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Hero Ideas NeeDeD

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Level 7
May 6, 2008
I need you to post here heroes for my AOS map

(If can some history for description)

(Description for all)

giving reps+ for all useful hero ideas
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Level 3
Mar 17, 2009
---Tank Pilot---
The Gnomes had begun an interest in deeper exploration in search of more powerful ores. They created Winchester, the Mechanical Gnome. They locked him in his own tank, made to withstand extreme conditions. However, Winchester developed a mechanical mind of his own and disabled the connection with Gnomeregan, to follow his own path...

When Winchester uses Mechpath, he creates two rows of temporary and destroyable mechanical blockades. They shoot out in front of him, dealing damage to any enemy hit, blocking movement, and the rows have a space between them just big enough for Winchester to get through. so it would be like this, with the "|"'s being the path and W being Winchester. |W| but picture the "|"s were shot farther out. This is very hard to aim but can be used as a long ranged escape mechanism, trapping mechanism, or just a way to finish that running enemy off.

---Charged Blast---
Winchester charges his cannon, creating a very powerful but very short range explosive shot. This damages and stuns enemies directly in front of him. This has a number of uses, an escaping stun, a high damaging ability if you trap someone with Mechpath, a farming ability, etc.

Everytime Winchester fires, he has a chance to do a short stun to the initial target and deal AoE damage to enemies near the target. This is useful for farming and the short stun helps with chasing and if the player is good enough they can use that to use Mechpath and trap the enemy.

Winchester finds a way to open his hatch and jump out of his vehicle. Winchester is very swift, has medium health and high regeneration, but no attack capabilities. However, Winchester's Tank can continue fighting on. If Winchester's Tank dies, Winchester gets an ability to rebuild his tank, but this takes 10 seconds. While Winchester has high health, he has no escape capabilities. Also, Eject! is good for chasing enemies behind towers to get that chasing kill.
Level 4
Jul 31, 2008
----Fallen overlord----
All his life, Ignasuas live with his father - god of chaos Determinas. May be he can take his post. And he will. He have more powerful magic skills, than his father but experience have take its place. So he was defeated and failed the battle with chaos god. And now he want to revenge but havent help from others. Because no angels no demons won't help him now.
a great fire storm what burn all target zone and damage all who stand there. if you make this spell make all image on all the map red gamma and fire animation in the target zone.
----damned roar----
roar what damage all building and heavy armor objects in a big radius near hero
----time blast----
return target unit hp what he have 1 minute later
----blood whirl----
kill target creep and damage all units in medium radius near hero.if you will make this spell make blood animation around radius and more blood in a place of killed unit. try to make blood fountain
Level 15
Jun 11, 2007
---Travis the Insane---
---Int, ranged---
Mage gone mad!

Sacrifices target friendly non-hero unit, increasing the Cultists Int by XXX for 20 seconds.
---Volitant Death---
Takes 25% Health from the Cultist, then applies a Damage Over Time debuff causing damage equal to 50% of the targets max health.
---Focused Mind---
Gives a 10% chance that an attack will restore 2% of total mana.
---Death and Decay---
As the Lich's.

I'll do your terrain so why not give an idea also :D
Level 8
Mar 28, 2009
---Argosh Thundersteel---
Argosh was a ordinary human, once. He worked for his daily money and someday he found a little cave, he investigated. A sword layed in it, surrounded by a purifying light, coming out of a hole in the wall. He took the blade and felt his power, as it discharged. Argosh got hit by the electric field and a lightningbold-like scarf is decoratong his arm now. By teh time he found out, that a ghost lived in the blade.

Argosh calls the ancient ghost, that is habiting the blade, to charge himself with electric power. However Argosh didn't manage to hold this state permanently.
> Adds an lightning attack to the wearer, combined with a little armor bonus, giving a chance of paralysing his foes on each attack for X seconds

Argosh uses the inner power of his blade, Molgor, and slashes the ground, pumping imense electrical power into the ground. This results in an electromagnetic field, which damages the enemies over time.
> Creates a huge electric burst around Argosh and stuns (paralyses) foes for X seconds. Channeling over 1 second.

---Molgor's Lore---
Argosh learns the ancient skills and ssecrets about his blade, by studying it.
> Everytime, Argosh attacks, he gains some "blade experience", which will increase to a certain level. With every level of this skill, Argosh can research it to a higher level, which increases his blade's capabilities.
Level 1 = 2
Level 2 = 4
Level 3 = 6
Every level of blade (experience gained over time by attacking) = +2 dmg + increasement of all his skills/skills.

Argosh learned enough to release Galbar, the ancient ghost of Molgor, to serve his will. Galbar will take over Argosh's instincts and use him for his purposes.
> Adds a lot of power and takes away the control of Argosh. Duraction increases with "Molgor's Lore"-skill and effect with skill-level
(Can be easily done by setting some triggers, so the player can't select Argosh anylonger. After the effect wears off, add a "select unit for (owner of unit..."-trigger))

That would be all.
Level 7
May 6, 2008
not yet named :) just starting making it ''REVOLVE'' Person is just terraining it at the moment if you have hero ideas bring it on
Level 4
Jul 31, 2008
----Avron Slowstalk----
----Mystic monk----
Avron follows his shadow life and no one who is him where is he born. But anyone knows what if you meet him - no one magic can help you.
make all mages on map (without Avron himself) be unable to use magic for 1 minute (can raise up with level)
----mana steel----
you will understand what is it
hero will teleport to target hit it with a crit and teleport back
it will make all enemy units be unable to attack
Level 8
Dec 7, 2008
Roran the Fierce

Roran worked under grom just before the hellscream clan was corrupted by the demonic energies. Seeing his fellow orcs' corruption, Roran fled to the mountians where he became reclusive and battle hardened. Now he fights for <INSERT SIDE> to boast his mighty stregnth.

If you are good at triggering, use this set

Roran spins around at a great velocity, making him invulnerable. Random twisters are formed and fly out from Roran. Duration increases with level.
---Rage Slam---
Roran slams the ground, creating a mighty fisure that throws nearby enemies away from him, dealing damage and stunning them upon landing.
Roran is said to be undefeatable due to his great fortitude. The lower health Roran has, the greater his health renegeration becomes.
---Berserkers Roar---
Roran lets out a great roar, causing all neabry friendly units to go into an unstable bloodlust, increasing their attack and movespeed.

If you would rather just do editor stuff, use this set

War stomp
Passive increase in health regen
---Berserkers Roar---
Berserk, but better
Level 8
Dec 7, 2008
Dark lord of Chaos

The dark lord of chaos was born from the partnership of a succubus and a pitlord. The evil magic of corruption and necromancy fitted together to create the evil Maazra, who killed his parents straight after birth. He joined <THE EVIL GUYS> to exercise his dark powers.

