

Attack type: Dark magic (If you cant add that in control variable, make it siege damage, and add trigger so that it heals undead)
Initail damage bonus: 100
Number of dice: 4
Sides per dice: 12
Cooldown: 10 secs
Area of effect: 400
Range: 1200 (Almost always modeled after gul'dan...with added Splash)
Missle art: Dark summoning (The ball one, not the dome)

Initial Agility: 18
Initial Intellegence: 52
Initial Strength: 7

Agility per Level: 2.35
Intelligence per Level: 8.5
Strength per Level: 0.90

Unit description: A legendary sage, one of the legendary heroes of the world, a former demon slayer, and the great sage of (random continent in the game), now retired. Seeking to aid the world like he did in the past, hes taken his staff and is ready to fight for his home, country, and so he can play chess with the old people back at the retirement home. Pretty powerful for a 25096 year old man!

Model: Wc1mage
Found at:

Icon: Old Wizard
Found at:

1. Dark Magic
What it does: Increases damage by 100 each level, and Increases in range by 200 each level, max at 1200. Same 400 area of effect each level
Mana cost: 20 per shot.
Autocast allowed (Its meant to be modeled after searing arrows...but alot stronger)
Cooldown: none

2. Foresight
What it does: Knowing his fate an what will happen next in combat, Nirre can know when attack are nearing and can dodge them if timed right.
Gives +10% chance to evade attack each level, up to 80% at max.
Passive ability

3. Rot
What it does: Like corrupt, only 2% of max hp, and much faster
Mana cost: 150
Cooldown: 10 secs
Duration: 2 secs

4. Ancient Wisdom
What it does: Adds +10 to int per level
Passive ability

Ultimate ability:

Earth Ripper
What it does: Like War stomp targeting the whole map. Deals 250 damage per level to all units on the map, and stuns the for 3 seconds. The aftershock slow units movement for +5 seconds per level.
Mana cost: 1000
Cooldown: 2 minutes (120 seconds)
Attack art: Earthquake

Note: This is an idea. Tweak it however you want it to be.
Note: This is an idea. Tweak it however you want it to be.[/color]

Read above!

Basicly, hes meant to be a sniper with splash damage. You can modify him as you want tough, even make him really fast. Besides, to make up for it, look at his strength...

As for your hero: It looks decent enough. May I suggest some models and icons?

In order for what should most likely be elementalist to least likely:

Most Recommended:

So-so Model:

Least recommended:

Icon...Well i g2g soon but i like the idea though you might have to pull off some complex spells like purplepoot put down. Look for an icon for any of these models!
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