Again, good at triggering, use this one

Maazra can shift intoturns into a horrific spirit that has no attack but causes units to flee when they come into range. After a few seconds, the units recover from the fear and become immune to terrify for 10 seconds. Dosen't effect heroes. Duration of fear increases with level.
---Dark Pact---
Maazra can channel dark power into an ally, increasing the allies attack and speed dramatically. If the ally is killed, the dark pact is broken and Maazra is damaged. Attack increase and return damage increases with level.
---Corrupt Flames---
When he kills a unit, Maazra has a chance to create an unholy fire that ignites nearby enemies so they take damage over time.
---Raise Hell---
When Maazra has mastered the Ultimate Chaos magic, he can use a technique called raise hell. He releases powerful spirits that fly around, swooping down randomly to pick up a non-hero unit and kill it instantly. Due to the power of raising hell, Maazra must sacrifice half of his maximum life to cast this spell.

Just editor stuff on set 2
Slow enemies around the lord, thunderclap without the damage
---Dark Pact---
---Corrupt Flames---
Orb of darkness with demons.
---Raise Hell---
Locust swarms, change locust model to shades or death coils
Level 11
Dec 21, 2008
,; Ninja ;,
,; Stealth Master ;,

Model: http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/models-530/headhunter-49194/?prev=search=headhunter&d=list&r=20

,,, Backstab ,,,,
An hard Crit hit that only works Bihind the target.
Rank1 2x Of normal damage
Rank2 3x Of normal damage
Rank3 4x Of normal damage

,,, Stealth ,,,
Makes you invis for any time:
Rank1 20 Sec
Rank2 30 sec
Rank3 40 sec

,,, Ambush ,,,
Makes the ninja charge ( In stealth ) To the target and hit the target by
Rank1 2x By his damage.
Rank2 3x By his damage.
Rank3 4x By his damage.

,,, Ninja walk ,,,
Makes the ninja Jump forword to the target and jump to all other targets and hit for alot of damage for 5 sec.
Level 15
Mar 8, 2009
Idea Generator

Model: this will work


Joke - Trillium tells a joke to the target, causing to laugh uncontrollable for X seconds. [stun]
Rank 1 - 3 seconds
Rank 2 - 4 seconds
Rank 3 - 5 seconds

Good Idea! - Trillium tosses a cool idea to the target, forcing target to think it over and over [sleep] for X seconds. Any damage caused to the target will return it to reality, but target will still think about the idea for 10 seconds, resulting in being slowed by 20% and having a 10% chance to miss on attacks for the duration.
Rank 1 - 10 seconds sleep
Rank 2 - 20 seconds sleep
Rank 3 - 30 seconds sleep

Harsh Sarcasm (passive) - each Trillium's attack has a chance to mortally insult target [either slowing it by 50% for 5 seconds or stunning it for 1 second]
Rank 1 - 10% chance to stun and 15% chance to slow.
Rank 2 - 12.5% chance to stun and 20% chance to slow
Rank 3 - 15% chance to stun and 25% chance to slow

Mithril Storm (Ultimate) - Trillium is out of ideas and he has nothing left other than go hacking and slashing things with his mithril swords. Increases attack speed by 100% for 15 seconds. Trillium cannot use any other abilities while hacking and slashing things, 'cos he is out of ideas, remember?

more serious:
Ignis Fireseeker
Frost Mage

Ignis' parents were fire wizards, as were his grandparents and almost all of his ancestors. His father believed that his son will go the path of fire too, but Ignis decided to break family tradition and chose the path of frost. For that he was expelled from Fireseeker family but it doesn't really bother him.

Has rather long CD's, abilities deal large damage. Main source of dmg are normal attacks, but can nuke most targets very quickly when all abilities are ready to use.

Icicles - channeled. Launches ice missiles at target every second for a set amount of time, dealing 25 damage with each missile. Ignis learned this spell, trying to disguise his frost magics behind an Arcane Missiles spell...
Rank 1 - 2 missiles per second, 5 seconds.
Rank 2 - 3 missiles per second, 6 seconds
Rank 3 - 4 missiles per second, 7 seconds.

Freezing Winds - blows all targets in front of him with freezing winds, dealing damage and slowing them by 50%. High mana cost.
Rank 1 - 100 damage, 5 second slow
Rank 2 - 225 damage, 7.5 second slow
Rank 3 - 350 damage, 10 second slow

Cold Temper (passive) - Ignis has learned how to master his family's fiery temper. He knows how to better concentrate on his powers and control his magic. Reduces other spells' cooldowns and increases Ignis' mana regeneration.
Rank 1 - +10% mana regen
Rank 2 - +15% mana regen
Rank 3 - +20% mana regen

Icefire Rage (Ultimate) - despite his defection, fiery blood of Fireseeker family still runs in Ignis' veins. When he is at the peak of his power, that fire comes out of control. Deals 600 damage [frost effect here] to the target and slows it by 75% for 4 seconds. Also deals 300 damage [fire effect here] to all enemies around him and stuns them for 1 seond. Also stuns Ignis himself for 1 second and deals 150 damage to him [fire effect] 3 seconds casting time, very long CD.

Level 17
Nov 4, 2008
Rashai D'thea
Guardian of R'shael

Rashai D'thea was born on the Night of R'shael, an incredibly sacred night for the followers of the Zalanari religion. From the day she was born, the Zalanari Order watched her and protected her and finally took her to R'shael, City of the Forgotten Vale. It was here that she was placed under the tutelage of the Zalanari High Priest where she learned how to manipulate the spirits of the forgotten and manipulate that element to her advantage in the heat of combat.

Role: Rashai can be manipulated as a damage-dealer or a support hero, depending how she is built.
Main Attribute: [STR] [AGI] [INT]
Combat Type: [MELEE] [RANGED]

Spell Type: Support; soul-binding
Target Type: Ally creep or hero
Cooldown: xx.00 seconds
Mana Cost: xx(x)
Rashai withdraws her radiant stele and uses it to bind the souls of two allies, dividing the damage dealt in between them both by xx%. This lasts for xx seconds unless negated or one target is slain.

Hallowed Coating
Spell Type: Buff; damage and effect bonus
Target Type: Ally creep or hero
Cooldown: xx.00 seconds
Mana Cost: xx(x)
Rashai coats the blade of herself or an ally with a force of ethereal energy that increases the damage of the target by xx% of Rashai's own damage and provides the target ally with a xx% chance of discharging the spiritual coating and dealing xx(x) damage to a target.

Forgotten Spirits
Spell Type: Summon on chance; passive
Target Type: N/A
Cooldown: N/A
Mana Cost: N/A - Rashai will receive xx damage when a spirit is killed.
Rashai, being the Guardian of R'shael and the spirits of the Sacred Vigil, has a xx% chance of summoning a vulnerable spirit from a corpse that fights for Rashai. The spirits have an ability to heal Rashai by sacrificing themselves.

Zalanari Expulsion
Spell Type: Damage; stun on impact
Target Type: Enemy hero
Cooldown: xxx.00 seconds
Mana Cost: xxx
Rashai expels her spirit from her body, leaving it vulnerable and exposed and charges at a target enemy hero and enters its body. He/she will suffer xx(x) damage per second until the target is slain. This also applies to Rashai if she does not return to her body before her time is up.

1. Rashai's ability Stele can be used to really save an ally if he/she is almost dead. Though, it may sometimes backfire.
2. Players controlling Rashai should think about collecting a few spirits before casting Zalanari Expulsion as enemy heroes or creeps may go after her spiritless body.

Aldoran Thelanaar
Arcane Vanguard

Aldoran Thelanaar, respected war veteran of the Netherworld Eclipse, is a decorated elven warrior who fought against the demons of the netherworld during the Netherworld Eclipse. He led the elves across harsh conditions to meet hideous ogres and terrifying horrors in a ravenous battle that nearly tore the world apart. He is most well-known for his shield, Asirael, and his ability to resist all types of magic and even repel it.

Role: Aldoran can be a useful instrument in combat against spellcasters.
Main Attribute: [STR] [AGI] [INT]
Combat Type: [MELEE] [RANGED]

Magic Resistance
Spell Type: Defense-type; magic reduction
Target Type: Self
Cooldown: Activated
Mana Cost: N/A
Aldoran enters a stance of magical resistance where he holds his shield in front of him. This gives Aldoran the ability to ignore xx% of magical damage dealt to him but slows him down by xx%.

Spell Type: Auto-cast; bonus affect
Target Type: Enemy creep and/or hero
Cooldown: xx.00 seconds
Mana Cost: x(x)
Aldoran’s blade reverberates off a target and bounces to another target dealing 50% of the damage dealt to the initial target. The blade then bounces to a third target, dealing 25% of the damage dealt to the second target.

Arcane Impact
Spell Type: Damage-on-impact; passive
Target Type: Enemy creep and/or hero
Cooldown: N/A
Mana Cost: N/A
Aldoran enhances his shield with arcane wards that deflect all magical damage dealt against him when Magic Resistance is activated dealing xx(x) damage to all targets in front of him. The caster also receives xx% damage back from the spell he/she casts on Aldoran.

Arcanic Discharge
Spell Type: Channeling; mana and damage reduction
Target Type: Enemy creep and/or hero
Cooldown: xxx.00 seconds
Mana Cost: 100%
Aldoran unleashes a discharge of arcane energy collected from spellcasters that have foolishly struck Aldoran with magic. This discharge of magic is channeled for xx seconds where xx (depending on how much mana has been collected) damage is dealt to all targets in the area and xxx mana is burnt from all casters.

1. Aldoran may seem completely immune to spellcasters, but he is not. As his movement and attack speed are low with Magic Resistance activated, it leaves his backside vulnerable.
2. Aldoran has a max of 1,000 mana but mana regeneration stops at 100 unless Aldoran is struck with a spell, hence it is increased until it reaches 1,000.
Level 17
Nov 4, 2008
Baron Dari de Lamento
Lord of Deceit

Baron Dari de Lamento is the world's greatest arcanist, having followed every school of magic and mastered it to perfection. But this magic began to consume him and warped his mind with horrifying images and nightmares and eventually turned him into a monstrous beast with fangs and claws. His attitude changed and this sovereign began to dwell into deeper, darker magic and deceived any who came his way. He is now the Lord of Deceit.

Role: The Baron can be manipulated to the advantage of his allies, being able to delay and distract his opponents allowing his team to finish them off.
Main Attribute: [STR] [AGI] [INT]
Combat Type: [MELEE] [RANGED]

Spell Type: Negative effect; fleeing
Combat Type: Enemy creep or hero
Cooldown: xx.00 seconds
Mana Cost: xxx
The Baron vanishes and then reappears at a target area, frightening all targets in front of him and causing them to flee in horror away from the sight of the malicious Baron.

Spell Type: Negative buff; distraction
Combat Type: Enemy creep or hero
Cooldown: xx.00 seconds
Mana Cost: xxx
The Baron unleashes a wave of fireworks into a target area that stop x targets from attacking or casting a spell and put them in a daze of astonishment for x(x) seconds.

Illusionary Clone
Spell Type: Cloning of target; summon
Combat Type: Enemy/ally creep or hero or even self
Cooldown: xx.00 seconds
Mana Cost: xxx
The Baron summons an illusionary clone of a target that protects the Baron and stuns any target that dare comes near him. The clone lasts for xx seconds and when it disperses, the Baron loses xx health.

False Promises
Spell Type: Charming; passive
Combat Type: Enemy/ally creep
Cooldown: N/A
Mana Cost: N/A
The Baron is given a xx% chance of deceiving a random enemy creep with false promises, causing the enemy to fight against its comrades. If the creep is out of range, it will switch alliances.

Note: Not as well-thought as the others, but the Lord of Deceit's abilities seem to serve they're purpose well.
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Level 3
Mar 17, 2009

Marko Lurch
the Shambler
A peculiar man, Marko was never quite like the other Humans. In fact Marko always had an affinity for nature - animals, plants, all of it. But, the only others who shared his passion were the Night Elves, who of course weren't quite fond of the Humans either. As much as Marko tried to become a druid, the Night Elves always put him down. Eventually, he became desperate and attempted to learn the art of druidism without the consent of the Cenarion Circle. As a result they created an abomination out of him - an abomination of nature. He was a man no longer - but a living, breathing figure of roots and vines. But now he had a greater mastery over nature - his wish was granted and the Shambler was born.

Living Armor
Marko is covered with bark and roots - he has living, growing, organic armor. He gains bonus armor and whenever he casts a spell, because they are nature oriented, he gains temporary health and manage regeneration.

Marko channels an overgrowth of plant life in an area around him. After X seconds, he creates an area of plants and seeds that give enemies lower movement and attack speed and Marko higher life and mana regeneration. After Y seconds, trees pop up in a circle around him.

Marko can cause his roots to move into the ground and entangle a nearby enemy. The enemy takes damage over time and can not move a certain distance pass Marko for a period of time, but the target and Marko's movement speed is reduced. This means Marko can actually pull the target, but slowly since Marko's movement speed is reduced.

Gift of Nature
Marko can fully divulge himself into his gift, sending him into a temporary organic overdrive. Whenever he moves with Gift of Nature, he creates seeds behind him that will grow into trees after two seconds. The trees stay up for two seconds. Also, he will not suffer a movement speed decrease when he uses Entangle, and channeling time for Overgrowth is also reduced.
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Level 7
May 8, 2009
The Waywatcher
Malorne the Waywatcher showed up to help the night elves when a great crisis affected the world or the night elf civilization. Although he has great magical power, he is never shapeshifted into any other form. The stag prevented two civil wars among the night elves simply by making himself present before the astonished eyes of the night elves. Malorne was an excellent diplomat, opening dialogue between and pacifying conflicting parties. Capable of Intense Magical Beams or Blinding foes with his body alone, Malorne is capable of defending the [insert good side here] from the evil clutches of the [insert evil side here].

Mighty Stomp
Malorne gathers magical energy around him and releases it as a might hoof stomp. dealing damage and stunning all nearby foes. Damage and stun duration improves per level.

war stomp with a flashy name.

Antler Charge
Malorne charges to an area, dealing damage to all units he passes through.

this is very easy to code, just turn off his pathing when he casts this spell and make him damage all units in a region around him.

Blinding Light
Due to Malorne's body being made of pure magic, his body shines with a light so bright as to blind his foes eyes. Evasion percentage increases with level

evasion with flashy names

Elune's Blessing
Of all Malorne's gifts, he considers this one as his best as it allows him to "cheat" death once in a while. Reincarnation Cooldown goes down with each level.

Reincarnation with flashy names

need.....rep........ but it's for you to give isn't it :D
Level 3
Mar 17, 2009
The Waywatcher
Malorne the Waywatcher showed up to help the night elves when a great crisis affected the world or the night elf civilization. Although he has great magical power, he is never shapeshifted into any other form. The stag prevented two civil wars among the night elves simply by making himself present before the astonished eyes of the night elves. Malorne was an excellent diplomat, opening dialogue between and pacifying conflicting parties. Capable of Intense Magical Beams or Blinding foes with his body alone, Malorne is capable of defending the [insert good side here] from the evil clutches of the [insert evil side here].

Mighty Stomp
Malorne gathers magical energy around him and releases it as a might hoof stomp. dealing damage and stunning all nearby foes. Damage and stun duration improves per level.

war stomp with a flashy name.

Antler Charge
Malorne charges to an area, dealing damage to all units he passes through.

this is very easy to code, just turn off his pathing when he casts this spell and make him damage all units in a region around him.

Blinding Light
Due to Malorne's body being made of pure magic, his body shines with a light so bright as to blind his foes eyes. Evasion percentage increases with level

evasion with flashy names

Elune's Blessing
Of all Malorne's gifts, he considers this one as his best as it allows him to "cheat" death once in a while. Reincarnation Cooldown goes down with each level.

Reincarnation with flashy names

need.....rep........ but it's for you to give isn't it :D

lol man three of those are blizzard abilities, two of which from the same hero. Be creative.
Level 3
May 17, 2009
My Character

Skye Eathasil
Lord Of Netherfall
Skye Eathasil, the powerful ruler of the realm Netherfall. A powerful elven ruler, who cherished his world and his people. Then the war came, All of his people fell, the ruthless demon army destroying all that was once the elegant land of Netherfall, leaving only destruction and death. Being the only survivor of his people, Skye made it his goal to destroy each and every demon that killed his people. To give them a horrible death, to torture each and every one until they begged him for mercy. But for now, he needed to regain his strength and become more powerful so that he could accomplish this, Perhaps getting aid from his fellow allies...


Cannot Select Self
Skye creates a protective shield of light around an ally, protecting him from all
damage for 8/12/16 seconds but stunning Skye for 5 seconds and increasing damage taken by 20%/15%/10%.

Self Only
Skye has a vision of the legions of demons killing his people, and his grand world making him angered, increasing his damage by 10%/20%/30% for 10/15/20 seconds.

Enemy Only
Skye fires a dark bolt at an enemy, stunning them for 0.5/1.0/2.0 seconds and dealing 75/150/225 damage over time.

Avenger Of Netherfall
Avatar Root
Skye gains 500/800 hit points, 35/75 damage and 10/20 armor for 30 sec.

Not sure if that last one is rigged or not, but there you go.
Level 8
Apr 6, 2009
Ok.. AoS' needs 3 things: 1. Cool special effects 2. Cool hero models 3. Fun.

- A ghost hero that takes major damage from spells.
- Intilligence based stats, has very high mana and hit points but low Attack damage.

Description; Zena is the very first human created ghost, its a mad virus that keeps updating itself with tons of information every second. Zena kills unknown lifeforms to study them and improve her powers.

Update; Zena updates and increases her intilligence by X per second over XX seconds. When XX seconds have passed, she deletes old information to keep her mind clear and loses the extra powers.

Copycat: Zena can create a copy of every living creature she sees, the copies are just as strong as their hosts, but the copy and Zena share XX% damage.

Mind Trap: Traps the target enemy unit in its own mind, making it unable to cast spells. If the target moves, it will lose XX mana over time. Lasts for XX seconds.

Hack Soul (Ultimate):
Zena takes over a target enemy unit, the target unit will take XX damage over time, when the target has 20 hit points, Zena will pop out the target abd its mana will be reduced to 0 and hit points to XXX.

Oh well... hmm.. Zena is a ghostly virus thingy :D
Level 3
Mar 17, 2009
I don't know why but I love giving you ideas :p

Megling and Ironchild
the Steel Duo
Megling, like any Gnome, had an innate mastery and affluence for engineering. Megling decided that he was going to create a steel robot, capable of doing all the things a little gnome cannot do, and more. Unlike other Gnomes, Megling formed a bond with his robot, who he named Ironchild. But when war struck Megling's Gnomish homeland, he trained his Ironchild to fight, and so became the Steel Duo, an odd but powerful foe on the battle field.

This is an innate ability, meaning it is there from the start. Megling always had Ironchild with him. When he revives or when the game starts. If Ironchild dies, Megling must wait 30 seconds to summon him again, during which he may not use any of his Ironchild-oriented spells. Ironchild may not move a certain distance away from Megling; Ironchild becomes more powerful in level as Megling does. While the class is Ranged/Int based, Ironchild is a unit based with Melee/Strength stats.

Teleportation Device
Megling has created two linked Teleportation Devices: one with Megling and one in Ironchild. Megling can use this to switch himself and Ironchild between places.

Megling can use his lightning rod to correspond with Ironchild's Electromagnetism, creating a bolt of lightning that travels to Ironchild. This deals damage to all enemy units in the way and knocks them closer to Ironchild.

Auto-Repair System
This heavily increases Ironchild's regeneration and allows Megling to repair him. So this a non-autocast melee repair ability that also gives Ironchild bonus health regeneration.

(ULT) Megling can channel a powerful electrical current into Ironchild, causing him to go into an Overdrive for as long as Megling channels (channeling also costs mana every 6/9/12 seconds). This causes Ironchild to gives off damage to enemy units around him, have higher damage, higher attack speed and higher movement speed. This ability also passively grants Megling bonus armor.
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Level 9
Jul 11, 2009
Deathmaul of the Damned
- A summoner which is based on summoning units.
- Stats based on Intelligence,has very high mana but low hitpoints and a average damage.

Description-Deathmaul was thrown out of the Cult of the damned because he wasn't paying attention to a ritual.However,Deathmaul had an innate mastery for summoning.He then decided to use his knowledge to reign the Cult of the damned.
He started to create zombies and undead to aid him in his quest to revenge against the Cult.

Ritual:Deathmaul starts chanting a ritual scaring nearby units so that they run away from him.
(Good for Escaping)

Soul Wave:Deathmaul channels for 4 seconds and takes in 150% damage.
After channeling,Deathmaul blasts everything in 700 range infront of him for 500 damage.

Tombstone:Deathmaul lets out a terrifying scream that wakes all living undead up.
Revives all corpses for 10 seconds.

Defy(Ultimate):Deathmaul takes control of all the units except heroes in 1000 range for 5 Seconds.Allowing him to use the neutrals as an aid to him.
Level 11
Apr 5, 2009

---M'athis S'lice---
---Naga spartan---
for years,m'athis has been well trained and became a wise warrior in growing up, until powerful skull mashers invades and kills his kin and destroys his village,while being wounded on the invation, M'athis promises yo himself
that will put an end to the skull mashers once and for all, when he is ready.

---naga scale--
M'athis opens his deadly naga scale skin to make the attacking unit damage in every attack, and has chance that the unit will be stunned or knockbacked.

---naga spear torment---
targets an enemy unit to damage him with damage, making the unit unable to attack for 6 seconds.

---M'athis the wise---
M'athis becomes wise and has chance to teleport to any unit while attack(this spell is like omnislash,but only passive)

---m'athis's promise---
as what M'athis has said on his promises, it sudennly comes true, making all units in 600 damage with pure and brutal damage.making the unit stunned or knockedbacked.
Level 4
Jun 21, 2009
I need you to post here heroes for my AOS map

---Nem the Holy Crusader---
---Light/Holy Tank/Support Good Guys---
--- STR>INT>AGI---
A powerful paladin which left his home to protect the world from the darkness arising.

Spell List
---Light Shield---
Effect: Endugles a allied target with a shield of light. When the unit with the shield is attacked x amount of armor points will be added to the units armor. Also reduces spell damage by x% Lasts x seconds.
Special Effect: I would something small, for example, a light orb on the targeted units chest. To prevent the opponents from seeing this spell active on the target I would recommend making the effect very small. Otherwise this spell could be pretty useless in big battles.
Mana Cost: X

---Blessed Cleave---
Damage: X
Heal: X
Effect: The paladin will strike the targeted unit with his weapon imbubed with light causing purifcation to the units (Allied / Enemy) in range. (I have in mind the aoe range of breath of fire. To be more specific... Melee range strike on targeted unit (Allied or enemy). Once the spell is cast a yellow colored breath of fire will come shoot out of the direction the casting unit is facing. This will heal allies and damage enemies. The range is up to you **Hope I explained well enough) Dealing X dmg to enemies and X heal to allies.
Special Effect: Yellow Breath of fire and holy light effect on affected units.

---Divine Strikes---
damage: X
Stun: X
Effect: The paladin has a chance X chance to bash the enemy for X seconds. After this passive has been activated all units within a short range of the unit this passived was casted on will be healed by X hp (make it a small amount)

---Relfecting Light---
Effect: Summons a shield of light around all allied HEROES in X range. This shields absorbs X% of all damage recives for X (very shrot time period) seconds. Once the shield expires all damage abosrb by the shield will be reflected in X aoe range.
(Description for all)
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Level 12
Aug 31, 2008
Ashanra TreeFury
Night Elven
Ranged Assasin. (Does lots of damage, but very hight attack cooldown. Moves have lower cooldown and low mana cost, and that is how she mainly fights. She lacks defensive abilites.)
Ashanra TreeFury, is one of theNight Elves deadliest assasins. She is nimble, and very skilled in her arts, which she was trained in for 500 years.

Non-trigger abilities.
Wave of Knives (Locust Swarm)
Throws Knives at a target point, anything they touch or go through, is damaged 125/275/400 damage.

Glaive Fury
Throws a target glaive that does 100/150/300 damage, adn bounces up to 10/20/30 times (For creep clumps of course!)

Assasins Stealth:
The Assasin dissapears for 10/15/25 seconds. If she attacks the target unit, she deals 200/300/450 damage!

Super-Glaive (to the rescue!)
Throws a glaive that the user can control. Any unit that is near takes 20 damage a second, and the glaive lasts 15 seconds!
(make a glaive unit that is summoned, and give it permanent immolation.)

Triggered Abilites:
Killing Strike: If a unit near Ashanra has less than 40/60/90 health, Ashanra teleports next to it and kills it instanly if it is not a hero unit. If it is a hero, it is slowed for 5 seconds, so tht me may hunt it and kill it.
Assasins Creed:
Grabs the target unit and moves it instanly next to Ashanra, so that me may kill it, and she deals it 100/200/300 damage. If she kills it, she enters a rage, making her have increased attack speed, and have all her cooldowns (except her ultimate) reset instantly.

Fan of poison.
Throws knives in every direction poisoning everyone in 200/250/350 Aoe

Super-Glaive (to the rescue!)
Throws a glaive that the user can control. Any unit that is near takes 20 damage a second, and the glaive lasts 15 seconds!

(make a glaive unit that is summoned, and give it permanent immolation.)
Level 7
Dec 19, 2008
Lightning Ranger

Numbers depends on balance.

Child of ancient lightning demon's. He use wood bow with lightning arrows (need model of lightning arrow). Creating arrows from his powers, that's why they never depleted. He have physical body filled up with energy.

Electric Rage Passive
When LR(Lightning Ranger) takes damage, his attack speed increases by 5%/10%/15%/20%. Each level have 200% attack speed cap.

Charged Shot
LR charging his energy to create strong lightning arrow. Deals damage - DamageOfHero*2,*2.5,*3,*3.5. Charging require 2 seconds. Cooldown 20 seconds. Range 1000,1250,1500,1750

Lightning Speed Passive
Each damage done by LR increases his movespeed by 1%. Last for 1/2/3/4 seconds. Cap is 522 wc3 max. speed.(no cap)

at 1,2,3,4 it takes away 2% of movespeed!

Ancient Lightning
LR ancient parents don't have body, He able to call ancient spirit and become full powered LIGHT energy:)grin:), loosing his physical form, but this state very unstable. It's give him 30,50,60% Damage Reduction. (Not evasion, it is must be fully triggered and reduce damage from spells + attacks).
Last for 8 seconds on each level.


Well anyway implement some of heroes and then add others... balance much more difficult then create idea of hero
Level 4
Jun 21, 2009
Class: Berserker / Fist Fighter
Name: <Insert barbarian name here>
Atk Type: Melee
Stats: STR> AGI> INT

Spell List:

--Vital Strikes--

Type: Passive
Damage: Depends on Effect
Manacost: N/A
Range: N/A
Stun: Depends on effect
Spell Target Type: N/A

Effect: The Berserker Has trained to learn the weak points of the human <or creature> body. Thus he is able to land puches in vital locations.
A) Locations

1) Head Shot - Stuns unit for X seconds dealing X extra damage. MED X% to activate (7% per lvl)
2) Kidney Punch - Slows unit by X% (I would say about 25% per lvl). MED X% Chance to activate (7% per lvl)
3) Heart Strike - Deals a initial 2x normal dmg + a DoT of X per second for X seconds. LOWEST X% chance to activate (About 3% per lvl)

Model/Special Effects:
1) Head Shot - Just the stun overhead effect.
2) Kidney Puch - Maybe slow effect under affected units feet. I dunno it doesn't need one.
3) Heart Strike - Human blood effect on chest.

Aditional Info: Incase I did not explain this well enough <I doubt I did> This is a passive that allows the unit that has this passive have a chance to activate one of the 3 effects above. The % should be low so not every normal melee attack the unit does activates one ability.

--Berserker Charge--

Type: Activate
Damage: X + STR(X)
CD: X (After the unit has finished casting this ability)
Manacost: X
Range: X (I would say about 900? Increase by 250 or 300 per level?)
Stun: X ( I would think it should be about 1 second increasing by 1 per level)
Spell Target Type: I know I said in the spell "Targeted Unit" but better make it targeted location. ^^
Effect: The berserker will charge at FULL speed at a targeted unit pushing aside all units inbetween his target and himself. When the targeted unit in reached the berserker will end up infront of the targeted unit. Causing damage and stun.

Model/Special Effect: The model should not be like the one from DotA. I think that one is lame (Thats just my opinion). Make it like a fading wave. He sort of does the fadeing run to the targeted unit. Unlike the one from dota once it is cast it cant be stopped. Like the morph wave.

Aditional Information: All units that are in the way when this ability takes effect should be pushed to the side (Which side dont matter) by maybe 120 wc3 measuring units. Also this ability should be able to walk over pathing blocks and terrain cliffs and what-not. Destructibles get destroyed if he passes them.
**Hope I explain this correctly.

--Berserker Blood--

Type: Passive
Damage: N/A
Manacost: N/A
Range: N/A
Stun: N/A
Spell Target Type: Attacked Unit

Effect: The berserker enters in a state of rage that will attack at a greatly INCREASED atk speed. The last attacked unit before entering this state will have reduced armor by X (Average amount) and slowed by X% ( maybe 5%? 10%?). This passive has a LOW percentage of X% or activation (Maybe 10%).

Model/Special Effect: On the unit that is affected by the debuff maybe the roar of terror attachment? For the berserker just bloodlust on fists.

Additional Information: Can't think of any... I think this one is self explanatory.

--Flailing Fists--

Type: Activate
Damage: N/ACD: X
Manacost: X
Range: X (The range of a big breath of fire only. Cone type Aoe Range)
Stun: N/A
Spell Target Type: Targted Location

Effect: The Berserker goes into the angriest rage every and angrily flails in a CONE Aoe range of X. After casting the berserker is all tired out and has a reduced MS of X% ( BIG think BIG!) and AS of X% (think BIGGER!!!) <Since he is all tired out duh!>

Model/Special Effect: When I was writing this I was specifically thinking of the spell from BvO (Bleach vs One piece) of Luffy. The spell is ultimate <Called Gumo Gumo Gattling Gun> where he hits really fast in a cone aoe. So what I am getting at is that skin I have in mind is the one they used for that spell. <It looks like Luffy playing his attack animation with ALOT of fists flying into that Aoe.

Additional Information: Yes this has a casting timer. It is X seconds. (I would suggest 2 or 3). Also even if he stops casting this he will still recieve debuff for the X amount of seconds ( Maybe 6 secs).

EDIT: OMGWTFBBQ!!!! I had forgotten something very important xD the effect of the first spell CAN BE ACTIVATED during this!!! That is all.

** I know that when I was think of this spell I had a billion ideas in my head so I hope I didnt mix anything up or forgot something important.

Conclusion: Well To begin with I kinda do know 3 of these spells sound like ultimates.. So thats why i made them either low dmg or low % chance. Secondly I like perrty colurs ^^!! And lastly I hope I colured everything nice :grin: And that no one gets a cesure... I cant spell. Well you know what I mean.
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Level 4
Jun 21, 2009
LOL!!!!!!! Ill try 2 reduce color next time :) I was just so bored... I had just finished taking a 3 hr test so have pity!
EDIT: Btw Vosty u made lolrolfmao
Rotgore the Flesh Golem

Icon-Flesh Golem
Model-Flesh Golem

Range: 128 | Move Speed: 295
Primary: STR
Str: 26 + 3.2 | Agi: 16 + 1.8 | Int: 12 + .8
Damage: 56 - 63 | HP: 644 | Mana: 156
HP Regen: 1.03 | Mana Regen: 0.49
Attack Speed: 1.42 | Armor: 3

Descritpion: Rotgore is a mockery of nature, a disgusting creature of unnatural forces. Sculpted of rotting flesh and broken metallic shards, he reeks decay and terror. A sentient being, Rotgore finds life's pleasure in resculpting his own body, converting vitatissue to muscles and leeching away the life of others, be they friend or foe, as he latches his maw around the skulls of his enemies, allowing his blood and flesh to melt their flesh off their unworthy visage.


Putrid Tissue (T)
Rotgore begins reassembling his structure, pumping the unneeded fatty tissues through his arms into his fists. For every second he fills hist fists with fat, they will stun the first unit hit by them for an extra second, but after one attack the excess tissues reform themselves in their initial place.
Level 1 - Can channel for up to 1.5 seconds.
Level 2 - Can channel for up to 2 seconds.
Level 3 - Can channel for up to 2.75 seconds.
Level 4 - Can channel for up to 3.5 seconds.
Channeling spell. If Cadaver attempts to channel while he still has an unused stun effect, it will override the current stun effect.
Mana Cost: 20 Per second
Cooldown: 7
Framework: Rotgore grows in size slightly and becomes more white than red.


Vitatissue ()
Rotgore begins to convert his vitatissue, the substances that grant him life, into muscular organs. He loses maximum life as he converts vitatissue, but gains 10 damage for each 100 life he loses. He can also convert muscles into vitatissue, making him lose damage and regain 100 maximum life for each 10 he loses. Additionaly, Rotgore gains a passive amount of maximum life.
Level 1 - 25 Health / 2.5 damage is converted per second. 1% extra maximum life.
Level 2 - 50 Health / 5 damage is converted per second. 2% extra maximum life.
Level 3 - 75 Health / 7.5 damage is converted per second. 3% extra maximum life.
Level 4 - 100 Health / 10 damage is converted per second. 4% extra maximum life.
Mana Cost: N/A
Cooldown: 0
Framework: The more life he has over his normal limit, the larger Rotegore becomes, but the less life he has under his normal limit, the smaller he becomes.


Bloodlink ()
Rotgore, though having more blood and flesh than any other being, living or dead, has an endless hunger for it. As he nears other organisms, be they friend or foe, he leeches life from them, stealing a percentage of their maximum life and adding the lost health to his own.
Level 1 - Drains 1% max health of all nearby heroes, .5% of nearby creeps.
Level 2 - Drains 3% max health of all nearby heroes, 1% of nearby creeps.
Level 3 - Drains 5% max health of all nearby heroes, 1.5% of nearby creeps.
Level 4 - Drains 7% max health of all nearby heroes, 2% of nearby creeps.
Leeches life from enemies in an 800 AoE, allies within 400 AoE. This effect causes affected units' max health to drop by a percentage, but makes Rotgore's max life gain the static amount of health they lose, not a percentage of his own life.
Mana Cost: N/A
Cooldown: N/A
Notes: It sounds imba but I figure since it harms your allies as well as being relatively weak against low health heroes, it could be considered balanced.


Facemelt (F)
Rotgore opens his dreadful maw and devours the skull of the target unit. As the various tissues and organs of his body churn, they slowly rot away the grabbed unit. Deals damage equal to the amount of health lost or gained during the spell. The damage is dealt to the target in real-time. While facemelting a target, Rotgore's move speed is slowed by 80%. He can still attack, and when he moves the target is dragged with him.
Level 1 - Grabs for 1.25 seconds.
Level 2 - Grabs for 2.25 seconds.
Level 3 - Grabs for 3.25 seconds.
Mana Cost: 145
Cooldown: 120
Framework: The target is put at an angle and is raised up a little bit to the point where his head appears to be in Rotgore's mouth.

Notes: this heroes where used for some contest (they all lose T_T)
you can freely edit it
Level 8
Dec 7, 2008
The Traveler

Simon is a traveler and among his many years exploring the world he has come across dangerous and wonderful artifacts, most importantly the backpack of infinity which is a lot bigger than it looks on the outside. He now fights <for the good guys> after <good guy leader> saw the wonderous items he has to show.

Advanced Set

---Sandals of Speed---
Simon owns a pair of sandals that were given to him by an irish wizard while he was staying in Dublin. While using them, he gradually gains speed. Once he reaches max speed, he breaks the sound barrier causing nearby units to be stunned for a certain duration and Simon to stop. Simon must keep moving to increase speed else the magic wears off.
Speed increase speed and stun duration increases with level.
---Backpack of Infinity---
Simons enchanted backpack is said to hold many different magical items, and it is really pot luck what he pulls out. When he reaches his hand into his backpack, he pulls out a magical item that he can use in battle.
Random item has a higher chance to be better each ture with level.
---Travelers Cape---
Simon's travelers cape allows him to travel through hostile areas without being seen. After a certain amount of time moving, Simon becomes blurred and hard to see with additional evasion.
Time taken to blur reduces with level.
---Explorers Spell---
Simon knows no magic himself, except one spell taught to him by an australian while he was on his way to New Zeland. Simon can teleport anywhere on the map after a few seconds casting. If he stops casting before the full spell is finished, he could end up anywhere.
Time taken to fully complete this spell is reduced with level.

Simple set

---Enchanted sandals---
+move speed aura
---Clockwerk Gadgets---
Simon recieved odd little toys from a Dutch clock maker. When he puts them down, they can be set to go to an enemy and explode, dealing damage. (Give clockwerk goblins kaboom ability and stick them in a feral spirit spell)
---Travelers Cape---
Increase agility or give evasion
---Explorers spell---
Blink, but with max range and a certain casting time.

Simons ideal set (the advanced one) has very good synergy. Using the sandal ability with the travelers cloak learned allows you to break the sound barrier faster and safer with the added evasion. The explorers spell can be very good for escaping (though it is just pot luck) or helping allies if you can wait 3 seconds for the casting time. His signature ability, the backpack, allows him to create a random item, from a potion bottle that restores health to a hexxed mirror that sends forth evil spirits.

PROS--Good synergy--
--Random element (no two playthroughs will be the same with backpack)--

CONS--Finding a model--
--Might not take him seriously--
--Creating the varying items--
Level 6
Feb 26, 2009
Name - - - |Kal'Damar|
Class - - - |Lightning Lord|
Melee/Ranged - - - |Ranged|
Prim. Stat - - - |Int|
Starting Str - - - |14| Adds |2.25| Per Lvl Up.
Starting Agi - - - |17| Adds |1.33| Per Lvl Up.
Starting Int - - - |22| Adds |3.60| Per Lvl Up.
Starting Hit Points - - - |150| Starting Regeneration |1.05|
Starting Mana/Energy - - - |300| Starting Mana/Energy Regeneration |2.00|
Starting Damage - - - |21 Spread 3 - 5| Starting Attack Speed - - - |2.25|
Starting Armor/Defense - - - |0| Starting Movement Speed/Run Speed - - - |300|
Info on Hero - - - The Lightning Lord was a God of Lightning until his father banished him from the Lands of the Gods. He also became mortal when he was banished.

Skill 1 - - - |Charged Bolt| - - - When Kal'Damar uses this ability, he'll |stun| enemies nearby the |primary target| and cause |damage to the primary target only|. COOLDOWN: 10/s MANA COST: 90
Skill 2 - - - |Thunderstorm| - - - Calls a storm of lightning to |strike an area dealing damage to enemies within the limited area|. COOLDOWN: 12/s MANA COST: 140
Skill 3 - - - |Shocking Shield| - - - Kal'Damar uses his mind to meld some of the energetic bolts within himself to create a Shocking Shield to increase his |armor and dealing damage to nearby units| (Even Allies). COOLDOWN: 7.5/s MANA COST: 35
Ultimate - - - |Red Lightning| - - - Conjures a massive charge in his body, when released he'll shock an ememy for |half of his life|. COOLDOWN: 180/s MANA COST: 200

I hope this may come in use to ya! Thanks for reading my post :thumbs_up:
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Level 6
Feb 26, 2009
Name - - - |Red Lotus|
Class - - - |Wicked Witch|
Melee/Range - - - |Melee|
Prim. Stat - - - |Agi|
Starting Str - - - |19| Adds |2.40| Per Lvl Up.
Starting Agi - - - |24| Adds |3.05| Per Lvl Up.
Starting Int - - - |13| Adds |1.90| Per Lvl Up.
Starting Hit Points - - - |225| Starting Regeneration |2.00|
Starting Mana/Energy - - - |300| Starting Mana/Energy Regeneration |0.90|
Starting Damage - - - |42 Spread 4 - 7| Starting Attack Speed - - - |1.90|
Starting Armor/Defense - - - |1| Starting Movement Speed/Run Speed - - - |300|
Info on Hero - - - On her travels though various forests, she found many types of poisons to strike her opponets with. She has learned to |resist| other poisons from other creatures.

Skill 1 - - - |Stinging Acid| - - - The Wicked Witch will throw some very acidic toxins in an enemies face causeing |tempary blindness| and |slow movement speed/run speed|. COOLDOWN: 6/s MANA COST: 100
Skill 2 - - - |Snake Strike| - - - The Wicked Witch has envenomed her own weapons to strike the enemy with causing the enemies |attack speed| and |movement speed/run speed| to slow down. COOLDOWN: N/A MANA COST: N/A
Skill 3 - - - |Sickly Mist| - - - THe Wicked Witch plants a |poisonous trap| on the |ground|, if something come near it, it will take |damage over time| (DoT). Also lowering their |mana/energy regeneration|. COOLDOWN 15/s MANA COST: 125
Ultimate - - - |Poison Guardian| - - - Summons a |Poison Guardian| to aid the Wicked Witch. Its will |poison| enemies when it |hits| something. When this guardian dies it will |split| into |four little ones that only last for a limited| time and they |explode| near enemies |poisonimg anything nearby| (Even Allies). COOLDOWN: 150/s MANA COST 175

This is my own hero I have made, but the abilites should be better than the one I've made. I hope this idea comes in hand.:thumbs_up:
Level 8
Dec 7, 2008
The Psychic
Norgan is a master of the mind and spirit. She has the ability to see into the realms of the future, past and present and peer into the very mind of her friends or foes.

Advanced Set

---Mind Read---
Norgan can open the minds of enemy heroes to her allies, allowing them to see and learn all that the enemy knows. The enemy hero who's mind is being read will transfer intelligence to all who attack him.
Duration increases with level.
---Astral Projection---
Fires a great spirit star at a point. When it reaches the point, it will attack all enemies around it and give off a healing aura to allies.
Duration increases with level.
---Control of the subcontious---
Every life Norgan takes gives her the chance to revive the spirit to fight for her.
Gives a certain percent chance that units defeated by Norgan will be revived and fight for her.
Percent increases with level.
---Past, Present, Future---
Norgan can allign her forms in time to allow them to be on the same plain, splitting her into her future self and her past self. The past self is weaker than the origional with no abilities while the future self is stronger with higher level abilities. If the future self dies, the past turns back into the present Norgan. If the past self dies, the hero dies alltogether. The past and future selves cannot be too far apart and will blink to each other if they stray too far.
Distance allowed between the past and future selves increases with level.

Simple set

---Mind Burn---
Mana Burn
---Astral Projection---
A simple stun will do
slows enemies on hit
---Past present future---
mirror image.
Level 11
Apr 5, 2009
Name:Z'oug Marley
Prefix Name:Troll Lunatic

Model-Troll Berserker

Spear Judgement-when z'oug'es life gets to (your hitpoints), he suddenly unleashes 3 spears that damages and stuns units.

Sharp Spears-activate it to shoot sharp spears that is so sharp it slices through enemy units body,slows movespeed and the enemy will loose hitpoints per second.

Troll Skin-Z'oug'es troll skin is very tough that it has chance to block damages by attacking enemies, and has chance to make the attacking units decrease there damage by (your percent).

Lunatic-Z'oug becomes crazy,giving him +atk speed, +movespeed, but he loses hitpoints when attacking.
Level 7
Feb 21, 2009
Ashel Firespit
Fire Lord
INT (Range : 600)
Model : Fire Lord

Skill 1 : Fire Way
Description : The Fire Lord starts running at the target position. When he reaches the targeted location he explodes dealing X direct damage and X damage over X seconds. As far as the Fire Lord is from the targeted location the more damage he will deal when he will explode. The hero does not die. He will recieve X damage too.

Skill 2 : Cricle of Fire
Description : Traps the units at the targeted location into a circle of fire dealing X damage. While in the circle the units get silenced. Circle lasts X seconds.

Skill 3 : Heart of Fire (Passive)
Description : The Fire Lord's body is made out of a vulcano. Whenever a unit will attack there is a X % chance that the inner vulcano will erup dealing X damage to nearby units.

Skill 4 (Ultimate) : Fire Tornado
Description : The Fire Lord turns into a Fire Tornado, making the hero invulnerable for X seconds. While in this state, he spreads fire rocks to nearby units dealing X damage and stunning them for X seconds. The Fire Tornado can move and cannot cast any other spells while in this state. When the Fire Tornado the Fire Lord comes back to his normal state. Lasts X seconds.

The "X" is for you to put the numbers. Hopefully i helped. GL with your map.
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